Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3810: 6 dark chesses

There is no doubt that the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor returned to the Dragon Realm a month ago.

   However, he did not directly descend to the Star Source Continent as Li Min people imagined.

   Then he raised his arms and shouted his revenge on the Ten Thousand Demons League, and the people responded, and countless strong men followed.

   That only exists in fantasy, it does not happen in reality.

   Although he is the overlord in charge of the mainland, his prestige has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for more than 20,000 years.

   But now the sky has changed, and the wind direction in Star Source Continent has also changed.

   Long before the return of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, the Ten Thousand Demons League secretly made many deployments, which changed the people's sentiment and public opinion, and also eradicated many secret moves and backs of Xuanji Dongtian.

   Jinyuan Dragon Emperor is certainly not a reckless person.

   When his body was still in the outer starry sky, he got the news that Xuanji Dongtian had been captured.

   Therefore, he rushed back to the Dragon Realm to take revenge from the outer starry sky, and brought back a large number of masters and powerhouses with him.

   The twenty-four alien kings in the main hall are all his confidantes who have solicited and subdued in the outer starry sky.

   Especially, the old man wearing a purple robe with a pair of antlers on his head is the overlord of a certain star field, and he has also used various means to earn him under his command.

   Over the past nine hundred years, Emperor Jinyuan Longdi has also operated a powerful force in the outer starry sky, and it is by no means as simple as traveling.

   In addition to these twenty-four foreign **** kings, among the swords of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, there is also a small world in which thousands of elite **** masters are raised.

   Even though he possessed this powerful alien power, he did not show up in public after returning to Star Source Continent.

   He hid on this deserted island in the South China Sea, and first contacted the six most loyal forces to him.

   As a result, he waited for half a month, and the six forces did not reply.

   The eighteen alien kings he sent out discovered a lot of news on Xingyuan Continent, basically all about Xuanji Dongtian and the Ten Thousand Demon League.

  Through the thousands of news, after Jinyuan Longdi summarized it, he learned the details of the matter.

   At the same time, he also guessed the preparations of the Ten Thousand Demons League.

   So, he became more determined and determined that he would not easily show his face for revenge if he did not gather enough loyal old ministry and gather enough strong power.

   Since the six powers did not reply, he could only send eighteen alien kings to personally rush to the six powers to investigate the news and investigate the truth.

   It is a pity that these eighteen alien kings are not familiar with the Star Source Continent, so they are inconvenient to do things.

   It has been half a month before they completed the task and returned to the island to report the result.

   The Golden Origin Dragon Emperor's mood is very bad. There is a surge of anger and murder in his chest, which may erupt at any time!

   The atmosphere in the conference hall has also become extremely dull and solemn.

   Eighteen alien kings stood quietly, not daring to talk.

   It was the six high-ranking **** kings, all showing expressions of anger, worry and thinking, and began to think of countermeasures for the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

   After a while, the old man with purple robe and antlers at the head, stroking his brown beard, asked: "Dragon Emperor, you have been in charge of the Star Source Continent for more than 20,000 years, and the confidant forces that have been cultivated in secret, shouldn't be more than those six?"

   Jinyuan Dragon Emperor suppressed his anger, unwilling to let his confidants see his angry side.

  Because that means that he is angry but powerless, and it will definitely disappoint his confidants.

   "Of course more!

   Although the forces and strong under the emperor's command were all destroyed by the Ten Thousand Demon League.

   Even the six chess pieces buried by the emperor were cleared by the Ten Thousand Demons League.

   However, there were twelve chess pieces buried by the emperor that year, and six were hidden deeper!

   For a long time, the Star Source Continent was calm, so those chess pieces were not used.

   Six of the bright pawns were drawn, but the other six secret pawns should still be there. "

   Hearing these words, the old man with antlers and the five high-ranking **** kings were obviously relieved, and their brows stretched out.

   The Golden Origin Dragon Emperor will not repeat it. After searching for a while in the space ring, he found six special jade slips with different colors.

   These six special jade slips with simple shapes and complex textures are exactly the jade slips he communicated with the six dark chess pieces.

   Those six dark chesses only recognize these jade slips, and outsiders don't even know their relationship with the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

   Jinyuan Longdi entered messages into the six jade slips and sent them out in turn.

   After doing this, he quietly waited for the reply of the six dark chess pieces.

   The hall fell silent, and time passed silently.

   It took half an hour before a purple streamer fell from the sky, flew into the conference hall, and landed in front of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

   Jinyuan Longdi reached out and took the purple jade slip, reading the information inside with his spiritual sense.

   After reading the contents of the jade slip, he remained calm on the surface, but a touch of relief flashed under his eyes, and he was also relieved.

   Those six dark moves are his most loyal and most concealed hole cards. If there is an accident, it will definitely be a heavy blow to him.

   Fortunately, everything seems normal at the moment.

   Not long after, another green divine light flew into the hall and fell in front of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

   There are four more jade slips of different colors, and they all fly back.

   Facts have proved that none of the six dark chess has been discovered by the Ten Thousand Demons League.

  Moreover, after the Ten Thousand Demons League captured the mysterious cave sky~www.wuxiaspot.com~ they acted more cautiously and hidden deeper.

   They have been hibernating, replenishing their energy, waiting for the return of the Golden Dragon Emperor.

   Now, they finally waited!

   Although the old man with antlers and the more than twenty **** kings in the hall do not know the contents of the six jade slips.

   But seeing Jinyuan Longdi's expression calm and his brows stretched, he knew it was a good thing.

   In this way, the power that the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor possesses is stronger, and the people who help him regain the mysterious magic Dongtian will also have a greater grasp.

   Of course, there is another most important reason.

   With those six dark chesses following, running errands to send letters, and to inquire about news, naturally they will no longer fall on them like the king of the gods.

   There are more than 20 **** kings in the main hall, and the weakest is also the fifth level of the **** king.

   In the extraterrestrial sky, they are all powerhouses and overlords who control the world one by one.

   came to the dragon world, but had to do errands and chores, it was too talented.

   "Pack things, remove traces, and set off!"

   Jinyuan Dragon Emperor put away the six special jade slips, had a decision in his heart, then stood up and issued an order.

   Twenty-four **** kings have been waiting for this moment. They have been waiting for a month, so naturally they will not hesitate at all.

   Everyone immediately dispersed, packed up things, cleared away traces.

   After another quarter of an hour, this temporary cave became worthless, leaving no useful clues.

   Numerous **** kings and powerful men returned to the main hall and gathered in front of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

   Jinyuan Longdi took everyone away and flew over the island.

   Then, he sacrificed a king-class high-grade divine ship, and flew the people to the north.

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