Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3796: Misunderstood

The words of the king of war whales are true and sincere.

Although he reached a settlement with Ji Tianxing, it does not mean that the two have no grudges, nor does it mean that he does not hate Ji Tianxing.

It's just that he weighed the pros and cons, pressed the resentment to the bottom of his heart, and was forced to accept this solution.

At the same time, when he mentioned Jinyuan Longdi, he was not threatening or reminding Ji Tianxing, but merely stating a fact.

Everyone in Xingyuan Continent knows that the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor is the most powerful one.

He is not only the first to become famous and the deepest in strength, but also masters the king-level artifact.

The ancestor of Jinpeng, the leader of Luohu, and the king of war whales can not be compared with him.

But now, the Ten Thousand Demons Alliance has captured Xuanji Dongtian and wants to seize the eternal foundation of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

This is an insoluble hatred!

Everyone knows that the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor will definitely rush back to the Dragon Realm and launch the fiercest revenge against the Ten Thousand Demons League!

At that time, if Ji Tianxing and the leader of Luohu are no match for the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, or are beheaded by the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, the Ten Thousand Demons League will still fall short.

It's not that the Ten Thousand Demons League will be able to stabilize the country if it takes the country.

Ji Tianxing smiled, and said to the God King of War Whale: "This question, you won't bother.

Or, you can stay in the South China Sea and wait for news in silence. "

Seeing that he was so confident, it seemed that he had already had the certainty to deal with the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor. The King of War Whales just frowned and said nothing more.


He still didn't even say goodbye, turned and flew away with a cold face.

After a while, he disappeared into the pitch black void.

Ji Tianxing looked at the direction he was leaving, and sighed silently: "I thought this guy was the Peak God King, with a bit of dignity and arrogance, and he would definitely not agree to my terms.

Then I can fight him with all my strength, and I will definitely hurt him.

Unexpectedly, he was so cunning, able to bend and stretch, and even accept such a shameful oath of heaven..."

Ji Tianxing's tone, with a little regret and pity.

After all, the King of War Whales was the first peak King of his formal matches, and it was also an excellent touchstone.

It is a pity that this time I failed to try out my true combat power and potential.


After a while, Ji Tianxing crossed the vast void and returned to the outside of Xuanji Cave.

Although all the void storms in the mysterious cave sky dissipated, the space cracks were basically healed.

But the time is too short, and there are still some cracks remaining on the space barrier, and it is slowly recovering under the repair of the power of heaven.

Ji Tianxing found a spatial crack and forced it to open.

Then, he passed through the space crack and returned to the mysterious cave.

Several hours had passed since the war. Except for the violent aura of divine power remaining between the heavens and the earth, the Xuanji Cave was basically calm within days.

When Ji Tianxing flew across the sky, he saw that the Golden Dragon Mountain Range had disappeared and turned into yellow sand and ravines everywhere.

On a fairly flat land, he saw the soldiers of the Ten Thousand Demons League, as well as thousands of gods and more than a dozen gods on the side of Xuanji Dongtian.

All of them were ragged and bloodstained, looking miserable and embarrassed, and very tired and haggard.

But the soldiers on the side of Xuanji Dongtian were all numb and sad, and their eyes were filled with dazedness and fear.

Obviously, they temporarily became prisoners, but they don't know what their fate will be.

And the three thousand soldiers of the Ten Thousand Demons League are in a better state of mind, and their emotions are quite high. Everyone has a smile of victory on their faces.

At this time, among the three thousand soldiers, two thousand were meditating on the ground, concentrating on their exercises and healing.

The other thousand soldiers held swords and guarded thousands of prisoners.

Ji Tianxing's consciousness swept across the crowd, and he saw the badly injured left and right guardians and Hu Xinyue and others, working to heal their injuries and waiting silently.

But the chief of internal affairs Fu Ergou, and the God King Wanli and others, were gone.


Ji Tianxing flew across the sky, came into the crowd, and landed beside the guardians on the left and right.

The two and Hu Xinyue hurriedly greeted them and bowed to Ji Tianxing.

"Young Master, are you back?"

"Young Master, are you not injured?"

"Where is the king of war whales? Has he been killed by the young master?"

The concerned eyes of the three made Ji Tianxing feel warm in his heart.

But the question of Hu Xinyue made Ji Tianxing a little bit dumbfounded, and couldn't help asking: "That war whale **** king is also the pinnacle **** king anyway, the great elder has so much confidence in me?

Dignified pinnacle **** king, does it mean that you can kill by killing? "

"Uh..." Hu Xinyue was startled, only then realized that his confidence in the young master was indeed too strong and unreasonable.

However, she quickly smiled and explained: "The King of War Whale is the King of Peak, but so is the Young Master!

Moreover, the subordinates believe that with the strength and means of the young master, it is not a problem to kill the King of Whales. "

The guardians of the left and right were also deeply convinced, and quickly nodded in agreement.

The three of them all looked at Ji Tianxing with scorching eyes, looking forward to him, waiting for him to reveal the ending of the King of Whales.

Ji Tianxing did not explain the specific process, but just said: "The King of Whales is not dead, but he has returned to the South China Sea. In the next 100 years, he will not be an enemy of us again."

Upon hearing these words, the eyes of the three people suddenly brightened, and they all showed excitement.

"Sure enough, as I expected, the King of War Whale is really not the opponent of the Young Master!"

"Hahaha... the dignified king of war whales ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ was also severely injured by the young master, so he could only escape back to the South China Sea in embarrassment and retreat for a hundred years!"

"Young Master mighty!"

Obviously, both the left and right guardians and Hu Xinyue had misunderstood.

Ji Tianxing only said that the king of war whales returned to the South China Sea and would not make another move in a hundred years.

However, the three of them were confident that their brains would be strengthened, and they determined that the King of War Whale had been severely injured and would have to heal for a hundred years to recover.

However, Ji Tianxing does not intend to explain this misunderstanding.

"Where is Fuergou? Where did he go?"

The guardian from the left and right hurriedly explained: "Return to the young master, during the previous battle, the master in charge dealt with the dragon king and the bloodshang, and killed the dragon king in the battle.

It's a pity that Xueshang has the best artifact in his hand, and the master can't help him.

In the end, the blood slammed into the exit and killed more than two hundred of our masters before escaping from the mysterious cave..."

Hearing this, Ji Tianxing frowned, and asked with some worry: "Could it be that Fuergou went to hunt down the blood?

Xueshang has the immortal golden body of Qiongqi ancestor, even if Fu Ergo chases it, it is useless! "

Hu Xinyue hurriedly waved her hand and explained, "Don't worry, Young Master, Master Manager also understands this, so she didn't pursue it.

Master General just took a dozen or so **** kings and powerhouses to patrol the mysterious cave sky, searching for people who had escaped in the previous war. "

Ji Tianxing was relieved, nodded and said: "So I can rest assured! During the previous battle, I did destroy many gods, but the gods escaped.

Fu Ergou personally led the team, hoping to clean up those guys. "

The guardians on the left and right nodded quickly, indicating that the master in charge would definitely be able to complete the task.

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