Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3269: Priceless

   There is not much space in this different degree, only a radius of thousands of miles.

   But there are mountains and waters, the heavens and the earth are abundant, and there are no creatures.

   is here to retreat and heal, not afraid to be disturbed by anyone.

   Ji Tianxing landed on a mountain, found a place where the power of God converged, and sacrificed the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers.

   He entered the twisted time and space, returned to the tree of blood and flames, retreating with peace of mind to heal his injuries.

   This time in Qingyu Shrine, he had been fighting for so long in a row, and he was seriously injured very tragically, and he was already exhausted and haggard.

   It is difficult to return to the peak state if the injury is not well treated and recuperated for several years.

   In order to heal his injuries as soon as possible and restore his divine power, he not only drew the power of the blood flame tree, but also took out the **** pill, **** stone and source stone worth more than 3 billion.

  Outside the **** tower.

   Chaoqingyu was also on the top of the mountain, keeping a hundred feet away from the tower, sitting cross-legged on a large millstone.

   While helping Ji Tianxing protect the law and watch, he also released Lan'er from the ring.

   Lan'er was still drowsy, lying quietly on the stone.

   Chao Qingyu was full of self-blame, looked at Lan'er with pity in his eyes, and quickly took out two king-level gods to serve her.

   Then, he personally transported the energy into Lan'er's body to help her refine the medicine.

   The top of the mountain is quiet, and time passes quietly.

   Before I knew it, half a month passed.

   With the help of Chao Qingyu, Lan'er absorbed the medicinal power of two king-level magic pills, recovered 40% of his injuries, and became sober.

   But her condition was still very weak, Chao Qingyu asked her to recuperate for another three days.

   Waiting for her state to recover a few minutes, then she ends her cultivation.

   No one else on the top of the mountain, Ye Liang is like water.

   The couple have separated for thousands of years, and now they are finally reunited, and I have time to talk about the past.

   His eyes met and stared quietly for a long time.

   Lan'er's eyes were full of tears, but her face was full of happy smiles.

   "Ten thousand years have passed, Qingyu, you are finally back!

   In those ten thousand years, I have been in the dark, do you know how lonely and desperate I am? "

   Chao Qingyu's heart was full of guilt, and he hurriedly hugged her into his arms, and said reproachfully: "Lan'er, it's me who is not good, so you have suffered so much pain and torture..."

   The couple have not seen each other for too long, and they have accumulated strong emotions in their hearts, and there is still more to say.

   Now that they opened the chatterbox, the two began to talk about their longings without stopping at all.

  Half day, one day, two days...

   Four full days have passed.

   Chao Qingyu and Lan'er are still hugging each other, whispering some selfish words softly.

   But at this moment, a divine light lighted up untimely.


   White light flashed, and Ji Tianxing flew out of the tower.

   Although it has only been 22 days from the outside world, he has been in retreat for three years in a warped time and space.

   At this time, he is no longer as embarrassed as before, and he has restored his former look.

  The white robe with golden pattern and cloud bottom is slender and dusty, with long hair **** in a bun, tame hanging behind his head.

   There is no trace of scars on his whole body, his supernatural aura is introverted and deep, and his eyes are as deep and vast as the sea of ​​stars.

   Through these three years of retreat, he has consumed billions of resources, not only healed from his injuries, but his strength was restored to its peak state, and his strength even improved.

   Ji Tianxing's sudden appearance broke the tranquility of the mountain.

   Chao Qingyu and Lan'er stopped quickly and turned to look at him.

   Seeing Ji Tianxing's injury healed and his strength completely recovered, both the couple showed their faces in surprise.

   Especially Lan'er, could not help but exclaim.

   "Gosh! It's been less than a month, Lord Skywalker...how did you recover so quickly?

   The injury you suffered before is obviously heavier than mine! "

   Chao Qingyu didn't speak, but his eyes were full of brilliance. After looking at Ji Tianxing, he landed on the black tower.

   He pondered for a moment, and vaguely guessed the answer, he said: "With the injuries and state of Young Master Tianxing, it will never be possible to recover within a month, even the King of Gods.

  If I didn’t guess wrong, the **** tower of Young Master Tianxing should have the effect of time acceleration, right? "

   Time accelerating this kind of thing is nothing new to the king of the gods.

   During the 10,000 years of rushing to the God Realm, I have seen too many magical and mysterious things, and I am also very knowledgeable.

   Ji Tianxing did not hide it, nodded and admitted.

   Lan'er only then suddenly realized, no wonder she said.

   Ji Tianxing came to the two of them, bowed his hands, and smiled and said, "Maybe it is not the right time for me to show up, I will disturb you.

   You have gone through so many ups and downs and reunited after ten thousand years of separation. Surely you have a lot to say, right? "

   After hearing these words, Lan'er was a little bit ashamed, she lowered her head and dared not look at his expression.

   Chao Qingyu didn't feel embarrassed, and waved his hand: "It's okay, we have been reminiscing about the past four days before you appeared.

   Since your injury has recovered, we are relieved.

   You paid such a high price to help and treat us before.

   After discussing with the couple, we decided to give a small gift to express our gratitude..."

  While talking, Chao Qingyu would take out the thank you gift that he had prepared from the space ring.

   Even though he was talking about Bo Li, he is a god-king power, and only a king-level **** can handle it.

   Originally, what Ji Tianxing needed most now was the king-level artifacts and materials.

   But he had other ideas, so he waved his hand to stop Chao Qingyu.

   "There is no need to give any thanks, I am not helping you for this."

   Chao Qingyu's movements became stiff, and said with a wry smile: "But you have to let us do something and give something, otherwise we will be uneasy!"

   Ji Tianxing nodded slightly ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ without hesitation: "If you really want to repay me, you might as well tell me, what have you seen, heard and experienced over the past ten thousand years?

   I am very interested in the world outside the Haotian Continent, but I haven't been able to find any clues and I don't know anything about the outside world. "

   Stunned at Qingyu, and asked in disbelief, "It's that simple? This...it's too..."

   Ji Tianxing smiled and said: "It is insignificant to you, but for people who have never left the Haotian Continent and are eager to understand the outside world, your knowledge is invaluable."

   Hearing these words, Chao Qingyu was flattered and proud of herself.

   Lan'er was also full of expectation, and urged: "Qingyu, Young Master Tianxing is right, not only he wants to hear, I also want to hear your experience."

  Since Lan'er wanted to listen too, Chao Qingyu stopped shitting, cleared his throat, and said: "Okay, then I'll start with the nearest continent.

   I left Tianbei Territory back then and went all the way south, searching for a cure for Laner's disease along the way.

   About thirty years later, I left the Haotian Continent, crossed the southern sea area of ​​Xiaolong, and arrived at the Cangtian Continent.

   That continent is located just south of the Haotian Continent, and its territory is similar to that of the Haotian Continent.

   But the humanities and customs on that continent are completely different..."


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