Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3271: All enemies

It was also in the Chaos Continent with the most vast territory and strong like clouds that Chao Qingyu found a way to save Lan'er.

That is Fenglei Soul Washing Pill, a kind of **** pill that can transform blood and soul, and reshape it!

After years of exploration and investigation, Chao Qingyu finally found the whereabouts of a Fenglei Soul Washing Pill, and it was not long before Yanke obtained it.

Yanke is a descendant of the Yan clan. He is naturally constrained by blood and talents, and can only stop at the sixth stage of the God King Realm. He is destined to be unable to become the upper God King.

Therefore, he exhausted his thoughts and methods, and did everything possible to get the Fenglei Soul Washing Pill, and he wanted to use this **** pill to change his bloodline and aptitude, so he could hope to break through the Seventh Level of the God King Realm.

But he can't take it immediately, he must wait until the sixth layer of the Divine King Realm, and then take the Shen Dan for better effect.

Therefore, Yanke treasured up that **** pill for later consumption.

But he didn't expect Chao Qingyu to stare at the **** pill.

He spent a hundred years, pretending to sneak into the domain master mansion, step by step to investigate the whereabouts of the **** pill, and grasp the defense situation of the domain master mansion.

After nearly a hundred years of planning, Chao Qingyu finally found a suitable opportunity to steal the Fenglei Soul Washing Pill.

But Yanke found out soon, and immediately left everything behind and pursued Chaoqingyu with all his strength.

The two sides set off from the Tianchuan Region, fleeing to the northwest, crossing half of the Chaos Continent.

After leaving the Chaos Continent, he crossed the dangerous storm sea again.

In order to get rid of Yanke's pursuit, Chao Qingyu broke into the mysterious island of reincarnation and tried to deal with Yanke.

The two fled and chased each other for hundreds of years before returning to the Northern Territory of the Vast Sky Continent.

During this period, the two did not know how many times they fought each other.

At least eight times, Chao Qingyu was severely injured by Yanke and was almost captured.

However, with his super willpower, he used various hole cards and methods to successfully escape back.

This also led to Chao Qingyu's injuries that have accumulated so many times that it has already damaged the foundation of God's way and cannot be healed at all.

It was precisely because of this that he ran back to Qingyu Shrine with a strong support of his injuries, and when his mind relaxed a little, he immediately fell into a coma.

Chao Qingyu is still telling about his experience and knowledge in the process of fleeing.

Lan'er listened attentively, clutching her heart tightly, very worried and afraid.

However, Ji Tianxing was a little distracted, thinking to himself: "The God Emperor Prajna? How could the Chaos Continent fall into her hands and be controlled by her?"

Speaking of the God Emperor Prajna, his mood and eyes are very complicated.

Because, among the five peak **** kings who besieged him back then, only Prajna **** emperor had friendship with him.

Before the Eternal Book of Heaven appeared, Prajna was only the **** king of the Ninth Stage, one step away from the peak **** king.

In the Chaos Continent at that time, there were two strongest people, the Sword God and the Nether God King.

The prestige of these two powerhouses is too great, and the halo is too dazzling.

In contrast, Prajna can only rank third, with much worse reputation and prestige.

At that time, there was no enmity between Prajna and Sword God, and there was even some kindness.

After all, Prajna had competed with the Sword God, demonstrated Shinto with the Sword God, and got some tips.

Even if Prajna wanted to refine the Supreme Heavenly Heart Pill, he also asked the Sword God to help in order to succeed.

Although the two are not very good friends, they are definitely not enemies.

However, when the Eternal Book of Heaven and Zhutian Array appeared, Prajna was bewitched by You Ming and Lu Jiuyang, and joined the team of besieging the sword **** and became one of the five leaders.

For this incident, the sword **** was not surprised, nor did he blame Prajnaun for revenge.

Because he understands Prajna's temperament, he is cold and frosty, cut off the seven emotions and six desires, only to pursue the peak of the gods.

In order to seek the realm above the **** king, Prajna can give up everything.

In order to win the Zhutian formation, it is reasonable that she and Lu Jiuyang, You Ming, Shura and others are in the same foul.

But Ji Tianxing couldn't figure it out.

After his fall, it is reasonable to say that the Nether God King should rule the Chaos Continent. How could he be Prajna?

Since the overlord of the Chaos Continent is Prajna, what about the Nether God King?

Didn't this person understand the secrets of heaven, failed to break through the Divine Emperor Realm, and still remain the Peak Divine King?

Or, after the fall of the sword god, five **** kings killed each other in order to **** the eternal heavenly book, causing the fall of Netherworld?

With this question, Ji Tianxing asked Chao Qingyu: "When you were dealing with Samsara Island and Yanke, it should be hundreds of years ago. Who was the overlord of Samsara Island?"

Chao Qingyu had long expected that he would ask this question, so he answered without hesitation: "Netherworld God Emperor."

"That's it." Ji Tianxing was relieved.

Seeing that he stopped questioning, Chao Qingyu went on to tell about his escape experience.

Ji Tianxing began to wander off again, secretly thinking: "Nether and Prajna are both from the Chaos Continent, especially the Nether, whose power is based on the Chaos Continent.

It stands to reason that the territory, population, and resources of the Chaos Continent are dozens of times more than that of Reincarnation Island.

Why didn't Nether rule the Chaos Continent, but chose Reincarnation Island?

Could it be that he and Prajna have both comprehended the Eternal Book of Heaven, and both broke through to the Divine Emperor Realm, but his strength is not as good as Prajna?

Or is it because there is an eternal space channel on the island of Samsara ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ which can lead to the dragon world?

Nether wanted to guard the passage between the God Realm and the Dragon Realm before choosing to occupy the Samsara Island? "

Ji Tianxing secretly speculated, but could not determine the answer.

Probably only if he personally arrived on the island of reincarnation, or saw the **** emperor Nether and the **** emperor Prajna, could he solve the mystery.

Since coming to the God Realm, he has been trying to find out the news, trying to figure out the pattern of the God Realm.

Whether in the Kingdom of Blood Flame or in the Great Flame Empire, he could not find a clue.

Fortunately, I came to Qingyu Shrine, and fortunately met Chao Qingyu, only to get the answers and news I wanted.

The situation today is no different from a thousand years ago. It is still four continents and one island of reincarnation.

In the endless sky and sea, there are more than a dozen sea areas, lurking endless beasts, powerful gods, and many caves and blessings and secret realms.

But the biggest difference between now and a thousand years ago is that the four continents and Samsara Island have overlords.

Moreover, the five overlords who stood at the peak of the God Realm and reached the God Emperor Realm were the same five who surrounded and killed the Sword God!

When he thought of this, Ji Tianxing was full of anger, murderous in his heart.

"Hehe... the five dog thieves who besieged me back then have all taken the last step, standing on the top of the God Realm and becoming the **** emperor that all living things look up to.

But I fell under their siege, reincarnated and reborn for a thousand years, and then made a comeback.

Want revenge, how hard is it to kill those five dog thieves?

The five regions of the God Realm are all controlled by my enemies, and now they are truly enemies everywhere. "

In this life, the five **** emperors became stronger, and their power and background became more stable.

Ji Tianxing wants revenge, and the difficulty increases more than ten times.

He has not even reached the Divine King Realm now, let alone the Divine Emperor Realm above the Divine King.

Wanting revenge is destined to be a long journey, requiring hundreds or even thousands of years.

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