Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3556: Reincarnation

Ji Ke was full of hope and flew south without a rush, while waiting for the arrival of the Marshal of the Blood Prison.

She thought to her that Qian Yuan was the commander of the city guards, and he was considered a man of high authority.

He personally sent a subpoena to the Marshal of the Blood Prison, saying that he had found Yuwenji and was pursuing it with all his strength, asking for help.

It stands to reason that the Marshal of the Blood Prison shouldn't ignore it, and most of it will do it himself.

As long as the Marshal of the Blood Prison leaves Youdu, Ji Tianxing will be able to go to the two realms passage with confidence.

Taking a step back, a strong man like the Marshal of the Blood Prison might send a clone to capture Yuwenji.

That's good, at least the position of the Marshal of the Blood Prison can be determined.

As long as he is not near the two-world passage, even if he stays in Youdu City, it will not affect Ji Tianxing's plan.

In general, Ji Ke feels close to success!

At this time, she had already traveled more than a hundred thousand miles south, which had long been beyond the scope of Ji Tianxing's divine sense detection.

Ji Tianxing was still at the northern gate of Youdu, waiting patiently for news.

In order to prevent him from worrying and anxious, Ji Ke hurried along while sending him a subpoena to explain the situation.

"Brother Tianxing, as planned, I have killed the guard leader and supervised Qianyuan.

The movement of the fight against each other should have alarmed the powerful **** kings in Youdu City.

There is good news that we did not expect.

Qian Yuan only brought a few captains of the guard to arrest me. He wanted to take the credit alone, so he asked the Marshal of the Blood Prison for help.

If nothing happens, the Marshal of the Blood Prison should come and kill me.

You are ready to go north of the city, don't worry about me, I will evacuate in time. "

After sending the subpoena, Ji Ke rushed intently and kept vigilant observations around.

The Marshal of the Blood Prison was too powerful, and she was worried that the Marshal of the Blood Prison would approach silently, and instantly grabbed her.

In this way, she didn't even have a chance to escape, it would be a tragedy.

Unconsciously, another hundred breaths of time passed.

Ji Ke slowed down again, turning his head to look back from time to time.

However, the night sky was as dark as ink, and there was no trace of the Marshal of the Blood Prison.

"Strange, why doesn't the Marshal of the Blood Prison show up yet?

Isn't he in Youdu? Or practicing in retreat, ignoring external mundane affairs? "

Time has passed for so long, at the speed of the Marshal of the Blood Prison, even two round trips are enough.

Ji Ke didn't worry that the Marshal of the Blood Prison would be lost. The kind of **** king powerhouse, the means of tracking the aura of divine power, was terribly clever.

In this case, there are only two possibilities above.

The Marshal of Blood Prison is not in Youdu, or is practicing in retreat.

Of course, this is good news for Ji Ke.

At the very least, the Marshal of the Blood Prison will not affect Ji Tianxing's plan.

Thinking of this, Ji Ke plans to send a message to Ji Tianxing to discuss countermeasures.

But at this moment, a dazzling divine light lit up in the northern night sky.

There are seven or eight figures, piercing the night sky like lightning, galloping in.

Ji Ke suddenly saw hope, and his dim eyes immediately became bright.

"Is it finally here?"

Although, she sensed the breath of the **** king and strong.

But she vaguely felt that something was wrong.

It stands to reason that a strong man of the realm like the Marshal of the Blood Prison should be alone.

How can you go together and bring so many helpers?

It turns out that Ji Ke did not guess wrong.

She pretended to run away for a while, the speed was too slow, and she was quickly stopped by the eight powerful kings.

The front, back, left and right were blocked, she could only stop in the night sky, her eyes swept across the crowd with cold eyes.

What you see is a strange face.

Most of these eight **** kings are dressed in luxurious and majestic manners, and they are obviously in high positions.

Among them, there are six middle **** kings and only two upper **** kings.

The weakest, there are also five levels of the Divine King Realm.

And the strongest person has reached the eighth layer of the Divine King Realm.

Ji Ke looked around for a week, and his gaze fell on the old man in the Eightfold Divine King Realm.

This person is wearing a black **** armor, a square crown on his head, and a burly tall body that exudes an aura of iron and blood.

Ji Ke thought to herself, this person was wearing battle armor and exuding a strong killing aura. Is it possible that he was the Marshal of the Blood Prison?

She is not like Ji Tianxing, who refines Yuwenji's godhead and integrates Yuwenji's soul memory.

Even staring at the black armored old man, she couldn't recognize it.

However, most of these eight gods knew Yuwenji.

The crowd surrounded Ji Ke, looking at her in time, and persuading her.

"Yuwenji, you have been suspicious and hidden for many days, and you finally showed your feet tonight!"

"Boy Yuwen, you can't escape with your wings, don't waste time anymore, catch it with your hands, and accept the trial!"

"Yuwenji, surrender obediently!"

"Everyone thought you had fled back to Feng Lingyu, but you didn't expect you to hide in Youdu City and didn't escape until tonight.

You kid, let us look at it with admiration! "

Several **** kings rushed to persuade, some were sorry, some were gloating, and some were puzzled.

But Ji Ke ignored them, staring only at the black armored old man.

This person is the leader of the eight **** kings, and the other seven people respect him.

After everyone's discussion stopped ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The black armored old man stared at Ji Ke, and said with regret: "Yuwenji, Yuwenji, you really disappointed the old man!

After you are also a loyal minister, how can you do such a rebellious thing?

Although you and your father have a fateful friendship, the old man can't favor favoritism. He can only follow the order of the marshal and handle it impartially. "

Hearing what he said, Ji Ke was immediately disappointed.

Obviously, this black armored old man is not the Marshal of the Blood Prison.

Ji Ke frowned and asked: "Are you?"

The black armored old man said quietly: "The old man is under the seat of the Marshal of the Blood Prison, one of the six reincarnation gods.

You were not born when you were fighting on the battlefield with your father and besieging the sword **** in the outer starry sky. "

Ji Ke frowned again, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said in a cold tone: "So, the Marshal of the Blood Prison stays in Youdu City. He doesn't want to show up and only sent you?"

Although the plan failed, she still wanted to find out the trace of the Marshal of the Blood Prison.

The black armored old man frowned, and said with a sneer: "Yuwenji, even if you have some ability, you are still vulnerable in our eyes.

You don't deserve to let the Marshal take action at all, the old man and these **** kings can easily capture you.

Well, don't waste time, surrender quickly! "

After a pause, he added: "Looking at the relationship between the old man and your father, the old man reminds you a few words and shows you a clear way.

After the old man takes you back, you take the initiative to return the God Orb and cooperate with the investigation and interrogation.

You have to admit that this is what you did alone, and don't bother with your father.

Then, ask your father to visit Youdu again and personally intercede with the marshal.

Only in this way can you have a way to survive! "


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