Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3803: You can only die!

The white-robed youth is of the dragon clan, very handsome and martial, can't see through the realm of strength, but reveals an unfathomable breath.

   With one hand behind him, he held the pitch-black Excalibur in the other, and swept across the guards blankly.

   Then, he ignored hundreds of guards and looked calmly into the depths of the cave.

   His expression reaction made the guard commander's expression more solemn, and he said inwardly.

  As the leader of the guard, he must resist such a brutal invasion.

   But he understands that with the strength of his next **** king, it is estimated that even if the opponent cannot take a single move, he will die on the spot.

  If you fail to perform your duties, you will be severely punished by clan rules.

   If he fulfilled his duties, he would be killed on the spot.

   The guard led a dilemma, his face was extremely ugly, and his heart also mentioned his throat.

   Fortunately, the white robe youth did not do anything, as if waiting for something.

  Of course, the guard leader would not take the initiative to take the initiative, so he stood in a stalemate with the opponent, praying silently for the patriarch to come soon...

  In his opinion, a strong man like the white-robed youth, I am afraid that only the patriarch can deal with it.

   After a short while, one of the guards exclaimed with joy: "The patriarch is here!"

   The guard commander and everyone quickly turned their heads, and saw a few divine lights galloping in the sky deep in the cave.

   After a few breaths, those divine lights came to the front and stopped above the heads of many guards.

   The divine light converged, and the figures of the patriarch Xueshang and the four elders appeared in front of everyone.

   Seeing these five powerhouses coming, the guard leader secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

   Sure enough, when Xue Shang saw the white robe youth at the entrance, his pupils shrank first, and then a wry smile appeared.

   He didn't panic, he concealed his emotions well, and ordered in a majestic tone: "You all get back! This is the distinguished guest of this seat, you must not be rude to the distinguished guest!"

   Although, no one believes this sentence.

   Even the simple-minded guards didn't believe that the white-robed youth would be a guest of the patriarch.

   But what the patriarch said, there must be a different meaning.

   Therefore, the guard leader still obeyed his orders, and retreated with nearly a hundred guards.

   Just like that, only the white-robed youth, the blood sage, and the four elders remained at the entrance.

   The four elders looked at the white-robed youth, their eyes full of vigilance.

   Suddenly someone guessed something, his expression changed immediately, and the voice transmission secretly said to his companion: "This person...is Long Tian!"

   The other three elders were also shocked, showing jealousy and horror.

   "What? It turned out to be him?"

   "Dragon Heaven? The acting leader of the Ten Thousand Demons League? What is he doing? Is he taking revenge?"

   "If it was revenge, why did he come alone?"

   Several elders talked secretly, and their hearts were full of doubts and worries.

   The two elders who were responsible for the mission of ‘Envoy of the Ten Thousand Demons League’, unanimously looked towards the blood.

   Their eyes and expressions are clearly asking blood, shall we go to the Ten Thousand Demons League to seek peace?

   Xueshang waved his hand, and ordered the four elders: "You all retreat, let me handle it here."

   "Patriarch! Never!" The four elders were shocked, and they hurriedly began to discourage them.

   "Long Tian obviously came with bad intentions, how can we leave you alone?"

   "The patriarch can rest assured that there is only one person. No matter how strong he is, he cannot beat so many of us."

   The four elders all share the same hatred and resolutely refused to retreat.

   While holding the Heaven Burial Sword, Ji Tianxing never said a word, but watched this scene quietly, with a mockery on the corner of his mouth.

   Probably in his opinion, Xueshang and several elders are acting again.

   In the end, Xue Shang showed off the majesty of the patriarch, and the four elders could only obey the orders and left without worry.

   Centered on the exit, within a radius of 50,000 miles, only Ji Tianxing and Xueshang are left.

   Until then, Ji Tianxing didn't speak~www.wuxiaspot.com~ He looked at the blood, and said with a smile, "It seems that you know the king's intention."

   There is no one else nearby, and Xue Shang no longer pretends. He smiled wryly and nodded and said: "Of course! After the autumn, it was as early as I expected.

   In fact, I have been worrying about this every day for the past year.

   I thought you would come a long time ago, but I didn’t expect you to wait a year before coming. "

   Ji Tianxing looked calm and said, "After the battle, this king was not injured."

   The blood froze for a while, and then suddenly realized, he smiled bitterly: "That's it! It seems that you gave me a chance and gave me a year to consider.

   It’s just that I gave up the opportunity myself. "

   Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows, and asked, "You are reluctant to give up on Nebula Cave, and don't want to lead your tribe to leave your hometown and be displaced?"

   Xueshang nodded and confessed, "Yes! After all, the Qiongqi people have lived here for more than 20,000 years, and they have long regarded this place as a home. How can they give up?

  Furthermore, the notoriety of the Qiongqi tribe is outside. If they leave the Star Source Continent, where can they be? "

   Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, and asked: "So, you who have always cherished your life for fear of death, are you not afraid of death this time?"

   Xueshang shook his head, and said sternly: "Correct, I'm sorry for my life, but I'm not afraid of death."

   Ji Tianxing did not entangle this question, and asked again: "Looking at your actions today, do you want to exchange your life for the survival of the Qiongqi Clan?"

   "This is also a last resort, I hope it will be fulfilled!" Xueshang said solemnly, "Just treat it as I beg you."

   Ji Tianxing showed a sneer, shook his head and said: "It's no use begging me~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I can't promise you.

   As for whether to get rid of the Qiongqi Clan, it depends on them..."

   Without waiting for him to finish, Xue Shang said with a certain tone: "I have left my last life long ago. They are not allowed to avenge me, let alone be an enemy of the Ten Thousand Demons League."

   Ji Tianxing smiled, "You really want to understand, but after you die, it's hard to tell if they listen to your orders."

   Xueshang did not deny this question, his expression and eyes were a bit bitter.

   After a moment of silence, he looked at Ji Tianxing and asked bitterly: "Long Tian, ​​because of Tao Yongsheng of the gluttonous tribe, this seat provokes you.

   But this seat asks itself, you have always had the upper hand, and this seat has repeatedly frustrated, and has never really harmed the interests of you and the Ten Thousand Demons League.

   There is no blood and deep enmity between us. This seat has already retreated to this point. Is it really impossible to reconcile?

   I have issued the oath of heaven long ago, it is impossible to shoot you in this life, do you have to kill me? "

   Ji Tianxing said blankly: "You have been asking for peace with the Ten Thousand Demons League, this king already knows about this.

   But this doesn't help anymore. When you take refuge in Xuanji Cave, you should think of this result.

  Although you have made the oath of heaven and will not take action against this king, it does not mean that you will not threaten the Ten Thousand Demons League.

   For a sinister and cunning person like you, this king cannot trust you.

   So, you can only die! "

   "Hehe... I understand."

   Confirmed that there is no way to survive, and there is no luck in the blood, and he sneered bitterly: "You want to kill this seat, and because of the oath of heaven, this seat cannot fight back, but can only bear it.

   Moreover, even if you kill this seat, the Qiongqi tribe may not be able to survive, right? "

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