Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3813: Active like a fake dragon emperor

Hearing the words of Jinyuan Longdi, many **** kings understood what he meant.

This is to set up a camp and settle down in the mysterious cave day, then arrange traps and ambushes, and wait for Longtian to come to the net.

Several flexible-minded upper **** kings catered to the Dragon Emperor's mind, and immediately arranged for the people under his command to build a palace for the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor to stay temporarily.

But the old man with antlers shook his head again and again, admonishing Jinyuan Dragon Emperor: "Your Majesty Dragon Emperor, this is not appropriate!"

The eyes of many gods were focused on the old man with antlers.

Jinyuan Longdi glanced at him, and asked, "What's wrong?"

The old man with antlers stroked his brown beard and explained without hesitation: "The old man can understand your Majesty's mood. Now that he has gone home, he naturally does not want to leave, and even wants to start rebuilding his home.

However, there is nothing here, and there is no temporary residence value.

Furthermore, the enemy of the Ten Thousand Demons League has not been eliminated, and we will be passive if we stay here.

Originally, our advantage lies in acting in the dark, advancing and retreating from the heart, flexible and changeable.

If you stay here, it will put us in the clear, and the initiative will return to the hands of the Ten Thousand Monster League. "

Hearing this, Jinyuan Longdi frowned and thought, weighing the pros and cons.

Many **** kings also felt reasonable and couldn't help nodding in agreement.

The Emperor Jinyuan Long did a little bit thinking about the old things, and remembering the scene of the temple in the past, only then moved his thoughts.

Now, after listening to the persuasion of the old man with antlers, he also felt that it made sense, so he dispelled the idea.

"Okay, then as you said, we will withdraw from Xuanji Dongtian and continue to act in the dark."

Emperor Jinyuan nodded in agreement, and said in a majestic tone: "Compared to rebuilding the homeland, eradicating the Ten Thousand Demons League is the most urgent task!

Next, the emperor will continue to contact the loyal forces and expand the emperor's force team.

At the same time, you have to find out more about the news and pay close attention to the movements of the Ten Thousand Monster League.

After we enter the City of Ten Thousand Demons and destroy the League of Ten Thousand Demons, this emperor will reveal his identity again and announce the result to millions of people..."

Regarding the next thing, Jinyuan Dragon Emperor had a plan in his heart, and many **** kings also thought it was feasible, and they all praised Dragon Emperor for wiseness.


To the northwest of the Star Source Continent, within the Qingxue Region.

The Sky Burial Sword galloped across the high sky like a black light, heading straight to the direction of Ten Thousand Demons City.

When Ji Tianxing left Xingyun Dongtian, he wanted to return to Xuanji Dongtian and continue to practice in retreat, waiting for the return of Jinyuan Dragon Emperor.

However, as he was on the road, he suddenly became alert and had a reaction with the Jiuqu Tianhe Great Array.

Through his formation in the big formation, he can clearly sense that the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor is back!

Moreover, the Dragon Emperor Jinyuan also brought dozens of god-king powerhouses to crack the Jiuqu Tianhe Great Formation!

Ji Tianxing couldn't find out where the dozens of powerful **** kings came from, what identity and what realm of strength they were.

But he was very sure that the Golden Source Dragon Emperor had returned to the Star Source Continent, but he did not even hear a word of wind or news.

This shows that the depth of the city is quite tolerable.

That is to say, the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor must have come prepared, and his subordinates have gathered enough powerful forces to be qualified to eradicate the Ten Thousand Demon League.

Thinking of this, Ji Tianxing immediately changed his mind, no longer went to Xuanji Cave Sky, turned around and rushed to Ten Thousand Demons City.

He was alone, and if he went to Xuanji Cave, it would be no different from dying.

As an urgent matter, he must quickly return to the City of Ten Thousand Demons, make corresponding arrangements and precautions, and prepare for the counterattack of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor!

Therefore, on his way back to the City of Ten Thousand Demons, he had already sent a message to the chief of internal affairs and the left and right guardians to inform the return of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

At the same time, he was still in the process of interrogation, asking about the return date of King Luohu.

He had previously interrogated the chief of internal affairs and learned that God King Luohu would soon return to the dragon world.

Calculating the time, it is now time for God King Luohu to return to the Star Source Continent.

It didn't take long for the head of internal affairs and the left and right guardians to send back subpoenas to Ji Tianxing.

A year ago, the Ten Thousand Demon League had shrunk its defenses and gathered its elite forces to deploy defenses around the Ten Thousand Demon City, only waiting for the return of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

Therefore, the Ten Thousand Demon League will not panic after hearing the news of the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor's return.

Everything went according to plan, orderly changing the front line, strengthening the defensive circle.

The calm response of Ten Thousand Demons City gave Ji Tianxing a little comfort.

However, the reply from the chief of internal affairs made him frown, both puzzled and worried.

The head of internal affairs told him that the leader of Luohu had indeed returned to the Dragon Realm, but he had not returned to the City of Ten Thousand Demons.

Even the leader of Luohu has lost news and contact in the past few days, not knowing what happened.

This news raised Ji Tianxing's heart, and he became more worried and anxious.

Even the pace of returning to Ten Thousand Demons City accelerated by three points.

God King Luohu has not returned yet, he must rush back to the City of Ten Thousand Demons as soon as possible and sit down in person!

Only in this way, the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor led his troops to kill before the Ten Thousand Demons City could resist.


Five continents are also located in the endless sky and sea of ​​the dragon world.

If the topography of the entire dragon world is presented on a map, it can be seen that the Star Source Continent is in the middle.

The other four continents are located in the southeast, northeast, southwest, and northwest of the source continent.

The five continents are not connected, separated from each other by the vast and mysterious sky and sea.

If it is not for the strong **** king, it is difficult to cross.

To the northwest of the Star Origin Continent, at the other end of the endless sky, there is an equally vast and fertile continent called the Black Dragon Continent.

This is the origin and hometown of the Black Dragon tribe.

Since ancient times, this continent has been controlled by the Black Dragon Emperor.

So far, for more than 20,000 years, the Black Dragon Continent has experienced a lot of turbulence, but the position of hegemony has always been as stable as Mount Tai.

The overlords of other continents have always been mysterious and low-key, often not showing up for hundreds of thousands of years.

But the Black Dragon Continent is different. This Black Dragon Emperor is a different kind.

He rarely retreats and practice for hundreds of thousands of years~www.wuxiaspot.com~Almost every 100 years, he will show up in front of the people of the world.

He often does things that are not in line with the status of hegemony, which provokes discussion among the people of Lebanon.

For example, travel the mainland in the form of a noble son, killing the rich and helping the poor, and vindicating the people.

For another example, with three or five confidantes disguised in disguise, private visits in micro-services, mercy everywhere in the folks, stage after stage of "moving" marriage drama.

This hobby has led to his wives and concubines in his harem, with so many heirs that he can form a team of thousands.

In addition, he would often pretend to be a respected old god, and go to the folks to appoint those inferior children with outstanding talents but poor status.

All in all, the black dragon emperor had to try anything interesting, and he never cared about his overlord status.

The entire Black Dragon Continent is full of his figure and legendary deeds.

He is so active as a fake dragon emperor.


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