Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3581: do my best

"You follow me?"

Ji Tianxing frowned, his eyes suddenly turning cold.

Although he knew that the Peng clan youth was talking nonsense.

After all, his divine consciousness enveloped the whole city, and every move of millions of people of the monster race was under his control.

If someone looks at him more, he will find out, let alone stalking?

However, if the Peng clan youth deliberately said this, he would also be appropriately displeased.

The Peng clan youth quickly waved his hand and explained: "Brother Dragon calms down my anger. I have no malice. After all, we have never lived.

It’s just that Brother Long is handsome and magnificent, and he is a magnificent weapon, no matter his form or temperament, he is noble noble, which made me see you at a glance in the vast crowd..."

As the saying goes, not hitting the smiley person with his hand, Ji Tianxing can feel that this person is innocent, and his frowning brows relax.

After all, this guy is telling the truth.

Well, he prefers real people.

"Let's talk about it, what on earth do you want to do?" Ji Tianxing's expression was plain as water.

The Peng clan youth was not eager to answer, and asked with a smile: "Brother Long, before answering this question, I would like to ask, did you pass by here or come to Yuze City to do business?"

"Is there a difference?" Ji Tianxing asked rhetorically.

The Peng clan youth nodded and said, "Of course there is a difference! If Brother Long is passing here, then I want to do a business with you.

If Brother Long is here to work in Yuze City, then I want to make friends with Brother Long.

After all, I'm Pengfei in Yuze City, and I still have some avenues. "

Ji Tianxing raised his brows and said straightforwardly: "I neither want to do business nor make friends."

"Uh..." Peng Fei did not expect that he would refuse so simply.

So, he gritted his teeth and made up his mind, and plucked up the courage to say: "Brother Long, I have no intentions, so why do you reject people thousands of miles away?

If this is the case, then I would dare to guess, Brother Long, you did not pass by here, but came here to do business specially. "

Ji Tianxing looked at him blankly and said, "Why do you see it?"

Peng Fei did not explain, showing a confident smile, and continued: "I dare to guess that Brother Long should have come to find someone, and he is a powerful man with a very noble status.

Well, let me think about it, it might be City Lord Yuze... No, it should not be him.

If I'm not wrong, Brother Long's goal is Yunze Mountain, right? "

Ji Tianxing looked at him with a smile, and said, "It's interesting! I remember that the inheritance and talent of the Dapeng clan is not about reading the mind and soul."

"Of course not." Peng Fei said with a light smile: "This has nothing to do with the blood of my clan, but what exactly it is, please forgive me not to disclose."

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said, "I am not interested in your secrets. Let's just say, what do you want to do with so much effort?"

Peng Fei raised his eyebrows and said with a wry smile: "I wanted to make friends with you, but looking at your attitude, I probably won't agree.

In that case, let's talk about business.

I have a top-secret message that I want to sell to you. You will definitely be interested. "

"Why should I be interested in things that have nothing to do with me?" Ji Tianxing asked rhetorically.

Pengfei said with a certain tone: "Because it has something to do with the Dragon Race, and it is a huge opportunity!"

When he said this, Peng Fei had a serious expression, and he used the voice of divine sense.

Ji Tianxing suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help but smile, "Okay, let's listen."

Peng Fei hesitated for a while before speaking, "Originally, this news of me was going to sell 20 million sacred stones, and I would never disclose it if I didn't pay.

However, depending on your face, Brother Long, I can reveal a little bit first.

Just yesterday, a vision of heaven and earth appeared somewhere, and an ancient secret realm appeared, which is said to be related to the dragon clan...

Well, Brother Long, I can only reveal so much. "

After speaking, he looked at Ji Tianxing with a smile, looking expectant.

He thought that Ji Tianxing would definitely be excited, and continued to ask the insider.

In this case, he can ask for a price.

Unexpectedly, Ji Tianxing said with a joke: "If this is the news, the 20 million sacred stone will have no chance with you."

"Ah? What do you mean?" Pengfei was stunned on the spot.

Ji Tianxing replied via voice transmission: "Because I already know the news, the place you call is Tianren Domain."

"..." Peng Fei was stunned, showing an unbelievable expression, and exclaimed: "How do you know? This is impossible!

The news came out yesterday, and only five people in the entire Yuze City knew..."

Ji Tianxing patted him on the shoulder and said, "Boy, although you are interesting, we have nothing to talk about. Goodbye."

After speaking, he is about to leave.

Only then did Peng Fei recover, and quickly stopped him, and said eagerly: "Brother Long stay! Now that you know the news, don't you be moved?

Anyway, Tianren Domain is very close, we can cooperate and explore that secret realm together.

I will bring in people to inquire about the news and various chores. When it's done, we will divide the account by five to five..."

Ji Tianxing doesn't care about anything ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but he can get 50% of the harvest. Pengfei's conditions are very favorable.

But Ji Tianxing still insisted on leaving, "Not interested."

Pengfei hurriedly caught up and followed him, constantly bargaining.

"Then let's get four or six points, you six and me four!"

"Why don't we have three or seven points, you seven... Brother Long don't go!"

Seeing that Ji Tianxing's attitude was firm and unmoved, Peng Fei pursed his lips, gritted his teeth and said, "Brother Dragon, let's talk about the adventure later.

I have a way, I can take you to Yunze Mountain and help you meet that strong man immediately! "

Ji Tianxing paused, turned his head to look at him, and said with a faint smile: "Are you sure? Do you know who that strong man is?"

Seeing him stop, Peng Fei immediately recovered hope, patted his chest and said, "Of course it is!"

Ji Tianxing said with a smile, "I want to see Lu Ming."

"Lu Ming?" Peng Fei frowned suspiciously, and after thinking about it carefully, suddenly he thought of something, and his expression suddenly changed.

"What are you talking about... Domain Master?"

Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded, and asked: "Now you are still sure, can you help me see him immediately?"

Peng Fei's expression was a bit embarrassing, and he was silent for a while before he mustered up his courage, gritted his teeth and nodded.

"no problem!"

No matter how you brag, you have to hold on!

"Haha... forget it." Ji Tianxing chuckled and continued to move forward.

Peng Fei followed up again, and questioned with a depressed expression: "Brother Long, don't you believe me?"

"What do you mean?" Ji Tianxing did not look back, his expression indifferent.

Peng Fei hesitated for a moment, and then said in a low tone: "Forget it, I'll give it up!

Actually, I am the nephew of the domain master..."


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