Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3498: He is back again!

() This is the voice of a young man, cold and majestic.

Among them, there is also a strong contempt and contempt.

Jiang Tiansheng was already in a coma, so naturally he couldn't hear him.

Jiang Tianyi was on the verge of coma, but he heard clearly.

But he felt that this voice was familiar, but a little strange.

As for Qin Dong, who was standing at the entrance of the main hall, his body was stiff, and he was stunned.

He was stunned for a moment, only that the voice was familiar.

In the next moment, when he searched for his memories and recalled this sound, endless fear suddenly flooded his mind.

In an instant, his mind and reason were filled with endless fear.

More than 1100 years ago, that scene after scene was familiar, imprinted in the soul, and unforgettable scenes, once again surfaced in his mind.

Suddenly, Qin Dong was completely icy and stunned.

His face turned pale, his eyes widened, staring at the depths of the gloomy hall, his mind became blank.

Not only him, in the sky outside the palace,

Xu Zhang, Gu Xi, and Lu Qingsong were also stiff, their eyes suddenly widened, revealing a look of horror and amazement.

They also couldn't believe that the strange and familiar voice appeared again.

What followed was a picture of memories from a thousand years ago, tumbling in their minds endlessly.

The scenes of swords, swords and shadows, mountains of blood, and extremely humiliating scenes caused the three of them to tremble and sweat.


It was not only the three of them, but also the disaster of Qin Dong, the left guardian, and even the entire Bailian Ancient Sect.

That day, the human youth in white clothes and black hair stepped into the Ancient Bailian Sect.

He slaughtered the entire Hundred Refined Ancient Sect with the sword alone.

Whether it is a young talent or a highly respected predecessor.

Even the Sect Master and the Supreme Elder surrendered to the sword of the white-clothed youth, shivering like ants and dead dogs.

The arrogant Supreme Elder, unable to stand the humiliation and blow, blew himself up on the spot.

As a result, most of the cave where Bailian Ancient Sect was located was destroyed, and hundreds of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers were reduced to ruins.

The young man in white is still intact.

That day was a nightmare for all the disciples of the Ancient Bailian Sect.


After the war of the gods thousands of years ago, the young man in white stained the outer starry sky with hatred.

People in the Ancient Sect of Hundred Refinements thought that the nightmare was over.

The humiliation and disasters once dissipated with the white-clothed youth and will never be returned.

but now.

When that cold, contemptuous voice sounded again, Qin Dong, Xu Zhang, Gu Xi, and Lu Qingsong all felt a sense of trance.

As if they had returned to the past, they were in the Xiuluo field in the sea of ​​blood.

They remembered the fear of being dominated by that young man and that sword.

Damn it?

Didn't that person die long ago?

How could his voice appear again?

Chen Lan is the only person who can remain calm inside and outside the palace.

He looked at the Palace of Heaven's Will with a blank face, looked at Qin Dong who was full of horror, and looked at the three elders beside him.

He couldn't understand why Master and the three elders reacted like this?

They seem very scared!

But what are they afraid of?

Thinking of this, Chen Lan couldn't help but look at Yan Shangao behind him, and wanted to ask.


He found that Yan Shangao was trembling all over, his face was earthy, his expression and eyes were full of horror.

Even the whole person is in a trance, unconscious.

"Uncle Yan, this...what's going on?

The voice just now seemed to be the beast of Tianxing, why are you..."

Yan Shangao stared at the Palace of Heaven's Will with wide eyes, his voice trembled and roared like crazy: "It's him! It's his voice, he's back again!!

This is impossible!

He died tomorrow morning, how could he be alive?

Why didn't I find out before?

Why he? "

Seeing Yan Shangao's fear and roaring hysterically, Chen Lan suddenly understood something.

He suddenly remembered.

More than 1100 years ago, he was ordered by his master to leave the ancient sect of Bailian to perform tasks in the dead.

It takes three years to go.

When he completed the task and returned to the Ancient Bailian Sect, he saw the entire cave sky in a mess, with ruins and gunpowder everywhere.

Only the ruined walls of the once glorious and prosperous Bailian Ancient Sect, there are countless corpses and blood stains.

The number of the sect has dropped sharply by more than half.

The once high-spirited Tianjiao, the aloof elders and guardians, all became taciturn and dejected.

Only then did Chen Lan know.

All of this thanks to the young man in white.

And his name is only two characters.

Sword God!

At this moment, Chen Lan immediately understood the reaction of Yan Shangao and the three elders and masters.

"It's him! It's the sword **** back then!

Do not! how can that be? ! "

Chen Lan was also dumbfounded, looking at the Palace of Heaven's Will in a daze, she couldn't help but whispered.

And this time.

In the depths of the main hall of the Palace of Heaven's Will, there was another cold, majestic voice.

"If the Ancient Bailian Sect is the same as before, only bullying the weak, then there is no need for it.

Qin Dong, Xu Zhang, Gu Xi, Lu Qingsong...you are full of evil spirits, you should apologize with death! "

As this voice rang out, invisible coercion and murderous aura gushed from the depths of the hall.

The terrifying coercion that shrouded the world and everywhere is like the peak of the **** king.

The icy murderous aura caused everyone's blood to freeze and their heartbeat to stop, as if being enveloped by death.

If you say that everyone only heard his voice just now, there are still doubts about his identity, it is unbelievable.

Then at this moment, the last doubts and flukes in everyone's hearts are also dispelled.

They are absolutely sure.

That's right!

It's him, the sword god!

That scary guy is back!

At this moment, Qin Dong, Xu Zhang and others couldn't help shivering, their minds were completely swallowed by fear.

Without any hesitation, they turned around subconsciously, flying away from the distance with their faces like earth.



"Don't kill us, when we haven't been here!"

"Master Sword God, spare your life!"

Qin Dong, Xu Zhang and others shouted with different voices.

But they all fled the Palace of Heaven's Will in horror at the fastest speed.

In the blink of an eye ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ everyone escaped without a trace.

Including Yan Shangao, as well as the panicked Chen Lan.

Lying in the corner of the hall, Jiang Tianyi, who was close to a coma, was also shocked and inexplicably shocked.

"How could this be? How did Young Master Tianxing's voice change?

Qin Dong and the people of Bailian Ancient Sect didn't see him at all, just heard his voice. Why were they so scared? "

While he was puzzled in his mind, he suddenly remembered that when Gu Xi ran away, he called out, ‘Master Sword God, please spare your life! ’

Thinking of this, Jiang Tianyi was also stunned on the spot.

"Master Sword God? It really is him, really the great benefactor of the Jiang Clan, I am not wrong!"

An incomparable surprise came to his mind, Jiang Tianyi fainted when his eyes went dark.

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