Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 369: A more enchanting genius

Ji Tianxing just woke up, he saw Yun Yao beside him.

   Seeing that she looked a little tired, he said in a gentle voice: "Master Sister, you have been protecting the Fa during my deep sleep practice, and you have worked hard."

   Yunyao stared at him with calm eyes and emotions, and said in a natural tone: "Between you and me, why are you thanking me?"

   Ji Tianxing nodded, with a gentle smile in his eyes, and asked: "Master sister, how long have I been asleep?"

   "It's been three days." Yun Yao stood up, Yun Gong shook off the dust on her white skirt, and restored the appearance of the ice and jade fairy.

   Ji Tianxing frowned, and said in a low voice: "I actually slept for three days? Jiuding Qiankun Array can only be temporarily closed for three and a half days."

   "Master sister, we only have half a day, we must leave as soon as possible!"

   "Good." Yun Yao nodded in agreement.

   After a pause, she asked again: "Tianxing, the scale of the tomb is so huge, you don't want to explore other places anymore?"

   "Also, since this is the tomb of the Sword God, there are relics of the Sword God."

   "Don't you want to know whether the remains of the sword **** are buried here?"

   Ji Tianxing considered it for a while, and then made up his mind, "Then, within three hours, the time is up, no matter whether there are gains or discoveries, we must withdraw."

   "Well, let's start then." Yun Yao agreed.

   After that, the two left the empty and dark hall, entered a dark passage, and continued to shuttle through the ancient tomb, exploring more places.

   There are hundreds of passages in the ancient tomb, criss-crossed and layered on top of each other, as complex as a fishing net.

   But Ji Tianxing has already understood the mystery of the maze, and can always find the right passage quickly and accurately.

   In the next three hours, he took Yun Yao through the passage and found several partial halls and stone chambers one after another.

   In those small side halls, there are only some strange statues, and there are no useful clues.

   In several stone chambers, reliefs and writings were carved on the walls, recording the deeds of the sword **** when Ye Huang was young.

   Other than that, the two did not find any treasures, let alone the coffin or remains of the Sword God.

   Three hours were approaching, Ji Tianxing stopped searching, and led Yun Yao through the passage to the edge of the tomb.

   When the two were walking in the passage, Yun Yao also analyzed the result.

   "It seems that the tomb of the sword **** built by Emperor Ye Huang is not a real tomb of the sword god, but a cloak mound."

   Ji Tianxing had guessed this a long time ago, so he nodded and explained: "When Ye Huang was young, he was fortunate to have the guidance of the Sword God, and he respected the Sword God extremely."

   "Although the Sword God only gave him some small tips, it changed his life and made him an extremely strong man in the Tianchen Domain."

   "Ye Huang regarded the Sword God as his mentor. After learning the news of the Sword God's fall, he built a cloak mound under Longshan to pay tribute to and cherish the memory of the Sword God."

   After listening to his story, Yun Yao figured out the origin of the Longshan Tomb, and understood the whole story.

   "That's it."

   Not long after, the two returned to the passage that had just entered the ancient tomb.

   Yunyao took out two more earth escape amulets. With the help of the spell, the two left the dark passage and returned to the ground.

   Outside the ancient tomb, at the entrance of Tianyuan Formation.

   Chu Huaishan and the deacons stared at the gloomy tomb intently, their eyes full of anxiety and worry.

   The deacons were all worried and whispered.

   "It's the fourth day, why haven't Tian Xing and Yun Yao come out yet?"

   "Since they entered the tomb, there hasn't been any movement inside. Nothing will happen, right?"

   "This ancient tomb has a thousand years of history and is guarded by the Tianyuan Great Formation. It must be extremely dangerous. The old man is really worried that Tianxing and Yunyao can't handle it."

   "Don't say frustrating words, let's wait patiently, I believe in Tianxing and Yunyao."

