Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3579: Indefinitely

Only two days have passed since the Dragon Realm.

However, Ji Tianxing spent more than three months in recuperation in a contorted time and space.

His injury recovered 80%, and his mental outlook returned to its peak.

Originally, he wanted to retreat for another two months and heal the injury completely.

But unfortunately, someone kept knocking outside the secret room.

After he sensed it, he could only end the recuperation and walk out of the secret room.

The two bear guards outside the door saw him appear and quickly bowed to salute.

"Young Master Long, Your Royal Highness is waiting for you in the living room. I have something to discuss with you."

"Yeah." Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and walked towards the living room.

He thought to himself: "There must always be a statement about this. Since she came to me, let's talk about it."

After a while, he entered the bright and spacious living room.

Xiang Yu is sitting on the main seat, looks dignified, and his clothes and hair accessories are also very elegant, obviously well-dressed.

Seeing this, Ji Tianxing frowned slightly, a little bit dumbfounded.

But he didn't show any abnormality, bowed his hand to Xiangyu and sat down.

"You came to me because of the previous incident?"

Although his posture was relaxed and indifferent, he was not polite, and he did not call His Royal Highness the princess.

But Xiangyu didn't care about it and took it for granted.

No way, who is the noblest dragon clan?

"Young Master Long Tian, ​​Shi Yunrui has been sent back to the Marshal's Mansion.

His injuries were treated in time, and there should be no serious problems.

Moreover, this palace also personally explained the passing to the Generalissimo, and interceded with him. The Marshal's Mansion will not blame you. "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said thank you.

Xiang Yu's eyes were much gentler, and he had a somewhat reserved attitude, but also a bit more eager.

Obviously, she saw the hope of enhancing the relationship.

So, she took the opportunity to ask Ji Tianxing: "Young Master Long, I saw that you had a bad complexion and blood stains before, and it seemed that you had suffered serious injuries.

Can you tell me what happened to you before?

In addition, I haven't asked where the son comes from..."

Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and said with a light smile: "I was in an accident before and I did suffer serious injuries, but I can't tell you the specifics.

Moreover, you don't need to inquire about my identity background and origin. "

"Uh...what does Lord Long mean?" Xiang Yu was taken aback, frowned, his eyes a little disappointed.

Ji Tianxing smiled and said: "Then I will just say that you and I are strangers. If it were not for this accident, it would be impossible for you and me to meet, let alone know each other.

Since there is nothing wrong with Shi Yunrui, I am leaving today.

Of course, you helped me dissuade the generals, and if I owe you a favor, I can compensate you. "

Having said that, he thought for a while, and said, "You are the little princess of the Celestial Elephant Empire, and you seem to be favored. There is definitely no shortage of training resources.

In this way, if I give you a king-level artifact as a thank you gift, we will clean up the two, how? "

Anyway, there are dozens of king-level inferior artifacts stored in his space ring, which are usually not used, and it is not distressed to give one.

However, for the Celestial Empire, the king-level inferior artifact can be called a kingdom-like artifact.

It's a big deal to repay the favor like this.

Xiang Yu was visibly startled, and there was such a momentary heartbeat.

But she immediately suppressed the urge to nod, and shook her head quickly: "No! Young Master Long, the king-level artifact is precious, but this is not what this palace wants."

"Then what do you want?" Ji Tianxing asked subconsciously.

However, after asking, he regretted it.

Xiang Yu held back the shame, gathered the courage to look at him directly, and said solemnly: "You!"

"Take me?" Although Ji Tianxing had expected this result, he was still full of black lines.

Xiang Yu's cheeks flushed and said: "You have defeated Lion Yunrui, you are the first, so you want to marry me."

Ji Tianxing smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I said it was an accident. Your request was unreasonable.

You now have only two choices, accept or reject my thanks.

You only have ten breaths of time to consider, and I will leave when the time is up. "

Xiang Yu suddenly became anxious and asked with red eyes, "But you ruined my martial arts contest, shouldn't you make up for me?

Even if you don't want to marry me for the time being, you should stay for a while.

Maybe after we get to know each other, you will treat me..."

Before she finished speaking, Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said: "Your Royal Highness, in fact, you and I know that you don't want to marry Lion Yunrui. By coincidence, I fell from the sky, so you use me as an excuse.

However, I have a wife and children, and I am not interested in the Celestial Clan, sorry. "

After speaking, he took out a scarlet battle axe from the space ring and placed it on the table in front of Xiangyu.

"This is a thank you gift, goodbye."

After putting down the battle axe, he got up to leave.

Although, he did make a mistake first, hurting Lion Yunrui and ruining Xiang Yu's martial arts contest.

But he took a king-level inferior artifact as a thank-you gift, and it was considered as benevolent.

The most important thing is that he doesn't want to keep entangled.

This matter was originally Xiangyu's wishful thinking, and there was nothing to talk about.


Seeing that Ji Tian walked to the door of the living room, Xiang Yu hurriedly chased him ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Young Master Long, do you look down on our Celestial Clan and think that we are inferior bloodline, not worthy of your Dragon bloodline? "

Xiang Yu opened his arms and stopped in front of Ji Tianxing, looking at him with tears in his eyes.

She was aggrieved and her tone was sad.

But Ji Tianxing looked at her baby elephant's nose, dangling in front of her eyes, still couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Ahem...Don't get me wrong, I don't have this idea."

"Then why don't you want to wait too much for a day, do I make you so disgusted?" Xiang Yu held his head stubbornly, with pleading expression in his eyes.

"Hey..." Ji Tianxing sighed and shook his head.

Like Yu's mind, he actually understood it a long time ago.

I wanted to give away a king-level artifact, and that's it.

Since the other party insisted on entanglement, he had no choice but to be polite.

"Little princess, take a good rest, there will be no deadline."

He smiled and said this to Yu Yu.

Before Xiang Yu could react, he released an invisible spirit power that struck Xiang Yu's mind.

Suddenly, Xiang Yu only felt a buzz in his mind and lost consciousness.

She closed her eyes and fell slowly to the ground, falling into a deep sleep.

Ji Tianxing stopped staying, stepped out of the living room, and left quickly.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he used the technique of invisibility and quietly left Xingyun Palace.

Even if he passed by the guards on patrol and passed through the palace with many open guards and secret guards, he was not discovered by anyone.

With the strength of his Divine King Realm, he is completely free to come and go in the celestial elephant empire, as if entering the realm of no one.

After a quarter of an hour, he left the imperial capital, flew into the sky quickly, and left quickly.


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