Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3488: Has it become stronger again?

() "Damn it!"

Seeing this scene, the Astral Envoy wanted to scold his teammate pig.

Zhanying and the Withered Cloud Divine Envoy were also stunned for a moment. Obviously, they didn't expect Ji Tianxing to be so cruel and decisive, so they started directly.

But the two of them immediately returned to their homeland, and both confidently used their magic weapon and launched a counterattack.

"Ha ha ha... Knowing that there is no way to escape, do you still want to struggle to death?"

"Little beast, I wanted you to live a few more hours. Since you take the initiative to seek death, then we will fulfill you!"

The two divine envoys were not empty at all, wielding sharp spears and divine swords with all their strength, and used their secret skills.


"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

The dazzling divine light and sharp blade burst into the sky instantly, reflecting tens of thousands of miles in radius.

Every blade of light contains the power to destroy the world, and there are many laws of God's way that are unpredictable.

At this moment, thousands of miles around became gorgeous, and the space was chaotic.

In this case, no one can teleport and escape or avoid.

What both parties can do is to fight and collide with all their strength!

"Boom boom boom!"

"Boom bang bang bang!"

"Crack! Click!"

In the next instant, a loud and deafening noise burst out, echoing endlessly in the sky.

The sky was shattered for tens of thousands of miles, and the earth and mountains collapsed, splashing out smoke and dust covering the sky and the sun.

Ji Tianxing, Jiang Tianyi, and Jiang Tiansheng all attacked, all displaying their unique magical powers.

The three divine envoys, Astrology, Zhanying, and Withered Cloud, did their best to fight.

The collision of the six **** kings and the strong, the shock wave produced can be said to destroy the world.

At least 20,000 li in a radius are in ruins.

Mountains, valleys, and jungles no longer exist.

There were seven **** kings in the field, but only six **** kings participated in the battle.

Without a doubt, Bai Feng turned around and fled to the distance at the moment when everyone started fighting.

Ji Tianxing was right.

It's hard for him to protect himself, let alone fight.

Of course, the six **** kings who participated in the war were too focused, and no one cared about him.


"Kill that little beast!"

"Astrology, you used to blow him so against the sky, but now it seems like that!"

In the first round of collision between the two sides, no one was able to take advantage, which was considered evenly matched.

Although Ji Tianxing's combat effectiveness is very strong, more than any of the three divine envoys.

Jiang Tianyi's combat effectiveness is not bad, and can be equal to the Astrology Divine Envoy.

But Jiang Tiansheng dragged them back.

After all, Jiang Tiansheng was just a young man of the five levels of the Divine King Realm.

Among the three divine envoys, the worst two are the sixth level of the divine king realm.

The strongest is the Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy, who has reached the seventh level of the Divine King Realm!

"Little beast, take your life!"

"Your death date is up, let's accept your fate!"

After a pair of moves, Zhanying and Withered Cloud God Envoy both shouted angrily and launched a second round of attack.

But this time, the situation in front of them made them a little dumbfounded.

I saw Ji Tianxing holding a sword in his right hand and a mysterious black tower in his left hand.

After the divine light flashed several times in a row, two more figures appeared beside him.

A middle-aged protoss man wearing a blue robe, handsome and martial arts.

There is also a tall monster with a height of tens of feet and a body like a rock.

Moreover, these two figures that suddenly appeared were both middle-ranked gods!

In an instant, Ji Tianxing's side became five **** kings, and their combat effectiveness increased greatly.

Chao Qingyu and Yanke, who had just joined the battle, didn't have a word of nonsense.

Even without Ji Tianxing's order, the two of them fought back and rushed to the three divine envoys.

Jiang Tianyi and Jiang Tiansheng were stunned for a while, and they also broke out with ten success strengths, and launched a charge.

As for Ji Tianxing.

He did not swing the Heaven Burial Sword to attack, but pointed the sword at the sky and gave a sacred and solemn cry.

"The sword is coming!"


Tens of thousands of stars lit up in the distant sky.

Like a dense meteor shower, it poured madly and violently.

The three divine envoys felt great pressure and crisis, and their hearts were tense.

When they looked up, they found that it was a giant sword of more than 28,000 stars.

Each giant sword is thousands of feet long, contains hundreds of laws and supernatural powers, and is extremely powerful and violent.

"No, get away!"

"What kind of monster is this kid? You can turn the stars into tens of thousands of giant swords with a single wave?"

"Damn it! After all, I underestimated this guy, his strength seems to have become stronger again!"

At this moment, the thoughts of shock and fear flashed through the minds of the three divine envoys.

Especially the Astrology Divine Envoy, the most profound feeling.

He clearly remembered that Ji Tianxing a few months ago was not so terrifying in strength.

At that time, Ji Tianxing, although he was able to beat him and severely wound him, he was reluctant to win.

But now it is different.

When Ji Tianxing raised his hands, the terrifying pressure was enough to make him feel terrified and frightened.

This progress is terrible, right?


In the next instant, 28,000 sacred giant swords slammed into this world.

The magical skills performed by the three divine envoys were instantly shattered and wiped out.

Not only that, their divine power shields also collapsed one after another, exploding fragments in the sky.

the most important is.

More than 28,000 sacred giant swords did not disperse on the spot.

It actually covers a radius of 20,000 li, forming a huge sword net, blocking this area!


The sword light is vertical and horizontal, shuttled and interwoven.

In the blink of an eye, a Tianzhu Sword Formation with a radius of 20,000 li was formed.

The unparalleled amount of pressure to suppress the three envoys has made them stiff and difficult to move.

Not only did they feel jealous, their divine power was also greatly hindered, and their combat effectiveness plummeted.

This makes people very desperate.

Zhanying and Ku Yun looked at each other, and they both saw the horror in each other's eyes.

"This **** beast, waving his hands in a formation?"

"How rampant is he? He even laid a sword formation casually, trying to seal our three divine envoys?"

Generally speaking, only the strong with a high level of strength, when dealing with a large number of weak, will choose to use the formation to fight.

This can kill opponents faster.

If the strength is comparable, this method will definitely not work.

But Ji Tianxing did just that.

One can imagine ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ How confident is Ji Tianxing?

"Shoo, hoo..."

Soon, the Heavenly Jade Sword Array was operating extremely fast, releasing more than 10,000 sacred giant swords, strangling the three divine envoys.

There are countless giant swords forming a sword net, covering the three of them separately and forcibly separating them.

There are countless giant swords condensed into several hurricanes, raging across the sword formation.

There are also many giant swords, condensed into the world-breaking giant sword, slashing at the three divine envoys.

Suddenly, the three divine envoys fell into an extremely dangerous situation, and they were forced to hurriedly retreat.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Tianyi and Jiang Tiansheng were also shocked.

The two brothers looked at each other, and a thought came to mind at the same time.

"God! Young Master Tianxing is not only a top master craftsman, but he is also so brilliant in formation and swordsmanship?"

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