Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3542: You don't want to go wrong, do you?

Quiet at the gate.

The Anping God King and the high priest confronted each other and reached a deadlock.

The high priest did not want to reveal his identity, let alone let others know that Yingying was his daughter.

The Anping God King is another tendon. If you don't make it clear, I will not allow you to enter.

Therefore, this misunderstanding is difficult to resolve.

The high priest was very helpless, and soaked for a while, even showing weakness with the Anping God King.

But Anping Shenwang just refused to believe him and said he would not let him go.

After going back and forth, it took half an hour.

The high priest's angry face was blue, and several times he thought of violently beating the Anping God King.

In the end, he was really forced to do nothing, and remembered what Ji Tianxing had said before.

"You don't deserve to be her father at all, you are unkind and selfish..."

Therefore, the high priest gritted his teeth and made up his mind, and finally revealed his true identity.

"Your Excellency, will you let me go if you say your identity?"

He frowned and looked at Anping Shenwang with a solemn tone.

The Anping God King shook his head quickly and said with a serious face: "It's not letting go, but telling you, who ordered us to guard here."

"..." The high priest did not vomit blood.

For Yingying, the old man bears!

Taking a deep breath, and forcibly suppressing the full of anger, the high priest said in a deep voice: "The old man is the high priest who guards the temple of creation. He has the emperor's destiny and cannot leave the temple of creation.

But the old man has a daughter named Yingying, who needs to be raised and taught.

So the old man asked his friend Yan Duwei to be here..."

The high priest explained the ins and outs of the matter to the Anping God King.

This is his biggest secret, if it weren't for this, he would never confess.

Sure enough, Anping Shenwang showed a very shocked expression after listening.

He looked at the high priest with an unbelievable look, and it took a long time to suffocate a word.

"Is this true? It's incredible!

Miss Yingying is so young and beautiful, how could her father be a bad old man? "

"..." The high priest's expression changed, his fists suddenly clenched, and his teeth gritted angrily.

If it weren't for Yingying's safety, he would have gone crazy.

For Yingying, I will bear it again!

"Your Excellency, now you should tell the old man, who sent you to guard here?"

The Anping God King hesitated before repliing: "It's our Young Master Yuwen. He was worried about Miss Yingying's safety, so he ordered us to guard here, and it is strictly forbidden to walk around.

At this critical juncture, he did not allow Miss Yingying to suffer any harm! "

The righteous and righteous words spoken by the Anping God King were sonorous.

The high priest was stunned for a moment, his expression relaxed a lot, and he nodded and said, "So it's him! The old man is right, he is a cold-hearted guy.

When he said something unacceptable, he actually cared about Yingying most.

It’s hard for him to put so much effort into Yingying..."

At this moment, the high priest was suddenly moved.

However, he always remembers that business matters and time is tight.

So he explained to the Anping God King: "Tonight, Yu Wenji personally notified the old man, and the old man knew that Yingying was dying, so he hurried back to visit.

Now that the misunderstanding is resolved, should you let it go now? "

Anping Shenwang frowned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Senior, although I can understand your anxious mood, this is not in compliance with the rules and we cannot make claims.

Please wait a moment, I have to subpoena for advice. "

After speaking, he took out a jade slip for communication and sent the message calmly.

"..." The high priest was about to explode.

However, the first half hour has been delayed, so I am not in a hurry for this moment.

He can only nod his head to show understanding.

After the King of Anping sent a message to "Yuwenji", everyone waited patiently.

It took a full quarter of an hour before'Yuwenji' sent back a subpoena to confirm the identity of the high priest and allow the release.

After reading the jade slip, God King Anping smiled at the high priest like a spring breeze, clasped his fists and saluted: "Senior, I have already confirmed this with me.

We had misunderstood you before and caused some unpleasantness. Please be magnanimous. The adults do not remember the villains.

Now that you are back, our mission has been completed, let's step back..."

"That's all right, don't waste time." The high priest didn't eat his suit, and waved his hand to interrupt him.

The Anping God King no longer stopped, and quickly retreated to the side with a few guards.

The high priest couldn't wait to cast the spell, and the Sealed God Array that opened the gate quickly opened the gate.


After the heavy door opened, the high priest hurriedly stepped across the door and walked quickly into the courtyard.

The King of Anping winked at the guards, and everyone quickly retreated into the darkness and evacuated quietly.

But at this moment, a dazzling colorful light galloped from the end of the street.

"call out!"

In the blink of an eye, that colorful divine light reached the gate of Xinlan Garden.

The divine light dissipated, and a young aristocratic man dressed in brocade robe and oily face appeared.

This person was panting, apparently rushing over at the fastest speed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He looked around for a few times, and then focused on the high priest, waved and shouted: "Senior, please stay. !"

The high priest paused, then turned to look at the young nobleman, looking at him with doubts.

"Who are you? What's the matter?"

The young nobleman looked at the high priest and said in his heart: "Age, appearance, and attire are all the same as Yu Wenji said, it should be him."

So he hurriedly flew to the front of the high priest and bowed his hands in salute: "Senior, you are the good brother of Yuwenji."

"Why is Yuwenji again?" The high priest frowned fiercely, and asked very unhappy: "The old man doesn't know you, why are you looking for the old man?"

The smile on Jun Mubai's face froze, and he muttered in his heart: "This old man looks very impatient. It seems that he already knows the purpose of my coming.

Humph! Fortunately, you are still the upper **** king, even a few king-level artifacts are reluctant to bear, really stingy! "

While talking about his mother selling criticisms, Jun Mubai still smiled patiently, and patiently explained: "Senior is so bad! Although you don't know the junior, the junior knows you.

You are Young Master Yuwen’s father-in-law, right? "

"..." The high priest's face twitched, and he inexplicably wanted to beat Yuwenji.

But this kind of thing is neither easy for him to admit nor to deny.

So, he could only make a vague ‘um’.

Jun Mubai suddenly smiled, rubbed his hands, and said expectantly: "Those three king-level artifacts, should you also be ready?"

"What? Three king-level artifacts?" The high priest frowned fiercely, confused. "What do you mean?"

"Uh..." Jun Mubai was speechless, thinking in his heart, this old man wouldn't want to go wrong, would he?


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