   Chu Huaishan looked dignified, weighing silently in his heart whether to send a letter to the head.

   Even if he knew that Yun Yao and Ji Tianxing were both top geniuses, they possessed unimaginable talents and wisdom.

   But it's been four days, Yun Yao and Ji Tianxing never showed up, and there was no news. How could he not feel anxious?

   After weighing it for a long time, he finally made up his mind.

   Wait at most one hour. If Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao have no news, he will send a letter to the head, and ask the head to decide.

   And just at this moment, he suddenly saw in the gloomy ancient tomb, behind the huge tombstone, there were two orange brilliance.


   After the two yellow lights converged, two white robe figures appeared.

   Despite the long distance, the two figures are a little hazy, making Chu Huaishan not real.

   But he can be sure that those two are Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao.

   "Great! They finally came out!"

  Chu Huaishan finally breathed a sigh of relief, the big rock hanging in his heart finally fell.

   Several anxious and worried deacons also showed relief and smiles.

   "Great! They are fine!"

   "I don't know if they are in the ancient tomb, did they find and gain anything?"

   "Don't worry about what you gain, it's good if they can come out!"

   "Yes, in case they have a long and two short, we can't explain to the head."

   The deacons talked for a while, and they all relaxed.

   A moment later, Ji Tianxing and Yun Yao walked out along the black stone path, crossed the entrance of the Tianyuan Array, and returned to Chu Huaishan and the others.

   "Tian Xing, Yun Yao, you finally figured it out!"

   Chu Huaishan quickly greeted him, and said with satisfaction.

   Ji Tianxing bowed his hand and said hello.

   "Elder Chu, deacons, keep everyone waiting!"

   Chu Huaishan and a few deacons looked at the two of them, and saw that they were unharmed, which made them truly relieved.

   However, everyone's eyes were gathered on Ji Tianxing, carefully watching and looking, and the eyes were a little strange.

   Everyone is strong in the Yuan Dan realm, so it can be seen that Ji Tianxing's figure, appearance and temperament seem to be a little different from four days ago.

   When Chu Huaishan used his spiritual sense ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to explore the realm of Ji Tianxing's strength, he suddenly showed his face full of surprise and let out an unbelievable exclamation.

   "Tian Xing! You... actually reached the Yuan Dan realm?"

   Several deacons suddenly shook their bodies, all showing shocked and inexplicable expressions, staring at Ji Tianxing with wide-eyed eyes, as if they were looking at a monster.

   "My God! Haven't seen you in just three or four days, you actually broke through to the Yuan Dan realm?"

   "Furthermore, it is still the triple layer of the Yuandan realm?!"

   "It took more than 50 years to cultivate martial arts as an ascetic to reach the triple level of the Yuan Dan realm before you can serve as a deacon in this sect. Tianxing, you are only seventeen years old, and you are... hey!"

   "Tian Xing, what great chance did you get in the ancient tomb? Can you reach the third level of the Yuan Dan realm directly from the Ninth Tongxuan?

   "It's incredible! This is a miracle!"

   "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, the old man couldn't believe it was true!"

   "Yun Yao reached the Yuan Dan realm at the age of nineteen, and was hailed as the number one genius in the Tianchen domain, and when Tian Xing reached the Yuan Dan realm at only seventeen, wouldn't he be even more genius?"

   "Hahaha, God bless me, the Heavenly Sect! With these two peerless geniuses, Yunyao and Tianxing, this school will definitely become more prosperous!"

   Chu Huaishan and several elders were all excited, talking with excitement and exclaiming.

   Everyone compares him with Yun Yao, but Yun Yao doesn't feel embarrassed, and feels happy for him.

   Ji Tianxing was praised highly by the deacons, but he was not arrogant and complacent, and his expression remained calm.

   He stared at the Tianyuan Great Formation with keen eyes, and after observing it for a while, he suddenly frowned.

   New week, please referral votes, brothers are awesome!

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