Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3546: Stealing

"Broken, the time is still a bit short!

This bad old man, it's really time to come back! "

The sudden appearance of the high priest made Ji Tianxing secretly make a bad sound.

But the **** array is about to be cracked, he can't give up halfway.

So, he pretended not to hear the high priest's call, speeding up to crack the last four formation nodes.

Yun Yao also had no distractions, manipulated the **** of good fortune, and desperately hit those four nodes.

The high priest was ignored, becoming more angry and irritable.

He flew to the altar of good fortune angrily, and asked in a sharp tone: "Yuwenji! What the **** are you doing?

Yingying is clearly fine, and you have nothing to do with her.

Why do you want to lie to the old man, saying that she is very poisonous, and that she has a deep relationship with you?

What do you want to do after leaving the old man for a few hours?

Did you know that you have committed a serious crime, even if your father can't keep you? "

While shouting angrily, the high priest frowned and stared at Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao.

Seeing that both of them looked attentive and pale, and were performing some magical powers, the high priest felt more and more wrong.

He carefully inspected the altar of good fortune, and found that the colorful lights on the altar had obviously become very weak.

But the divine power of good fortune contained in the altar is extremely active and violent, as if a volcano erupted.

The high priest suddenly guessed something, and his eyes widened, showing an expression of disbelief.

He stared at Ji Tianxing angrily, and roared angrily: "Yuwenji! You a rebellious fanatic, you actually... actually destroy the altar of creation and seek to seize the supreme **** orb?!

Are you crazy?

That is the altar built by the **** emperor himself. If you do this, it will bring disaster to the door! "

At this moment, the high priest was completely stunned by Ji Tianxing's madness.

Rao, no matter how shrewd and wise he is, he can't figure out why "Yuwenji" did it.

This is simply benefiting the heart, ignoring the majesty of the **** emperor, and paying the lives of the young and old of Feng Lingyu's family!

Seeing, the furious high priest was about to take action immediately to prevent Ji Tianxing from casting the spell.

While casting spells to crack the last two formation nodes, Ji Tianxing said to the high priest: "High priest, don't worry, I'm not crazy, I will explain to you later."

"Explain a fart!" The high priest roared angrily, and immediately raised his palm to stop Ji Tianxing.

Feeling helpless, Ji Tianxing could only make dangerous moves and shouted angrily: "Stop! Do you know who this king is? Do you know what this king is doing?

This king has a terrifying secret and a mission under the crown of the **** emperor. Don't let yourself be fooled! "

With such a roar, the high priest was stunned.

The raised palm also froze in midair.

He looked at "Yuwenji" with a stunned face, frowned in confusion, and subconsciously asked: "What do you mean? Don't you mean Yuwenji?

You are obviously destroying the altar of good fortune and seeking to seize the supreme **** orb.

How could this be the mission entrusted to you by the Divine Emperor?

Little beast, what the **** are you doing? "

Although, the high priest did not believe Yu Wenji's nonsense.

But reason told him that as Yu Wenji, as long as he is not crazy, he should definitely not do such a thing.

Is there really any secrets and twists in it?

For a while, the high priest could not make up his mind.

No way, he also encountered this kind of thing for the first time.

Moreover, this matter is too abnormal and unreasonable.

Ji Tianxing roared so rightly and boldly again, and his tone was so majestic.

The high priest was confused on the spot, completely unable to distinguish between true and false.

While he was stunned, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao speeded up and finally broke the last two formation nodes.

Suddenly, the third divine formation was cut through a gap.

Endless divine power of good fortune, like a volcanic eruption, erupted from that gap.


In an instant, the overwhelming colorful divine light filled the entire hall, illuminating the square.

The crystal clear **** of good fortune, like a tired bird throwing into the forest, passed through the gap of the **** array, and flew to Yun Yao as fast as lightning.

"call out!"

The Shenzhu flew in front of her without stopping at all, and went straight into the center of her eyebrows and disappeared.

Yun Yao's complexion changed immediately, a deep joy came out of her eyes, she turned her head to look at Ji Tianxing, winking.

The two of them had a sharp heart, and Ji Tianxing instantly understood her meaning.

The God Orb of Good Fortune is already in hand, her shackles are instantly loosened, and she will be able to break through the God King realm immediately!

Therefore, Ji Tianxing waved his big hand and shot out a white light to collect Yun Yao into the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers.

Yun Yao returned to Twisted Time and Space, without delay in the slightest, immediately went to retreat and breakthrough.

At this time, Ji Tianxing stopped his work slowly and turned around to look at the high priest.

"Well, the time is up, the task is over."

He brushed the sleeves of his robe and said with a smile.

The high priest glared at him, pointed his finger at him, and yelled: "You...you messenger thief, really let that woman take away the **** of good fortune!

Don't quibble, you are destroying the altar of good fortune and seeking to seize the **** orb! "

Ji Tianxing didn't deny it, and smiled and nodded: "Yes, you are right, it is true!

However, this altar has the seal of the five king-level superb divine formations. With the strength of my **** king Yizhong, how can it be destroyed? "

"Uh..." The high priest was also stunned on the spot~www.wuxiaspot.com~ frowned fiercely, and muttered: "Yes! The altar is protected by five supernatural formations, and only the old man knows how to open it.

Because of this, the old man left alone before, and he didn't worry about leaving him here.

But how did he do it? "

While he was full of doubts and frowned in thought, Ji Tianxing quietly cast a few magic lights.

Suddenly, a white space door appeared in front of him.

He stepped into the space gate with one foot and was about to leave this shrine.

However, before leaving, he turned his head to look at the high priest, and said with a sneer: "Ben Shaoyu Wenji is a dumb trash that everyone knows, and he definitely doesn't have the power to destroy the altar of good fortune.

Only your high priest, who knows the altar of creation best, can destroy it and seize the supreme **** orb.

This matter is that you guard and steal!

The baptism ceremony will end soon, so you still think about how to explain it to everyone! "

After speaking, Ji Tianxing stepped into the space gate, and his figure disappeared.

The high priest was stunned on the spot, staring at the door of the space dumbfounded, and shouted: "This is impossible! Leaving the space secret of the shrine, the old man only used it once in front of him.

How could he learn it intact and directly display success? "

After the shock, he remembered Ji Tianxing's words again, and his lungs suddenly exploded with anger, his face turned pale.

"You are powerless to destroy the altar, is the old man guarding and stealing?



You shameless beast, crap!

The old man is at odds with you! "

The high priest finally understood that this matter was a conspiracy from beginning to end.

Yuwenji is sinister and cunning, he is too cruel to calculate!


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