Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3500: Unforgettable lesson

() Three days later.

The Palace of Heaven's Will is like a meteor, galloping above the clouds.

Since getting rid of the **** king of Bailian Ancient Sect, the past three days have been calm.

And this time.

Lying in the corner of the hall, Jiang Tianyi was in a coma, gradually waking up.

Consciousness was still recovering, he opened his eyes in confusion.

What caught my eyes was a handsome and resolute face with a calm expression and his eyes as deep as stars.

Jiang Tianyi was taken aback for a moment, and moved his lips, and said in a hoarse voice: "Young Master Tianxing? You...you helped me heal my injuries and awakened me?"

Ji Tianxing nodded and said, "Your injury is not serious. If you rest and adjust your breath for a few months, you should be able to recover."

"Thank you Young Master Tianxing!" Jiang Tianyi was grateful and quickly thanked him.

Afterwards, he thought of a very important thing, and asked: "Young Master Tianxing, Qin Dong and Chen Lan...Where are the people from the Bailian Ancient Sect?"

Ji Tianxing shook his head, and replied in a calm tone: "I was thrown away by me three days ago. Now I should be chasing us."

"Did you throw it away?" Jiang Tianyi asked in disbelief, subconsciously: "There are six of them, and two high-ranking gods.

Especially Qin Dong, who has broken through to the eighth level, how did you get rid of them? "

Thinking of this, he shook his head still a little groggy.

The memory of three days ago gradually became clear.

He vaguely remembered that before he fell into a coma, Ji Tianxing spoke a few words.

It was those two words that made Qin Dong and the people of Bailian Ancient Sect, as if they had seen a ghost, they were extremely frightened.

Then, before Ji Tianxing showed up, Qin Dong and others fled desperately.

Thinking of this, Jiang Tianyi felt more and more incredible, full of doubts.

Ji Tianxing did not explain, but said in a low tone: "Your injury is relatively minor and will recover soon, but Jiang Tiansheng's injury..."

Speaking of Jiang Tiansheng, Jiang Tianyi's heart suddenly tightened.

He quickly turned his head and looked around, looking for Jiang Tiansheng's figure.

"What about Brother Nine? How is his condition? I remember that he was severely injured and his right arm was cut off by the brute Qin Dong..."

Jiang Tiansheng was already seriously injured. After his right arm was severed, his sword holding and spell casting were even more affected.

This is definitely a heavy blow to Jiang Tiansheng.

Ji Tianxing patted Jiang Tianyi on the shoulder and comforted: "I can understand your feelings, Jiang Tiansheng's injury is indeed too serious.

However, don't worry too much, his life is not in danger.

I have taken action to suppress his injury, but his broken arm is not a short-term connection.

When he returns to Shenying Cave, Jiang Clan has a lot of magical medicine, which will definitely help him recover.

It's just that he wants to return to his peak state, at least for more than ten years..."

After listening to this, Jiang Tianyi felt a little comforted, and bowed his hand to Ji Tianxing, saying: "Then I am here to thank Young Master Tianxing on behalf of the nine brothers.

Moreover, I will report this matter to the patriarch Ming. "

Of course he has to report to the patriarch when such a big thing has happened.

First, I am grateful to Ji Tianxing for his life-saving grace and hope that the Jiang people will give corresponding gifts and courtesies.

The second is to let the strong men of the Jiang clan help them get revenge.

Ji Tianxing nodded, and said nothing more.

"Well, if you are fine, you can go and see Jiang Tiansheng."

After speaking, Ji Tianxing returned to the middle of the hall and sat down, closing his eyes to rest his mind, and controlling the palace's divine formation.

Although the sacred formation was in automatic operation, the Palace of Heaven's Will was like a divine ship, flying straight to the southwest.

Even if Ji Tianxing didn't control the formation for a long time, it had no effect.

But he still had to stare at the operation of the sacred formation and monitor the movement of tens of thousands of miles around the palace to prevent unexpected situations.

Jiang Tianyi sat up from the ground and used his supernatural power to clean up the blood stains before he got up and walked towards the secret room.

There is a passage in the corner of the hall, connecting several secret rooms.

He opened the door of the last secret room and entered the secret room to visit Jiang Tiansheng.

The situation is exactly as Ji Tianxing said.

Jiang Tiansheng's injury stabilized, but he was still in a coma, lying in the sacred formation and was shrouded in light.

The Healing God Array operates automatically, continuously nourishing Jiang Tiansheng.

Seeing this, Jiang Tianyi sighed in relief, turned and left the secret room.

"Here is not far from Shenying Cave Sky, Young Master Tianxing should know the route.

Let him control the palace, I will retreat for a few days..."

Thinking like this in his heart, Jiang Tianyi entered his secret room, took the Shen Dan and began to heal his injuries.


Unconsciously, half a month passed.

At this time, the Palace of Heaven's Will has already entered the Southern Wind Region, galloping high in the sky.

There are only two days away from Shenying Cave Sky.

Jiang Tianyi ended the half-month recuperation, got up and walked out of the secret room.

At this time, his trauma has been dealt with, and it seems that there is nothing unusual.

It's just that his internal injuries still need to be recuperated, and his strength is still weak, only 40% of his peak period.

His divine consciousness spread out, observing the surrounding world.

Seeing the familiar mountains and jungles, his mood completely relaxed and he was full of expectations.

"After so many hardships, I finally have to go home!"

This is not the first time Jiang Tianyi has left Shenying Cave Sky, but it is the time he most urgently wants to go home.

He came to the middle of the hall, bowed his hand to Ji Tianxing, and said hello.

Then he sat in front of Ji Tianxing and started talking with him.

"Master Tianxing, we haven't had any trouble in the past half month, right?"

Ji Tianxing shook his head: "No one is following, and no one intercepts and kills us, the people of Bailian Ancient Sect should not be so fast."

Jiang Tianyi asked again: "In two days we will be able to return to the Jiang clan. Do you want me to report to the patriarch so that they can prepare a welcome ceremony?"

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said, "No, it's too much trouble."

"Sure enough, the son is still as low-key as always." Jiang Tianyi smiled.

After a moment of silence, he asked the doubts deep in his heart: "Mr. Tianxing, the people from the Ancient Hundred Refining Sect intercepted us before, you didn't show up at all, just said a few words.

Why did they scare Qin Dong like that~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and ran away in fear? "

Although Jiang Tianyi had guessed Ji Tianxing's name long ago, he also got confirmation from Qin Dong and others.

He knew that Ji Tianxing should be the sword **** back then.

But he did not directly point out.

He was more interested in what did the Sword God do that made Qin Dong and the others terrified so far?

Ji Tianxing said indifferently: "The Jiang Clan and Bailian Ancient Sect are old enemies. Back then, I helped the Jiang Clan suppress Bailian Ancient Sect.

In addition, Bailian Guzong really offended me.

Therefore, I gave Bailian Guzong a lesson that I will never forget. "

Jiang Tianyi listened intently, and many pictures appeared in his mind, dreaming about various possibilities.

He wanted to know, what exactly was the lesson that he will never forget?

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