Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3794: Just read it

After the king of war whales finished speaking, he stared at Ji Tianxing with cold eyes, watching his reaction.

Ji Tianxing showed a playful smile and said: "Although this king can understand your feelings, I am sorry, this king does not agree to your terms."

"You..." The king of war whales was furious, his eyes flashed with anger, and his whole body burst out with terrifying murderous intent, and he was about to turn his face and break the contract immediately.

Ji Tianxing was not impatient or impatient, and went on to say: "The king of war whales, you have to be clear about your own situation. Now you don't want to fight, but this king gives you a chance and everyone solves it peacefully.

If you can’t accept these two conditions, then we’re going to talk about it, and we can only return to the previous topic, and see the truth under your hand... Let’s play it first! "

While talking, he also urged the Primordial Chaos Clock to release the mighty coercion, which doubled the pressure on the King of Whales.

The king of war whales was silent again, and the anger and murderous intent of his whole body converged into his body.

He frowned, his face gloomy thinking, his heart was obviously complicated and struggling.

Ji Tianxing knew that he was at a critical moment of making a decision, and his decision could be changed with a single thought.

In fact, his performance is so strong that he has calculated the mind of the king of war whales, and is unwilling to bury Xuanji Dongtian, and wants to protect himself.

Now, he has driven the war whale king to a dead end.

If you continue to put pressure on it, I'm afraid that this peak **** king will really have a vigorous battle for dignity and face.

Even though Ji Tianxing was confident and injured him with the Primordial Chaos Clock, he was definitely not going well, and most of them would also be injured.

Ji Tianxing also didn't want to see the ending of losing and losing, after all, he still had a lot to do.

Therefore, seeing the war whale king so hesitating and entangled, he said in a timely manner: "The war whale king, although this king cannot agree to your terms, help you keep this secret.

But you should believe that this king is by no means a talkative person, and it is even more unlikely that this matter will be used as a laughing stock to promote it everywhere.

This is not good for this king.

You also know that this king just wants the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance to take over the Star Source Continent smoothly. "

Seeing what Ji Tianxing said was reasonable and well-founded, and his expression, eyes and tone were all sincere and indifferent, the King of War Whale couldn't help but believe it.

But he was still a little worried, and tried to say: "But, after all, you have to make a promise to this king, so this king can rest assured."

There is still a difference between a promise and an oath.

Of course, for top powerhouses like him and Ji Tianxing, the promise is also very effective, second only to swearing to the sky.

After all, everyone is not only the pinnacle **** king, but also the most powerful and high-status people on the Star Source Continent.

Everyone cherishes feathers and reputation, and no one will be a capricious, unbelievable villain...

Even if it's the kind of imperious, domineering, turbulent wall and grass like Xueshang, he dare not say anything.

Therefore, as long as Ji Tianxing can promise face-to-face, the King of War Whales can rest assured.

Ji Tianxing stared at the King of War Whales and analyzed his inner thoughts through his eyes and subtle expressions.

After a while, Ji Tianxing was able to determine that this was the bottom line of the King of Whales, and the only thing he was worried about.

As long as this problem is solved, the King of Whales should be able to accept it calmly.

Therefore, Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and said with a solemn expression: "The king of war whales, this king can assure you that this matter will never be spread out randomly.

This king will only let the most trusted people know at most, and this king will order them not to disclose it. "

"This..." The King of War Whale's complexion eased a lot, but he fell into a groan and didn't immediately agree.

Ji Tianxing looked at him calmly, could not see a change in his expression, and stopped talking.

Obviously, everything is for this purpose, and he also showed the bottom line.

The king of war whales naturally understood this, and after a while, he finally sighed and nodded in agreement.

"Never mind, this king, you, and the Ten Thousand Monster Alliance, originally had no grievances and no enemies.

I only blame this king for making the mistake of stepping on his feet and helping Xuanji Dongtian.

Now that we have this ending, it can be regarded as a grievance, and we have an explanation for each other.

Long Tian, ​​just ask. "

Ji Tianxing didn't delay any time, and asked straightforwardly: "A dozen years ago, did you ever attack the lower realm? Or did you rescue or meet a human teenager?"

"The Lower Realm?" The King of War Whale immediately frowned, his face full of doubt and perplexity.

"Although the pinnacle **** king understands the will of heaven, can condense a trace of Taoism, and is qualified to intervene in the affairs of the lower realm.

But this king was born in the dragon world and grew up in the dragon world, and has nothing to do with the lower world.

Even, this king has not even been to the God Realm, how could he intervene in the Lower Realm?

As for the Human Race boy you mentioned... I heard that Human Race seems to be a race from the ancient times, right? Didn’t it die out as early as 30,000 years ago?

To be honest, this king has never seen a human race in his life! "

The expression of the king of war whales was a little weird, and the look in Ji Tianxing's eyes was a bit dumbfounding.

Originally, he thought that Ji Tianxing was going to ask something important, some secrets about the dragon world.

Unexpectedly, I asked such a nonsense thing!

Ji Tianxing carefully observed his expression, and seeing him react like this, he knew that he was not lying.

When Ji Tianxing returned to the dragon world, he was looking for Ji Wuhen.

Although, it was a golden dragon giant claw that was abducted by Wu Hate.

But Ji Tianxing is not sure that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ must be the Golden Dragon of the Peak God King Realm who took Wuhen.

The giant claw of the golden dragon may have been transformed by magical powers.

Therefore, every peak **** king has suspicions, even the war whale **** king is no exception.

Because of this, Ji Tianxing temporarily thought of asking the question of the King of War Whales.

Since it was determined that the King of War Whales had nothing to do with this matter, he didn't need to track down the King of War Whales.

So he went on to say: "War Whale King, you should fulfill the second condition."

The second condition is naturally to take an oath of heaven.

For the content of the oath of heaven, the king of war whales thought for a moment, and then he had an idea.

He brewed his emotions, his expression became solemn, and he was about to take the oath.

But Ji Tianxing suddenly reached out and interrupted him, "Hold on!"

The opened mouth of the king of war whales closed immediately, and he forcibly retracted the words he was about to say.

He turned his head to look at Ji Tianxing, frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

Ji Tianxing took out a jade slip, handed it to him with a smile, and said: "Heaven's oath, of course, we must be solemn and careful, don't say every word, even every word must be carefully considered.

Most of what you think of in a hurry is not perfect and strictly forbidden.

I have already figured out the specific content of the oath for you, so just read it accordingly. "

"..." The King of War Whales was stunned on the spot, with a **** expression, his eyes glared at Ji Tianxing.

That look was like saying, what the hell?

You have anticipated this step a long time ago, and you have made preparations in advance, just to calculate the king?

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