Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3566: This is too ironic

Although, Ji Tianxing is still invisible, and his spirit aura is reduced.

But he was casting a spell to break the formation, and he kept hitting the colorful lights.

This exposed his existence and his position.

Of course, this was in his expectation.

Those **** kings are not fools, even if they are caught off guard and are not mentally prepared, they are at most stunned for two or three breaths, and they will find clues.

At that time, even if he is invisible, he will be under siege.

as predicted.

The eyes of the six gods gathered together under the altar.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and immediately guessed the truth.

"I see! There is a strong **** king who is casting a spell in stealth, opening the time and space altar!"

"Yes! It must be that **** who attacked the guard in the square."

"Such blatantly cast a spell to open the altar, yet display invisible magical powers. Isn't it a secret?"

"This king is really eye-opening. Someone is so bold and dare to sneak into this place to open the altar?"

"Hahahaha...Since we were ordered to guard the time and space altar, we have been bored for hundreds of years, and we finally have fun today!"

It was found that someone had sneaked in and opened the altar in stealth. Not only were the **** kings not angry and panicked, they were also excited and excited.

After a few babbled discussions, the six **** kings shot at the same time, performing various magical skills, and blasted towards Ji Tianxing below the altar.

"Bold fanatic, don't show up yet!"

"Come out, dog thief!"

"What's the use of being invisible? Take it to death!"

Several **** kings sipped coldly, releasing the sharp blades of divine light, shooting like a rain of arrows.

Of course, Ji Tianxing did not want to be interrupted to cast spells, so he exploded with ten percent divine power, condensing a divine power shield with secret methods.

Suddenly, an oval shield with a height of more than ten feet was formed, which wrapped him and protected him firmly.

"Boom! Boom boom boom!"

In the next instant, the overwhelming divine light blade and ice and fire light beam hit the golden light shield severely, bursting out a series of dull loud noises.

The solid golden light shield was shaken violently, but it was not damaged, only a few cracks appeared.

Even Ji Tianxing, who was casting a spell to break the formation, was shocked, his body trembled, and his expression frowned.

"I underestimated these guys, it seems that it takes a lot of effort."

He had to release his divine power, repair the cracks in the golden shield, and greatly strengthen his defense.

The six **** kings originally thought that they would jointly kill the invisible **** king and the strong man would definitely be severely injured.

No matter how bad it is, it will be forced to show its true shape.

But everyone did not expect that the divine king did not appear, only a divine light shield appeared on the spot, blocking their attack.

Everyone was shocked, and they all showed incredible eyes.

"Not showing up yet? And blocking our attack?"

"That guy is a bit strong!"

"That's right, that guy is not strong enough, how could he sneak into this place and dare to cast a spell to open the altar?"

"Our six middle-ranked kings joined forces, and none of them were able to force him to show up. That must be a high-ranked king!"

"Or, let's notify the two gods and let them handle it!"

The six **** kings whispered and talked, and some people proposed to report the two gods.

However, several other **** kings immediately rejected it.

"I haven't seen that guy's real body, and I don't understand the situation, so I'll report to the two gods?"

"This is just a test. We haven't used our full strength yet.

Reporting to Lord God now, doesn't it appear that we are incompetent?

At that time, the Lord God will certainly be unhappy, and will call us a few of us as trash! "

"The movement of our joint spellcasting is so big that everyone will hear it, and the two gods must also know it. You still need to report it?"

Hearing these rebuttals from the **** kings, the **** king who proposed it turned into a daze, so he didn't say more.

Without hesitation, everyone teamed up to perform supernatural skills, and Chao Ji Tianxing launched an attack.

It was just a test just now, and neither of them paid much attention to the opponent.

And now, the six gods realized that their opponents were very strong, and they all used their hole cards to burst out their strongest strength.

"Thang Long Slash!"

"Yingyue Sword!"

"Water mirror magic sword!"

"Feng Shen Qi Jue Slash!"

"Six Paths of Transforming Blood and Divine Light!"

With a loud shout of anger, a dazzling divine light lit up over the square, forming a shadow of a sword, light and sword that covered the sky and sun, slashing to Ji Tianxing fiercely.

At this moment, the entire reef island was illuminated by divine light.

The violent power of destroying the world suppressed the entire square.

Ji Tianxing did not dare to be careless, and while continuing to cast spells to open the altar, he once again strengthened the power of the golden shield.

"Boom! Boom boom boom boom!"

The sword and shadow of the sky, with the momentum of opening up the world, hit the golden shield with a bang, bursting with a deafening noise.

Suddenly, the golden shield was trembling violently, and there was a cracking sound of ‘click.

Dense cracks appeared on the shield, and the defense power was much weaker.

The sky sword light sword shadow collided with the golden light shield, bursting out a violent shock wave, bursting out thousands of divine light fragments.


The shock wave engulfed the fragments of divine light, like a colorful torrent, spreading in all directions, impacting the palaces around the square.

Suddenly, the entire reef island shook.

The ground of the square was shattered to pieces, and many gullies and potholes collapsed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The surrounding ten palaces were also shaking violently, lighting up colorful defensive shields.

Fortunately, those palaces were protected by the divine formation, and they were able to survive.

Otherwise, it would have been damaged by the shock wave and turned into rubble.

Although the square was torn apart and devastated.

But the time and space altar in the middle of the square, and the eight dark brown stone pillars, are intact.

After all, it was a king-level superb divine formation, and even the upper divine king could not destroy it.

"Damn it! It was blocked again?"

"What a wicked one! How strong is that guy?"

"Not even showing up yet? It seems we can't threaten him anymore!"

The six **** kings saw the golden light shield return to its original state, and the invisible powerhouse had not yet appeared, and they were a little dumbfounded.

Forget the first tentative attack, they just tried their best to shoot.

In the end, it still didn't hurt the opponent, even forcing the opponent to show up.

This is too ironic!

The faces of the six gods were a little ugly, and their eyes were rather gloomy.

At this time, from the palaces around the square, more than a dozen **** kings flew out one after another and came to the sky above the square.

These **** kings originally practiced in the palace.

The fighting in the square was too loud, forcing them to end their practice and rush over to check the situation.

As a result, the square became devastated, like ruins.

But there are only six **** kings in the sky, and no trace of the enemy can be seen.

More than a dozen **** kings were full of doubts and questioned.

"Where is Xiaoxiao, dare to invade the altar of time and space?"

"What are you guys doing? Why are you making such a big noise?"

"A powerful enemy invaded? Where are the people?"


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