Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3341: Not that complicated

"Are you a worm in people's stomach? So understand their minds?

Did you know that someone like you who thinks about people is annoying sometimes. "

Lin Xue was a little moved in her heart, but she didn't want to admit it, and gave Ji Tianxing a roll of eyes.

Ji Tianxing disagreed, and continued: "If you don't tell me, I also know that, just in your current state, within ten and a half months, it is difficult to calm your mind, and you can't practice in retreat.

If this is the case, let's simply solve the mystery and break this matter completely.

Anyway, I have arrived in the Izumo Empire, not far from Ten Thousand Fazong.

how is it? "

"This..." Lin Xue hesitated and couldn't make up his mind.

Although all what Ji Tianxing said was correct, she also agreed with Ji Tianxing's proposal.

But she was still a little worried and self-blaming, thinking in her heart: "I left without saying goodbye before, and I was in a dangerous situation. It has been delayed for a month and Tian Xing is also in danger.

Although he was willing to help me, he didn't complain.

But I can't take his kindness to me as a matter of course, and repeatedly delay his trip.

It's just... my father has been carrying the name of a traitor who deceived his ancestors until his death.

If I don't solve the mystery and return my father's innocent reputation, how can I leave with confidence?

Do I have to leave without saying goodbye to the sky as I did last time?

No way! He has already sensed my intention, and once I do this, he will find out the first time.

I can be confused once, but not a second time, otherwise I will be stupid!

What should I do? "

Xue Lin was very tangled in her heart.

Seeing her silent and tangled, Ji Tianxing guessed what she was thinking and asked, "Are you afraid of delaying my trip?

You want to go to Wanfazong to investigate the truth without dragging me down, so you want to leave without saying goodbye.

But you also feel that it is too stupid to do that kind of stupid thing only a few days later.

So, you still can't make up your mind now? "

Hearing these words, Lin Xue's body shook, gave him an angry look, and muttered: "You, this person, really hates you more and more!

Are my thoughts and thoughts so easy to see through? "

Ji Tianxing nodded seriously, pointed to her face, and said, "Isn't it all written on the face?"

"Humph!" Lin Xue snorted angrily.

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, and said in a calm tone: "Okay, that's it, it won't be long anyway.

If your heart disease is not completely resolved, how can you leave with peace of mind? "

After speaking, he turned and left the hall and went to the cab to inform Chao Qingyu.

Chaoqingyu is familiar with the Tianbei Region and Yunyang Region, and naturally knows the location of Wanfazong.

After all, Ten Thousand Fasects are the top powers in the Yunyang Domain, and they have been passed on for more than 20,000 years.

Lin Xue still hesitated and wanted to say something more.

But Ji Tianxing's attitude was so firm and decisive that she didn't give her a chance to hesitate any more.

She looked at the back of Ji Tianxing's departure, and could only swallow the words back.

There was a warm current flowing in her heart, and she muttered to herself: "Thank you, heaven.

Perhaps in this world, you are the person who knows me best. "

After a while, the sapphire godship changed direction.

Originally, the sapphire divine ship had to pass through the southwestern part of the Izumo Empire and would leave the Izumo Empire within a day.

But after the divine ship changed its direction, it flew towards the middle of the Izumo Empire and pointed straight towards Famen Mountain.

Famen Mountain, located in the middle of the Izumo Empire, is surrounded by mountains and mountains, with abundant power and resources.

That stretch of endless mountains is one of the forbidden areas of the Izumo Empire.

There are endless resources for cultivation, but there are also countless beasts, monsters and sacred beasts, and all kinds of dangers are hidden.

Without the strength of the Divine Sovereign Realm, one would never dare to enter that area at will, there is a high probability that there will be no return.


Wan Fazong is located in the depths of that mountain range, dominating on Famen Mountain, which is 10,000 meters high, and has become a veritable high school outside the world.

Sect disciples have inexhaustible resources for cultivation, as well as various places of experience and secret retreats.

Coupled with the supernatural powers inherited from the sect, and the guidance and teachings of famous teachers and strong people, the Ten Thousand Fasects are naturally talented and capable people.

Although Wan Fazong is hidden in the deep mountains and old forests, very few disciples of the disciple come out to walk around.

However, under the command of Wan Fazong, dozens of second-rate forces have been subjugated, and they have the lifeblood of more than a dozen divine kingdoms, and possess a huge power and intelligence network.

In the entire Yunyang domain, the strength of the Ten Thousand Fasects can rank in the top five, and it is the overlord who dare not offend the strong.


A few hours later.

As the sun sets, millions of miles of mountains are shrouded in dim sunlight, and the image is dim.


The sapphire divine ship slashed through the sky like a thunderbolt of blue light, fleeting.

Not long after, the divine ship reached the depths of the mountain range and slowly slowed down.

Under the hazy sunset ahead, a giant peak of three thousand meters high, half hidden in the sea of ​​clouds, appeared.

Surrounded by mountain peaks of about thousands of meters, and covered by dark green jungle, the peak is particularly eye-catching.

The cockpit of the divine ship.

Chao Qingyu is driving the divine ship~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ji Tianxing and Lin Xue are standing behind him.

"My son, the peak in front is Famen Mountain, and Wan Fazong is on the top of the mountain.

As far as I know, the power of Ten Thousand Fazong is profound, and his subordinates control dozens of powers and secretly control the fate of more than a dozen kingdoms of God.

Even in the general rudder of Famen Mountain, there are tens of thousands of disciples and servants. "

Chao Qingyu briefly introduced the situation of Wanfazong.

In fact, neither he nor Ji Tianxing took it seriously.

But Xue Lin frowned, obviously a little nervous, thinking about the problem.

Ji Tianxing glanced at her and asked, "I will arrive at Ten Thousand Fazong soon. The truth you want will soon be solved...What are you thinking?"

Lin Xue quickly condensed her thoughts, and said in a low tone: "Since we are here, we must succeed in finding the answer. You can't just return without success and waste your time."

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "That's natural."

Lin Xue went on to say: "Therefore, we can't be rash and impulsive. We must act cautiously. First think about a thorough plan. It is best to have two or three backup plans.

Then, we will discuss when, under what circumstances, and how everyone should cooperate..."

Obviously, Lin Xue treated this matter very carefully.

But Ji Tianxing waved his hand, interrupted her, and said with a chuckle: "Okay, don't think so complicated.

This matter is very simple, so don't think about any plans.

We will go with you and get the answer soon. "

"Huh?" Lin Xue was taken aback for a moment, and said with a stunned expression: "Are you with me? Just like this, stepping directly into the gate of Ten Thousand Fazong?"

Ji Tianxing just smiled without answering.

At this time, the divine ship had landed on the top of Famen Mountain, just outside the mountain gate.

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