Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3491: Not reconciled

() After killing the Withered Cloud Divine Envoy with a single sword, Ji Tianxing put away his divine rank fragments as usual.

At this time, there was only one goal left in the Heavenly Jade Sword Formation.

Shadow Slasher.

Jiang Tianyi, Jiang Tiansheng and others also came to a sense of shock.

Everyone also realized that two of the three divine envoys had been beheaded, leaving the last shadow-slashing divine envoy.

Then, the death time of the Shadow Slayer God Envoy has arrived!

Thinking of this, everyone turned their heads and looked to the north of Zhutian Sword Formation.

But the sight in front of them made everyone's faces confused, and their expressions became very strange.


The strongest Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy had not participated in the battle long ago.

Even if the Divine Envoy of Withered Cloud was killed, he didn't even mean to help him.

He even put away the sword of the magic weapon and sacrificed a hundred feet long hairpin.

That's right.

It was obviously a hairpin used by women, but it exuded a powerful and surging divine weapon.

The Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy did not counterattack either.

Instead, it got into the hole-breaking hairpin, urging the strength of the hole-breaking hairpin to the extreme, exploding at the fastest speed, and slammed into the edge of the sword formation.

He is running away!

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing, Jiang Tianyi and others showed deep anxious eyes.

Everyone rushed towards Po Kongchai in unison, all wanting to intercept the Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy.

But it's a pity.

The distance between the two sides was more than eight thousand miles, even teleportation would take an instant.

There is not enough time.

Unless, Zhutian Sword Array can resist the impact of Po Kongchai.

The Zhutian Sword Array is composed of 28,000 giant swords, half of which are shrouded in surroundings, forming a light wall that shields the sky and the sun.

The other half of the giant swords are all within the sword formation, condensing into hurricanes, sword nets and whirlpools.

The seemingly thick wall of light covering the sky and the sun may not be able to block the impact of the broken hairpin.


In the next instant, like a meteor, the piercing hairpin slammed into the light wall of the sword formation.

A loud and deafening noise burst from the sword formation, resounding through the sky.

As the loud noise exploded, a huge gap appeared in the starry light wall, splashing out thousands of pieces of debris.

In addition, dense cracks also extend around the gap of a hundred meters in radius.

The entire Zhutian Sword Formation oscillated and shook with it, and its strength fluctuated in disorder.

The Heavenly Jade Sword Formation, after all, failed to block the Po Kong Chai, and was pierced by the Shadow Slayer Divine Envoy!


Amidst the debris and starlight, Po Kongchai passed through the gap and escaped from the Heavenly Jade Sword Formation.

Then, Zhanying Shen made the pressure greatly reduced, showing a smile after the disaster.

he knows.

He managed to escape!

He will not die!

"call out!"

Without any hesitation, the Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy ran away from the Heavenly Jade Sword Formation, and urged Po Kongchai to cut through the night sky at the fastest speed and head straight to the north.

That's right.

He just fled to the north.

It is completely opposite to the direction of Ji Tianxing and others.

At the same time, it was also the direction from which the eleven **** kings' reinforcements came.

"call out!"

In the blink of an eye, Po Kongchai flew five thousand miles away, far away from the Zhutian Sword Formation.

At this time, Ji Tianxing, Jiang Tianyi, Jiang Tiansheng and others had just rushed to the edge of the Heavenly Sword Formation.

Everyone also passed through the gap in the sword formation and chased into the sky outside.

Looking at the direction of Po Kongchai's escape, Jiang Tianyi and Jiang Tiansheng subconsciously rose up to chase and kill them, and they also broke out at the fastest speed, following Po Kongchai.

Chao Qingyu and Yanke are not idle either, they are desperate to catch up.

But Ji Tianxing stood in the sky, raising his hand to stop them both.

"You don't need to chase it, it's wasted, you can't catch it."

Chao Qingyu's expression stiffened, and a wry smile appeared on his face, "Yes! The artifact of the Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy should be a king-level high-grade artifact?"

"??" Yanke scratched his head and said unwillingly: "Do you just watch him run away like this? Not reconciled!"

Ji Tianxing was relatively indifferent, and said in a calm tone: "We are not the Peak God King after all, we are not enough to control everything, let alone stop the Shadow Slayer God Envoy from escaping.

Moreover, depending on the direction of his escape, it should be a different plan.

If I'm not mistaken, they still have a large number of reinforcements from the King of Gods, coming from the north.

If we catch up, it is estimated that it will not be long before we hit those gods..."

Naturally, there is no need to say the following words.

If you hit the group of gods, you can use your toes to think and know what the end is.

Chao Qingyu was inexplicably worried, and asked, "My son, do you want to inform the two **** kings so that they don't chase?"

Ji Tianxing shook his head, and said calmly: "No, they will be back soon."

Seeing him so determined, Chao Qingyu and Yanke had nothing to worry about.

as predicted.

Ji Tianxing was right.

After just 30 breaths, Jiang Tianyi and Jiang Tiansheng, two brothers, came back panting.

The eyes of the two were a little sad, and their expressions were rather unwilling and angry.

Ji Tianxing, Chao Qingyu and Yanke all knew the result, so they did not ask.

However, Jiang Tiansheng was full of indignation and couldn't help cursing: "Damn it! That guy escaped too fast!

If it weren't for that king-level high-grade artifact, we would never let him escape! "

Jiang Tianyi didn't say anything, but also showed a helpless wry smile.

Ji Tianxing comforted: "It's okay. After this blow, they will be unable to stop us for at least a long time."

Jiang Tianyi thought for a moment and nodded in agreement: "Yes! They have three envoys in total, and Young Master Tianxing beheaded two.

The Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy who had escaped also suffered serious injuries and could not recover in a short time.

In this way, many gods and dragons without a leader, there is no threat..."

At this moment, Ji Tianxing suddenly turned his head and looked to the side of Zhutian Sword Formation.

When he saw a group of divine light, which was flying to the east quietly, a playful smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Ha ha ha... just chasing and killing three divine envoys, but forgot him."

Brothers Chao Qingyu, Yanke and Jiang all turned their heads and found that among the divine light, there was an exhausted God King Baifeng!

The four of them suddenly showed smirking and ill-intentioned smiles.

"Hahahaha... we forgot about the God King Baifeng!"

"Tsk tusk... I didn't expect that guy was hiding outside the sword formation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and he didn't even escape?"

"I guess he still doesn't know what happened in the sword formation, let alone the dead cloud and the star **** envoy, right?"

While talking, everyone followed Ji Tianxing and flew towards the group of divine light.

Although Bai Feng is a high-ranking god, he usually comes and goes like wind and fast like an aurora.

But now it's different.

He was extremely weak and tired, and his flight speed was extremely slow.

Moreover, he noticed that Ji Tianxing and the others were not far away, so he could only escape silently for fear of disturbing everyone.

As a result, his speed is even slower.

But even so, he still failed to escape Ji Tianxing's palm.

After only thirty breaths, Ji Tianxing took Chao Qingyu, Jiang Tianyi and the others, and stopped the way of God King Baifeng.

At this moment, the white phoenix **** king's face was gray and desperate.

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