Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3533: Borrow your identity 1 use

() Yu Wenji is in a good mood today.

Although in Xuantian Tower, two episodes occurred.

First, Qian Yuan humiliated him in public, and then met a madman who knew nothing about life and death.

But he felt that with his cleverness and wisdom, he resolved the embarrassment and established an image of kindness and closeness to the people.

Hundreds of spectators in the hall all greeted him happily, and the stars praised him like the moon. This is the best proof.

In addition, he felt that he had won this contest with Qian Yuan.

Long ago, his father Feng Lingyu taught him and taught him a truth.

He can be a young man, after all, this is determined by his family and background.

But he must be a smart, wise, and scheming dude, and he must not be arrogant!

In the past, Yu Wenji couldn't listen to it and felt very annoying.

But now, he feels he has done it!

"Well, after breaking into the Divine King Realm, Ben Shao is really different from before.

This young man is the wise and scheming young man!

As long as Ben Shao maintains such ingenuity, he will be able to take over as the domain master in the future..."

On the way back to the other courtyard outside the city after leaving Xuantian Tower, Yu Wenji was still intoxicated.

Sitting on two golden gods drawn by the sky, he flew fast through the night sky towards the Qiansong Courtyard in the south of the city.

Four loyal golden armor guards followed closely around the golden god.

Yu Wenji reclined on the Shenyu chair covered with snow fox fur, recalling what happened today, with a proud posture.

However, thinking of Qian Yuan's face, he still remained angry.

"Damn Qianyuan, isn't it that he entered the Temple of Good Fortune a hundred years ago and received the baptism of divine light before he was reborn?

Otherwise, relying on his pig brain, how could it be possible to successfully break through the Divine King Realm and reach the second level within fifty years?

Three days later, when Ben Shao also enters the shrine and receives the baptism of divine light, he will be reborn!

It won't be long before this young man can catch up with Qian Yuan and surpass him! "

For the baptism of God's light three days later, Yu Wenji was full of longing and anticipation.

He felt that this was the biggest turning point in his life.

After a quarter of an hour, the golden **** returned to the Qiansong Courtyard and landed on the square.

This courtyard with an area of ​​a thousand slopes is located on Qiansong Mountain in the south of the city, and it is very magnificent.

There are not only pavilions, pavilions, garden waterside pavilions, but also magnificent palaces and towers that are thousands of feet tall.

Owning such a courtyard is a symbol of noble status.

Yuwenji walked out of the gods and returned to his residence with four golden armor guards.

"The four of you are guarding outside the door. Young Master Ben is going to retreat tonight and learn about the magical powers taught by your father."

With a warning, he entered the secret room deep in the palace and went to comprehend the divine art.

The four golden armored guards bowed and saluted, and obeyed orders in a uniform manner.

After Yuwenji entered the secret room and the door was closed, they divided into two groups and guarded the secret room door and the entrance of the passage respectively.

The night was long, and the dark passage outside the secret room was very quiet.

The four golden armored guards had nothing to do, they secretly spread their voices to discuss what happened today.

The words and deeds of that ‘madman’ are still their jokes.

However, they don't even know.

As early as when they left Youdu, the ‘madman’ followed the gods invisibly and came to Qiansong’s courtyard.


In a secret room with a radius of one hundred feet and a divine light.

Yuwenji lay comfortably on the soft jade couch, holding a jade slip in his hand, silently comprehending the magical secrets in the jade slip.

As an ignorant young man, it is never possible to practice hard.

Even if he is practicing in retreat, he strives for comfort and ease, and he can't bear loneliness and hardship.

He can have today's strength, thanks to his father's endless resources.

Suddenly, Yu Wenji felt a bit cold on his back, as if he had eyes, watching him quietly.

He scratched his neck subconsciously, turned and looked at the dark corner of the secret room behind him.

However, the corner is empty and there is nothing.

"It's strange..." Yu Wenji muttered to himself, turned his head and continued to look up the jade slip.

However, from the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a white figure three feet away in front of him.

He was shocked and quickly raised his head and looked forward.

I saw that a young dragon from the dragon tribe, who was more than ten feet tall and dressed in a white robe, looked at him facelessly.


Yu Wenji shivered in fright, subconsciously yelled, and the jade slip in his hand fell to the ground.

"You, you... Are you a man or a ghost?"

Yuwen Ji curled up, hurriedly offering a divine sword, pointed at the young dragon clan, and asked sternly.

The dragon youth is just Ji Tianxing.

He looked at Yu Wenji with a sneer on his face, and said, "The dignified king is still afraid of ghosts? You are really rubbish!"

Yu Wenji gradually calmed down, and only then could he see clearly that the young dragon clan in front of him was the "lunatic" in the Xuantian Tower today.

"You are crazy... why are you here? How did you get in?"

He wanted to say the word lunatic.

But then he thought about it, this person looked very calm, mysterious, and a little scary, so he didn't seem like a lunatic.

Besides, how could a madman sneak into the Qiansong Courtyard and enter the secret room quietly?

Ji Tianxing smiled and said, "Of course I followed you in!"

"You...what do you want to do?" Yu Wenji's back is getting colder and colder, and his anxiety is getting stronger and stronger.

Although he is dull, he is not stupid.

In the Xuantian restaurant before, he couldn't see the strength of Ji Tianxing, so he didn't take it seriously.

Anyway, in this quiet city, there are too many ant-like untouchables, and too many weak people without strength.

But now it's different.

The other party sneaked into the secret room silently, even he didn't notice it.

What does this show?

He couldn't see through the details of the opponent, because the strength of the opponent was too strong! !

Moreover, the other party never came to chat with him.

This is obviously to seek revenge!

"Sir, don't be impulsive, let's talk and discuss what's the matter.

You know, this young master is the son of Fengling Domain Master, you must not mess around, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

If you are short of cultivation resources and treasures, you can donate generously..."

Yu Wenji was panicked. While bluffing and delaying time, he wanted to cast a spell secretly, manipulating the magical formation in the secret room and sending out a distress signal.

The four golden armor guards outside ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are all high-ranking gods.

Although he was loyal to him, he was obviously not enough to kill him, so he could only be cannon fodder.

However, there is also a **** king in the other courtyard, and that is the guard leader sent by Fengling Domain Master to protect him.

However, Ji Tianxing looked at him with a pair of deep eyes, as if he could see through people's hearts.

"Don't struggle in vain, the secret room has long been sealed by me, and no one will know what happened here.

You can rest assured that you will die very happily and will not feel pain.

I just borrowed your identity, you should help. "

Ji Tianxing said in a playful tone, and walked towards Yuwenji.

"Don't come here!" Yu Wenji panicked, and slammed his sword at him with a roar.

At the same time, he waved a golden light and injected it into the divine formation in the corner of the secret room.

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