Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3511: 1 sword is not enough, then 2 swords

"Damn bastard! What kind of shit?

What I said before was nice and encouraged us to die, but he escaped faster than anyone else! "

The owner of the Clear Sky Territory scolded while fleeing to the edge of the sword formation.

Seeing that, Ji Tianxing easily passed through the sky full of sword light, without any hindrance, he chased him in an instant.

The owner of the Clear Sky Territory was full of despair, cruelly gritted his teeth to make a decision, ignited the blood of the gods, detonated the **** pattern on the gods, and resorted to taboos.

"Dry empty chaos!"

Suddenly, he was ignited with blood to the sky, surrounded by dense patterns of laws and gods.

He is like a sword of flame, more than three times the speed, rushing to the edge of the sword madly.

Wherever he passed, the giant swords of stars that shuttled across the sky were violently knocked into flight by him.

Despite the endless scars left on his body, blood surged.

But he seemed to feel no pain and lose his mind, desperately rushing to the edge of the sword formation.

This forbidden magical power, once displayed, can make him triple his strength, invincible.

However, the price is extremely heavy.

He sacrificed two thousand years of skill, and he also had 18 magic patterns.

It takes at least three thousand years of hard work to make up for it!

But he was driven to a desperate situation and he didn't care about it anymore.

What is more important than survival?

When Ji Tianxing saw that the master of the Clear Sky Territory displayed forbidden supernatural powers, his speed tripled, and he gave up the pursuit.

After all, the Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy had already escaped to the edge of the sword formation, had long since got into the hole-breaking hairpin, and hit the sword formation barrier with all his strength.


He urged the Pokong Chai with all his strength, burst out a dazzling divine light, and slammed into the light wall of the sword formation at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

Amid the dull loud noise, the light wall of the sword array that covered the sky and the sun trembled violently, breaking open cracks.

Po Kongchai also vibrated violently, bursting with divine light.

Although, Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy was also rushed by the shock of blood, eyes staring at Venus.

But when he saw a crack in the light wall of the sword array, he was immediately refreshed and rushed into it even more desperately.

"Ha ha ha ha... No matter how strong his strength is, this sword formation cannot become a king-level high-grade **** formation.

With my breaking hairpin, I can still break out of the sword formation! "

The Shadow Slashing God made a low growl in excitement, and desperately exploded with divine power, urging the power of Po Kongchai to the extreme.

Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing quickly teleported over, intercepting the Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy.

"I didn't break through last time, so you took the opportunity to escape.

Want to escape this time? dream! "

Ji Tianxing snorted sharply and swung his sword towards Po Kongchai.

"Sword of Destruction!"

He draws on the power of the Five Elements World, holds the sword in both hands, and cuts out a thousand-mile-long golden sword.

This sword has the power to open up the world, cut the space, and destroy the world.

Like the sacred giant sword of the scorching sun, it was cut down with the power of destroying everything, making the entire sword array shine with golden light.

The Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy forgot everything and went all out to urge Po Kongchai, and slammed into the light wall of the sword formation.

Seeing that the Po Kongchai was still a long way from the light wall of the sword formation, it was about to hit immediately.

At this moment, the Sword of Extinction fell from the sky, slashing the Po Kongchai severely.


A loud noise comparable to nine days of thunder, shaking the world, burst out in the sword formation.

The flying hairpin that surpassed the speed of light was stopped by the sacred giant sword and flew out with violent shaking.

Not only did it not hit the light wall of the sword formation, it also rolled hundreds of times, smashing hundreds of star giant swords along the way, and finally fell five thousand miles away.

When it stopped, the bright light on the surface was shattered.

The chaizi was also deeply sunken in the middle, with both ends upturned, almost cut off by the middle.

Fortunately, it was a king-level high-grade artifact that could be preserved, but it was severely damaged.

If it were a king-level middle-grade artifact, it would have been chopped in two long ago, or even broken into slag.

Seeing this scene, the owner of the Clear Sky Territory was panicked and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Gosh! That's a king-level top-grade artifact!

The sword of the sword **** just now was so powerful?

Hasn't his realm of strength fallen? Why is he still the upper **** king? "

The first reaction of the owner of the clear sky was that Ji Tianxing was still the upper **** king, and he could only break the empty hairpin with a single blow.

If it is not for the upper **** king, no one can do it.

Inside the Po Kongchai, the Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy was backlashed, already bleeding from his orifices, dizzy and dizzy.

He was also extremely horrified, and roared desperately: "How can this seat's broken hairpin be unstoppable?"

In the last match, Ji Tianxing still couldn't break the empty hairpin.

Not to mention hitting the empty hairpin severely, it can't catch up.

This time, Ji Tianxing smashed the hairpin with a sword and almost cut it in the middle.

Why didn't this make the Shadow Slayer God Envoy be horrified?

Breaking the empty hairpin is his biggest reliance and life-saving trump card.

Today, the life-saving cards are no longer useful.

He also saw his fate.

Ji Tianxing carried the Heaven Burial Sword and flew towards Po Kongchai.

He also frowned, his expression gloomy, and silently said: "I have already broken through to the middle **** king and used the sword of destruction, but I didn't even cut the broken air hairpin?

It seems that the broken hairpin is tougher than the average king-level high-grade artifact.

One sword is not enough, then two swords! "

This thought flashed in his mind, and Ji Tianxing flew above Po Kongchai, once again holding the sword and smashing it fiercely.

"Sword of Destruction!"

He once again drew the power of the world and cut out a thousand-mile-long sacred golden sword with all his strength, and slashed into the air hairpin.

The Shadow Slashing God Envoy was full of horror, and his soul was violent.

Regardless of his own injuries, he hurriedly manipulated the divine formation and ran away with Po Kongchai.

However, the distance between the two parties is too close.

Before the flying hairpin flew away, he was hit by the sacred giant sword again.


The sacred giant sword was still slicing in the middle of the hole, slicing through the deep dent, accurate.

This time, Po Kongchai could no longer bear it and was split into two pieces on the spot.

With the clear cracking sound, two broken pieces of broken air hairpins were also thrown out to both sides.

At the neat fracture, the mighty divine power constantly gushes out, and the **** stone and various sundries are scattered all over the sky.

Even the Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy hiding in the Po Kong Chai was thrown out by the huge impact, rolling and flying across the sky.

Before he could stand firm, Ji Tianxing killed him again with a sword.

"Zhanying, you don't want to run away again this time, die!"

Ji Tianxing gave a cold cry and swung his sword repeatedly, splashing out the dazzling sword light that covered the sky and the sun.

The Shadow Slashing Divine Envoy, who was already badly injured, could only wield the Excalibur desperately, barely resisting it.

"Ding jingle bells!"

"Boom bang bang bang!"

After a series of muffled noises ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The Shadow Slashing God Envoy was eventually lost to Ji Tianxing, and the Excalibur was slashed out.

Immediately afterwards, with more than a dozen swords in his body, his body broke into pieces on the spot, spilling blood all over the sky.

After the **** body was destroyed, his godhead fled in panic.

It's just that the Heavenly Jade Sword Formation is intact, and it can't even break through the empty hairpin. How could his godhead escape?

After barely evading the two swords of Ji Tianxing, his godhead fell into a desperate situation, with nowhere to escape.

With Ji Tianxing's third sword slashed, his godhead finally broke and was chopped into dregs.

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