Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3583: Reunion of old friends

Yunze Mountain has a radius of millions of miles.

The greenery here is like the sea, and the dangerous peaks of the odd mountains rise and fall one after another, as if there is no end forever.

The heavens and the earth are extremely rich in divine power, and monsters that become gods can be seen everywhere in the mountains, in groups.

There are countless varieties of sacred flowers and fruits, exuding a rich aroma.

Over the mountains and the forest sea, the clouds and mists evaporate all the year round, even the scorching sun at noon is difficult to penetrate.

There is no doubt that this is a treasured land of divine veins, which is most suitable for establishing sects, building caves and shrines here.

And the domain master mansion of Qinglian Domain Lord Lu Ming is in the depths of Yunze Mountain.

It was a magnificent shrine, standing on top of the vast sea of ​​clouds.

Ji Tianxing did not explain the direction, but Pengfei carried him straight to the depths of Yunze Mountain and arrived outside the gate of the domain master's mansion.

During this period, Pengfei did not hesitate at all, let alone detour.

Based on this alone, it can be seen that he has indeed been to the Qinglian Region Lord's Mansion.


Pengfei landed outside the gate of the divine palace, and immediately put away the body of the golden-winged roc bird and transformed back into a human form.

The guards of the Divine Sovereign Realm guarding the gate looked at Ji Tianxing and Pengfei with dignity and vigilant eyes.

Before Ji Tianxing could speak, Pengfei took the initiative to say to the guard: "Please inform us, Wuhuashan disciple Pengfei begs to see Lord Domain Lord."

"Wuhuashan?" The two guards were taken aback, and after looking at each other, they knew in their hearts.

One of them clung his hands and said, "Please wait for a while, and the subordinates will report it."

The guard's posture and tone were somewhat respectful.

Obviously, Pengfei's identity is not low.

Ji Tianxing waited blankly, observing the entire shrine in secret.

Although he knew Lu Ming, he had never been to the Qinglian Region before, let alone Lu Ming's cave.

After just a few breaths, the guard went and returned, bowing to Pengfei and saluting: "My lord of the domain has agreed, please come with me."

While talking, the guard led Ji Tianxing and Pengfei into the divine palace.

The three passed through the front yard and entered the hospitality hall of the second courtyard.

After Ji Tianxing and Pengfei took their seats, the maid brought spirit fruit and **** tea, and the guard also bowed and retreated.

Shaoqian, there is a majestic voice full of air, into the hall.

"Pengfei! You guys don't want to stay in Wuhuashan to practice, what are you running around?"

Following this voice, a middle-aged demon man wearing a green robe and a jade crown stepped into the hall.

When he saw this person appear, Peng Fei quickly got up and saluted, with a slightly embarrassed expression: "Peng Fei, see Uncle Master!"

The demon man he called Shishu was exactly Lu Ming, the master of the Qinglian Region.

When he stepped into the hall, Ji Tianxing recognized it.

He glanced at Peng Fei unexpectedly, and said in his heart: "Unexpectedly, this kid is really Lu Ming's nephew!"

Lu Ming ignored Ji Tianxing for the time being, frowned and stared at Pengfei, scolding angrily: "Pengfei! Did you know that your master has been looking for you everywhere these two years?

Even, your master sent several subpoenas to this seat, so that this seat also sent people to look around.

Where did you hide? What do you want to do? "

Peng Fei's face was embarrassed when he was reprimanded, and he could not explain it face to face, so he could only change the subject.

"What Uncle Master taught me was that my nephew knew it was wrong.

However, my nephew came to visit this time because a friend wanted to see you. "

While talking, Peng Fei pointed to Ji Tianxing beside him, and introduced: "Uncle Master, this...Brother Dragon made a special trip to Qinglian Territory, and I have something important to see you."

Halfway through the introduction, Peng Fei felt embarrassed when he remembered that he hadn't asked Ji Tianxing's name.

Lu Ming frowned and looked at Ji Tianxing. After seeing his face clearly, he was stunned, his expression and eyes were a little trance.

So that, what Peng Fei said later, he didn't listen to a word.

Lu Ming was still in a daze, but Ji Tianxing smiled and bowed his hand to him, saying: "Brother Lu, don't come here without any problems!"

Hearing this familiar voice, Lu Ming finally recovered and exclaimed in disbelief: "You...you are... Longtian? That Longtian in Tianlong Continent?"

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Exactly! Brother Lu has a good memory, he still remembers these things."

Lu Ming said with a big smile: "Hahahaha...How could I forget this?

The performance of the Dragon Brothers at that exchange meeting that year was brilliant and shocking.

Even though the millennium has passed, I still remember it clearly, and now I can’t help but admire and sigh. "

Ji Tianxing smiled and waved his hand, saying, "Brother Lu is too acclaimed. It's all old things, so don't mention it."

"Well, Brother Dragon is coming this time..." Lu Ming sat down in the first place and was about to talk to Ji Tianxing, but suddenly remembered something, his expression suddenly became very complicated.

He frowned, looked at Ji Tianxing a few times in secret, hesitated, and asked tentatively, "Brother Dragon, have you been to the Celestial Elephant Empire before?"

Ji Tianxing was also a little surprised, and asked, "I have indeed been there, how does Brother Lu know?"

"Uhhhhh...nothing!" Lu Ming smiled and waved his hand, and immediately suppressed the complicated emotions ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ smiled cordially and said, "I'm so lucky to see Brother Dragon again after a thousand years.

Brother Long asked me for something, but said it's OK. "

Ji Tianxing didn't think much about it, and said straightforwardly: "There is indeed something to ask you, and I want to ask you some news."

Lu Ming nodded and said with a hearty smile: "I would like to hear the details."

Ji Tianxing looked around the hall and saw that he, Pengfei, and Lu Ming were the only ones in the hall. Then he said, "Brother Lu, it's true that I have been practicing in retreat for thousands of years, and I am not aware of the changes in the external situation.

So, I want to ask you about the current situation in Xingyuan Continent.

For example, which powerhouse controls the current Star Source Continent? What superpowers are there? Are there more pinnacle kings? "

Lu Ming was taken aback for a moment, his expression was a bit stunned and said, "Brother Dragon, you came to visit me all the way to ask about these things?"

"Of course." Ji Tianxing nodded.

"Oh, it's simple, please let me speak slowly." Lu Ming's surface was calm, but he didn't believe it in his heart. He always felt that Ji Tianxing had no plans.

"The overlord who controls the Star Origin Continent has not changed, and is still the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

The pinnacle **** king, there have indeed been two in the past thousand years, both of them are outstanding powerhouses.

As for the superpowers, there are still more than a dozen cave heavens, plus the power of two newly promoted peak **** kings..."

Lu Ming's tone was calm and indifferent, speaking without rush or impatientness.

Ji Tianxing listened carefully, nodding from time to time to express understanding, and occasionally asked a few more questions.

Up to now, the conversation between the two parties has been very pleasant.

From Lu Ming's mouth, Ji Tianxing learned that there hasn't been much change in Xingyuan Continent for nearly a thousand years, and everything is safe and healthy.


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