Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3313: negotiation

The power of the blood pool is very mysterious and weird.

Lin Xue's clothes and long hair did not suffer any damage.

But her body of flesh and blood burned rapidly in the blood pool, and her hands and feet were burnt into coke.

The Raksha patriarch, the great protector, and the high priest all issued worried exclaims.

They didn't expect Lin Xue's temperament to be so strong.

She is not afraid of pain and death at all, and she has closed the six senses and five senses, and refuses to cooperate with the sacrifice of the blood pool.

This is troublesome.

If this continues, Lin Xue's body will be burnt to ashes, and she will die on the spot, disappearing in smoke.

The plan of the Raksha tribe naturally failed and all previous efforts were abandoned.

The patriarch, the great guardian, and the high priest were all anxious, and they hurriedly scolded Lin Xue and ordered her to cooperate with the blood pond's sacrifice.

But she turned a deaf ear to it, and would rather bear the pain of burning her body, with a very firm will.

The third elder Luo Xie was also very anxious, and hurriedly waved his palm to cast the spell, pinching the gods with both hands, activating the seal of the gods of Lin Xue.

"Xue Lin, you'd better understand each other obediently and cooperate with the blood pond rituals to avoid death.

Otherwise, this seat will now activate the seal of God, destroy your Godhead, and kill you on the spot! "

Luo Xie shouted coldly with a stern face.

When the Raksha patriarch, the high priest, and the great guardian heard this, they felt absurd and weird, and frowned.

Is the third elder mad?

Or did he lose his square inch in a panic and get confused?

What is the use of threatening Lin Xue like this?

as predicted.

Lin Xue, who had been silent and closed her eyes, opened her eyes unexpectedly.

She looked at Luo Xie contemptuously, and said with a sneer: "It's ridiculous! I don't want to live anymore, so I am afraid of your threats?

come! Now activate the seal of God to destroy my body and soul!

That's right, you won't get anything when I die, it's a hundred! "

Luo Xie's complexion suddenly stiffened, and then he came back to his senses, only feeling embarrassed.

The imprint planted in Lin Xue Shen Ge is his last reliance.

Now that Lin Xue wanted to die, he couldn't threaten Lin Xue and was helpless.

It was the high priest who was more decisive, and while urging the great guardian and the elders to stop casting the spell, he waved his palm and shot out a dazzling golden light, wrapping Lin Xue in the blood pond.


The boiling blood gradually subsided, and Lin Xue was also wrapped in golden light and raised the blood pool, suspended in mid-air.

She was temporarily out of danger, but her body had been damaged and it was terrible.

Most of his arms and feet disappeared, and black dust fell sternly.

But she always endured the pain and didn't say a word.

The patriarch, high priest and others, seeing Lin Xue's determination, knew that this matter could not be forced.

Therefore, the patriarch looked at Lin Xue with a majestic expression, and asked: "Lin Xue, you should know that we are not malicious to you and do not want to hurt you.

As long as you cooperate well, you can activate your powerful bloodline through the altar of evil blood.

At that time, your strength will double and strengthen, and you are more hopeful to break through the Divine King Realm.

This seat will also appoint you as the saint of our race and enjoy a transcendent status and treatment..."

Before the patriarch finished speaking, Lin Xue said indifferently: "I have already said that I am not from the Raksha tribe, and I don't want to be the saint of the Raksha tribe.

I will not use it for you, give up your heart! "

Seeing her stubbornness, the patriarch, high priest and others frowned, thinking about countermeasures.

The patriarch also said with a certain tone: "Lin Xue, you should know that you are sure to win this matter.

Even if you do not agree or cooperate now, this seat will never give up, let alone let you go.

Even in ten or a hundred years, there will always be a way for you to agree, you are destined to face reality! "

Upon hearing this, Lin Xue was silent.

After hesitating for a while, she said in a low tone: "You want me to cooperate, unless you tell me my mother's life experience and experience, and all related news.

Moreover, you must ensure that everything you say is true, and there is absolutely no falsehood or fabrication! "

Seeing Lin Xue finally let go, things turned around, the patriarch, high priest and others were relieved.

Although, Lin Xue's request was a bit excessive.

But this is a turning point and a breakthrough, allowing them to see the hope of reconciliation.

The patriarch said in a calm tone: "This seat is the patriarch of the Raksha tribe, with a high position, and every word spoken is true and never fabricated out of thin air."

"I don't believe it!" Lin Xue said coldly: "Unless you swear on the spot!"

The patriarch frowned fiercely, his face a little ugly.

The high priest and the great guardian were also angry, staring at Lin Xue sternly.

The third elder Luo Xie was even more angry, and shouted at Lin Xue: "Lin Xue, you don't have to be too tight! What a noble status is the patriarch, how could it be..."


Before Luo Xie's words were finished, the Patriarch Raksha spoke solemnly and majesticly: "You have a clear conscience, and you can sit upright, so why are you afraid to swear in public?

Lin Xue, listen carefully, what this seat will say to you next, this seat is guaranteed by the godhead and life, there is absolutely no falsehood and fabrication!

If you deliberately lie or compile, let this seat bear the scourge of heaven, and you will be wiped out! "

Now that the Raksha patriarch has sworn an oath~www.wuxiaspot.com~ other people can't say anything.

Lin Xue's anger was also reduced a lot, and she listened quietly.

The surroundings of the altar returned to quiet, and the Raksha patriarch said solemnly and calmly: "More than three thousand years ago, Yunyang Region had four powerful races, all of which possessed the noble bloodline that has been passed down from ancient times to the present, and the clansmen have outstanding talents. Talented.

And our Raksha tribe is one of the four ancient races and one of the most powerful races.

It was at that time that Chayanzi was born.

Unlike ordinary people, she caused a vision of heaven and earth when she was born.

At a very young age, she showed extraordinary talent and understanding, far more outstanding than other people.

After she became an adult, she entered the Holy Blood Tower to receive the sacrifice of the Shameless Blood Altar, which successfully activated the bloodline.

Only then did we discover that her blood was the purest, and even showed signs of returning to ancestors.

As long as the bloodline of Raksha like her is pure and flawless, as long as it is cultivated and taught, 90% of them hope to break through the kingdom of the gods in the future!

Therefore, after consultation with the elders and priests of the clan, this seat unanimously decided to seal Shayanzi as a saint...

It should be noted that not every generation of our family has saints.

It often takes tens of thousands of years before a girl with outstanding talents appears and is qualified to be a saint. "

When she heard this, Lin Xue frowned and asked in confusion, "What if the person with outstanding talent and pure blood is a man?"

The Raksha patriarch, the high priest, and the great guardian all froze for a while, and immediately showed a playful smile.

"You have thought about this problem too much!

The blood of our Raksha tribe is quite special. The blood inherited by men is missing. Only women can inherit the purest blood.

Therefore, the men of our ethnic group all use Luo as their surname, and women are qualified to use Sa as their surname! "

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