Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3307: Dead

The incident just now was just an episode.

Ji Tianxing and Chao Qingyu were not too concerned.

The most important thing is to find Lin Xue first.

"Forget it, don't pay attention to them, let's go to this cave and have a look."

Ji Tianxing waved his hand, leading Chao Sapphire through the gap in the light curtain.


In the next instant, the two entered an alien space and appeared on a wasteland.

Looking around, there is a vast wasteland with only sparse weeds and scattered small trees.

Farther away, there are several mountain peaks and large tracts of jungle, but they have all collapsed and looked messy.

Ji Tianxing frowned, released his divine consciousness to spread around, exploring further places.

Chao Qingyu couldn't help but frown, and muttered: "In such a harsh environment, even the divine power is extremely thin, how can you live and practice as a cave?

My son, I guess this was once a strong man's cave, but it was destroyed. "

Ji Tianxing nodded, and said, "This cave is not big, with a radius of about ten thousand miles. Let's go to the innermost place and have a look. There is something in there."

After speaking, he flew across the wasteland with Chaoqingyu, crossed the collapsed mountain peak, and flew to the deepest part of the cave.

Not long after, the two arrived on a ruined mountain peak.

There is a small platform on the top of the mountain. There stands a tomb with a radius of one hundred meters and a tombstone with a height of one hundred meters.

The mausoleum and stele are very new and out of step with the dilapidated surroundings.

Ji Tianxing only observed a few eyes and saw the clues.

"This mausoleum has only been repaired in recent days, and the tombstone has only been erected."

Chao Qingyu nodded and analyzed: "The surrounding tomb is dilapidated and barren, like ruins, but the tomb and stone tablets are new.

That being said, someone has been here in recent days and repaired the tomb and tombstone? "

"That's right." Ji Tianxing replied, his eyes fell on the hundred-foot-high stone tablet.

I saw that a few lines of dark red words were engraved on the black-brown stone stele, and it clearly read: "The tomb of the good father Lin is unable, and the virtuous mother Lin family."

On the lower right corner of the tombstone, there are six dark red words written.

Unfilial daughter Lin Xueli.

Seeing these few lines, Ji Tianxing's brows stretched slightly.

Chao Qingyu also suddenly realized, nodded and said: "My son, we guessed right, this is Miss Lin's home, Lin's cave mansion.

And inside this mausoleum, Miss Lin's parents are buried.

Surely three days ago, she returned here to worship her parents and renovated the tomb and tombstone. "

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said in a low tone: "It's probably not that simple! If she just came back to worship her parents and repair the tomb, then she should have returned to the godship long ago.

But she has not appeared until now, and she is not in this cave.

I'm afraid she has some trouble, or she has gone elsewhere. "

Chao Qingyu couldn't help frowning, and asked with some worry: "Then what should we do? Where should we find her?"

Ji Tianxing thought for a while, raised his eyebrows, and said, "Don't worry, I have a way."

After speaking, he turned and left with Chao Qingyu, rushing to the exit of the cave.


A quarter of an hour ago, in Qifeng courtyard.

With four black armor guards, Meng Yu stood respectfully in the first courtyard and waited patiently.

After a while, the purple-robed old man with a goatee stepped into the manor with four gold-armored upper gods and 32 silver-armored middle gods.

Meng Yu hurriedly greeted him with a smile on his face and saluted respectfully, saying: "Subordinate Meng Yu, look forward to your visit under the title of National Teacher!

And respectfully welcome the four commanding adults and thirty-two banned army commanders. "

Meng Yu showed great humility and enthusiasm, not only respectful to the national teacher.

He even took care of the four commanders of the Forbidden Army and the thirty-two commanders of the Forbidden Army.

The national teacher was very satisfied with his performance, and slightly nodded and said: "Meng Yu, you are interested, please start soon."

"Thank you for your title." Meng Yu smiled and thanked him, and quickly led the national teacher into the hall to sit down and drink tea.

During the whole process, he nodded and bowed in flattery, without feeling shame at all.

The four commanders sneered secretly.

Thirty-two banned army commanders were originally seriously injured, very embarrassed and depressed.

Seeing Meng Yu's posture at this moment, I respected them again, and I felt much better.

After the national teacher was seated, he didn't even think about drinking tea, and asked straightforwardly: "Meng Yu, is Lin Xue still in this manor? Has she noticed anything abnormal?"

Meng Yu hurriedly bowed to salute, and replied with a smile: "The national teacher is wise, Lin Xue is indeed not stupid, and she noticed the abnormality this morning.

She arrogantly broke through the defense formation and escaped from the manor.

However, the subordinates had been prepared for a long time and rushed to stop her in time.

Now, she is bound by her subordinates with a soul-suppressing chain and suppressed in the secret room of the underground palace. "

"Very good!" The national teacher was obviously relieved, and quickly got up and walked outside the hall.

"Go, you take this seat to find her now."

Meng Yu was taken aback, and quickly persuaded: "Under the title of National Teacher, don't worry, Lin Xue has been seriously injured and sealed by his subordinates. There is absolutely no way to escape~www.wuxiaspot.com~ You are an incomparable honor. The body of Wancheng, how can you go to the dark underground palace to find her?

You are here for a while, and your subordinates will bring her up and hand her over to you. "

The Chinese teacher thought for a while, but also felt that he was too impatient, not calm and dignified.

So he pretended to cough twice, deliberately put on a calm and majestic posture, nodded and said: "Well, Meng Yu is interested, go and do it!"

Meng Yu hurriedly bowed back and hurried to the secret room of the underground palace.

Within a hundred breaths of time, he took Lin Xue, who was covered in blood and embarrassed, and returned to the hall.


Meng Yu didn't have the slightest pity, and threw Lin Xue on the ground, reporting to the National Teacher: "Under the title of the National Teacher, Lin Xue has already brought it, please send it away."

As soon as he saw Lin Xue, the national teacher's eyes fixed on her, unable to move away.

"Okay, you can withdraw."

He waved his hand, let Meng Yu step aside, and looked at Lin Xue with majesty.

At this time, Lin Xue was tightly bound by the soul-suppressing chain, and her divine power was also sealed, and she could only sit on the ground, unable to resist.

The blue dress she was wearing had long been stained red with blood, and her long hair was scattered, covering her cheeks.

Despite the severe injuries, she was not unconscious and remained awake.

Hearing Meng Yu's words, she raised her head and looked at the national division, then looked at the commanders and captains of the Forbidden Army.

"National teacher? The national teacher of the Sky Demon Empire?"

Lin Xue frowned, her face full of anger, and she thought to herself: "This person is the pinnacle god, there are four upper gods, and thirty-two middle gods.

Seeing most of their attire, they should be the elite guards of the Sky Demon Empire.

Falling into the hands of the national teacher, even if I have great abilities, I will never escape!

It's over, it's dead now! "

Sword breaks nine days

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