Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3496: Overbearing

() Qin Dong's anger and short-term protection are undoubtedly manifested at this moment.

He doesn't care who is right or wrong.

He only knew that Chen Lan, his most respected disciple, was bullied by the Jiang people.

Moreover, he also lost a copy of the original chalcedony he gave!

This is a great loss for Chen Lan.

It is also a great insult to him, Qin Dong!

Therefore, he can't swallow this breath, he must find his place!

the most important is.

Chen Lan told him Ji Tianxing's words intact.

"Yan Shangao, don't talk about you old man, even if your Sect Master Xu Bailian is here, you dare not be presumptuous to this king!

Who is this king?

Strictly speaking, you two have to call this king a grandpa! "

This is the sentence.

It shocked Chen Lan and Yan Shangao at the beginning, but also made them very confused and humiliated.

Chen Lan couldn't tell whether this sentence was true or false, so she told Qin Dong.

After Qin Dong heard this, he was also furious and murderous.

How arrogant is an unknown young man?

How dare to claim to be an elder of the Ancient Hundred Refinement Sect, even the Sect Master is not in the eyes?

This is too nonsense, too lawless!

In any case, Qin Dong will find that arrogant guy and punish him severely!

Otherwise, where is the face of Bailian Guzong?

For these reasons, Qin Dong personally led the three elders to intercept Jiang Tianyi and others.


Qin Dong gestured with his eyes, and the three elders, Chen Lan and others quickly dispersed.

The crowd surrounded the Palace of Heaven's Will, in a murderous posture.

Standing at the gate of the palace, Jiang Tianyi glared at Qin Dong and asked in a low tone, "Guardian Qin, what do you want to do?

Don’t forget, I’m the Ninth Young Master of the Jiang Clan. If you are against us, you declare war on the Jiang Clan!

The alliances and agreements of the major clans will also be destroyed by you! "

Jiang Tianyi was neither overbearing nor overbearing, and his tone contained anger and warning.

Qin Dong disagreed, and sneered with his beard.

"Ha ha ha ha... what **** Young Master Nine, in front of this seat, is a stinky hairy boy!

The agreement of the clan alliance, this seat will naturally not be destroyed.

After all, this seat will not kill you today, but will discipline you for the Jiang Clan and let you pay the price you deserve! "

"What do you mean?" Jiang Tianyi yelled, his fists clenched secretly.

Qin Dong still stroked his beard, his seemingly thin and old body burst into the sky with domineering.

"It's very simple! Hand over those two refining geniuses, bow and apologize to Chen Lan, I will spare you!"

Jiang Tianyi's body shook, and then he sneered: "Ha ha ha ha... After talking for a long time, you are here to grab someone, why use those high-sounding excuses?"

Qin Dong disdain to excuse, and said in a deep voice: "I don't want to say it again, you only have ten breaths of time to consider.

Of course, you should think about the consequences of rejection..."

Before he could finish his words, Jiang Tianyi held his head high and said decisively: "Qin Dong, you wishful thinking!

Even if I died here, I would never hand over those two people, let alone apologize to Chen Lan! "

"Very good!" Qin Dong frowned fiercely, and said with a gloomy grin: "Since you are obsessed with not understanding, then don't blame me for being rude!"

When the voice fell, he suddenly raised his hands, clenched his fists and slammed at Jiang Tianyi who was far away.


Two large mountains of Shenhuo fist, carrying hundreds of laws of the gods, slammed against Jiang Tianyi in a state of ruining the world.

At this moment, thousands of miles were shrouded in fire, and the air was frozen.

The sky for thousands of miles was disturbed by the laws of God's Tao, breaking many space cracks, revealing a dark void.

The Palace of Heaven's Will was also shaken by the violent divine power and shook violently.

Seeing that Jiang Tianyi and Xinggong were going to be hit by fists.

At the critical juncture, Jiang Tianyi yelled and greeted him proudly.


Holding the divine sword in both hands, he exploded with ten successful powers, severely slashing out two huge open sky swords.


Amid the deafening noise, the two giant swords struck the flames of the fist at the same time, splashing out fireworks that covered the sky and the sun.


Both giant swords collapsed and shattered, but the fists remained intact, but their power was weakened by a few points.


In the muffled sound, two fists hit Jiang Tianyi at the same time, flew him back and smashed at the door of the palace of heaven.


There was another loud noise.

Jiang Tianyi rolled a dozen times on the ground, sprinkled blood all over the ground, and then stopped in the hall.

The Palace of Heaven's Will also shook violently, flashing divine light.


Jiang Tianyi was not Qin Dong's opponent at all, he couldn't even handle a single move.

"Divine King Realm Eightfold? You have not made a move for more than two hundred years, and you have broken through?"

He braced his injuries to get up, lifted his sleeves to wipe the blood stains off his face, and stared at Qin Dong sternly.

Bailian Guzong is the old rival of the Jiang clan.

Therefore, Jiang Tianyi understands the key figures of Bailian Ancient Sect.

But he didn't expect that Qin Dong, the left guardian who had always been the pinnacle of the seventh realm, would actually break through to the eighth realm!

This is definitely not good news for the Jiang people.


Qin Dong stroked his beard and sneered, "Yes! Just ten years ago, this seat broke through.

So, little guy, you should be a good friend, and apologize to Chen Lan!

Although this seat will not kill you, it can make you worse than death! "

"Ha ha ha ha..." Jiang Tianyi stood up staggered, with blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, and sneered unyieldingly: "This king just said it, don't think about it!

Are you very bossy? Isn't the ancient sect of Hundred Refinements rampant?

Come, kill me! "

While talking, Jiang Tianyi walked towards the outside of the palace.

At the same time, he held a transmission jade slip in his hand and sneered, "I will report everything that happened today to the patriarch.

You can only take away the two refining geniuses if you kill me.

However, you can't even think about it! "

Although Jiang Tianyi's strength is not as good as Qin Dong.

But he represents the Jiang family and must not be humiliated and beg for mercy.

Even if he died in battle, he couldn't let the Jiang Clan be ashamed!

Qin Dong had long expected that he would be so stubborn, and suddenly sneered even more.

"Ha ha ha... The trash of the Jiang Clan have always been so stubborn.

Since you are not willing to give in, take this seat yourself! "

While talking, Qin Dong raised his palms again, shot out a palm shadow that covered the sky, and blasted towards Jiang Tianyi.


Eighteen golden shining giant palms ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, carrying endless divine power, the power of various laws, fell from the sky to Jiang Tianyi.

no doubt.

After Jiang Tianyi was hit by a giant palm, even if he wouldn't die, he would suffer severe injuries.

But Jiang Tianyi was not afraid.

He held his head high and held the sword again, and launched a counterattack.

at this time.

Inside the hall of the palace, there was also an angry roar.

"Old man Qin Dong, you are deceiving too much!"

Accompanied by the roar, there was also a dazzling figure, rushing out of the palace like a meteor, facing the giant palm in the sky.

That is Jiang Tiansheng.

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