Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3548: 1 and a half completed

Hearing the words of the high priest and looking at his expression again, Cheng Jue suddenly sneered.

"High priest, this seat knows what you are thinking.

In fact, Yuwen Ji can enter the God of Good Fortune, this seat and Chongzheng are both responsible.

All three of us made mistakes and we all were punished.

If we are able to resolve this matter, this seat does not want to inform the commander of Styx.

But in fact, this matter is too serious, you and I can't solve it at all!

Listen to this sentence, immediately report to the commander of Styx, if we are late, we will be punished even worse! "

The high priest thought for a while, nodded and said: "That's right, we take the initiative to report the situation and ask the Styx commander for sin. It is better than he gets the news and asks us why we are negligent."

After discussing the countermeasures, the two started to split up.

The high priest hurriedly took out the jade slip to report the situation to the commander of Styx.

After sending out the jade slip of the summons, he hesitated, and then sent a summon to Chong Zheng to explain the situation.

At this time, Cheng Jue had summoned more than a dozen imperial guards and sent more than 600 imperial guards to search the imperial palace and Youdu City.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

The originally quiet and peaceful imperial palace, because of the dozens of teams galloping out and murderous imperial guards, suddenly became tense and depressed.

Nearly a hundred elite geniuses staying in the square in front of the temple, seeing the cold and solemn figures of the imperial guards, felt more and more that something was wrong, and their secret discussions became more intense.

Everyone had a foreboding that something big had happened!

The matter involves the shrine of good fortune, but any problem is not trivial.

There are a few elites and geniuses with noble status, close relations with the Imperial Guard and the House of Internal Affairs, or have secret information channels.

Within a quarter of an hour, those elite geniuses found out why.

It turned out that someone entered the Temple of Good Fortune in advance last night, tried to deceive the high priest, destroyed the Altar of Good Fortune, and stole the Supreme God Orb!

And that daring bastard, no one could guess, it turned out to be the young man Yu Wenji!

When several elite geniuses learned of this news, they were all shocked and shocked for a long time before returning to their senses.

Immediately, they were excited and bloody, and they hurriedly told others about it.

Regardless of whether they have thoughts of schadenfreude, or they are curious and shocking, they can't help preaching the news anyway.

In a short while, nearly a hundred elite geniuses knew the news.

Everyone was dumbfounded, their brains blanked in shock, and the five bodies admiringly fell on the ground.

After a brief silence, loud exclamations and angry curses erupted from the crowd.

"Lying down! Is Yuwenji going against the sky?"

"I knew he was lawless and notorious before, but I didn't expect him to be so arrogant!"

"That is the altar built by the divine emperor himself! How dare he destroy the altar and steal the divine pearl!"

"We can only accept the baptism of divine light, he did it well and stole all the divine beads directly!

Awesome! It's a mess! "

"Master Yuwen, a real warrior too! But that kid won't survive tonight, everyone wait and see!"

"Yuwenji, a beast who kills a thousand swords, is eating alone!

He stole the orb, where are we going to receive the baptism of the light? "

"Hey! Don't you think this news is ridiculous?

With Yuwenji's strength, how could it be possible to destroy the altar and steal the **** orb? "

"Whether it is true or not, anyway, Yu Wenji did not come, there is a big suspicion.

With such a big incident, he wanted to implicate Feng Lingyu's main mansion, what a scam! "

Many elite geniuses talked about it, and the news quickly spread outside the imperial palace.

After just an hour, it spread in Youdu City.

Many wealthy aristocrats and strong men have received this news.

For a while, the whole You was talking about this, and countless people exclaimed, feeling incredible.

Of course, everyone who heard the news understood that this matter was too serious!

Within the Youdu, there is bound to be a **** storm!


Cheng Jue was carrying hundreds of imperial guards to search in Youdu City.

The news that Yuwen Ji had stolen the God Orb also spread rapidly in Youdu and was widely known.

The entire Youdu City was filled with the oppressive feeling of mountain rain.

Countless people were watching in secret, waiting for Yu Wenji to be convicted and executed, and Feng Lingyu was implicated and punished.

As the person involved,'Yuwenji' was in a good mood at this time and was not panicked at all.

Before stealing the God Orb of Good Fortune, he must plan carefully, use tactics, and never use force.

However, after the God Orb of Good Fortune got his hands, he was unscrupulous and fearless.

Anyway, the sacred beads are already in hand, come here if you want to fight or kill.

Even if You Du turned upside down, he was fearless.

When leaving the Palace of Good Fortune, Ji Tianxing no longer hides his strength.

He used the invisibility technique to hide from many Emperor Guards' investigations, and left quietly without being discovered by anyone.

After escaping from the imperial palace, he did not return to Qiansong Courtyard.

Because he could guess that the high priest and Cheng Jue would definitely take people to search there.

So he quietly hid in a house in Xicheng District.

The location of this house is quite prosperous~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is surrounded by rows of houses and palaces.

The house is a bit old, not luxurious.

Compared with the quiet and chic houses and magnificent palaces around, it was a bit shabby.

This is simply not in line with Yuwenji's high-profile and local tyrant's style of behavior.

But this house was indeed owned by Yu Wenji.

A few years ago, he quietly bought it behind everyone's back, preparing to do some shameful deeds.

Today, Ji Tianxing is cheaper.

He hides in this house, no one can think of.

"As the saying goes, the most dangerous place is the safest.

After the imperial guards searched the imperial palace, they would definitely search the Qiansong Courtyard, as well as several places that Yuwenji frequented.

If they couldn't find me, they searched the whole city.

They couldn't find it in Youdu, they must have thought that I had fled back to Feng Lingyu and hid back to my hometown.

Ha ha ha... At that time, the center of the storm is in the windy area, but You Du will calm down, and I will have a chance to leave. "

In the secret room deep underground in the house, Ji Tianxing sat cross-legged, muttering to himself with a sneer.

Before he came to Youdu, he thought about the next itinerary and plan.

First seize the God Orb of Good Fortune, and then pass through the two realms to leave the God Realm and go to the Dragon Realm to search for Wuhen.

The current plan is half completed, and only when the time is right, you can enter the two-way passage.

But he knew well that he would never go too smoothly if he wanted to cross the two-world channel!

The passage between the two realms is controlled by the Nether God Emperor, and there must be heavy guards and the strong.

He must calm down and plan well now.

"It would be great if the stolen God Orb could cause a bigger disturbance and lead the Marshal of the Blood Prison and the leader of Styx out of Youdu!"


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