Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3836: Domain Master Star Seal

Jinyuan Longdi's words confessed the situation and situation.

He was not intoxicated by the strength and glory of the past, and he was not paralyzed to the point of being dizzy.

He has a clear understanding of the present and the future.

This makes Mr. Deer very pleased.

He quickly nodded in agreement, and said: "Your Majesty Dragon Emperor, our strength is not as good as the Ten Thousand Demon League, and we are not as well prepared as they are. It is reasonable to lose this battle.

As the old saying goes, if you stay with the green hills, you don’t have to worry about no firewood. As long as you are still there, we still have hope of a comeback.

In today's battle, as long as we can kill Long Tian or Luo Hu, it is considered a big victory!

At that time, we will return to the outer starry sky, and then organize the old ministry, recruit troops and buy horses, and recharge our energy.

When the right time is right, we can still fight back to the Dragon Realm and retake the Star Origin Continent! "

When Mr. Deer said these words, his eyes flashed brightly, and he appeared very confident and full of hope.

After speaking, he did not forget to add: "Please rest assured, your Majesty Longdi, your subordinates will always support any decision you make and always follow you!"

This sentence sounds very exciting, but also very moving.

At this critical juncture, Mr. Deer is so loyal and will never give up. It is indeed commendable.

But when the Emperor Jinyuan Long heard this, a different idea came to his mind.

"Mr. Deer's words mean that he doesn't want to die, he can't die!

He was reminding this emperor that those forces in the outer starry sky still need to be gathered and controlled by him.

Ha ha ha... He is threatening the emperor, forcing him to protect him! "

Thinking of this, Emperor Jinyuan Long sneered secretly in his heart.

But time has not allowed him to think more, and can no longer talk.

On the other side, Ji Tianxing, God King Luohu and others had already negotiated and formed a battlefield.

"Huh! Huh!"

Ji Tianxing and ten strong kings of gods joined forces in the void to cast spells, condensing a super seal formation with a radius of 100,000 miles.

In the next instant, there will be endless divine light, condensing into a huge light curtain, falling from the sky.

Everyone was included in the seal formation, Ji Tianxing and the ten **** kings were unaffected and moved freely.

However, the invisible sealing force firmly suppressed Jinyuan Dragon Emperor and Mr. Deer, making the two of them difficult to perform divine power, and their actions became difficult.

In this case, the combat effectiveness of the two is greatly reduced.


"Slay the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, once and for all!"

"For the Star Source Continent, for the Ten Thousand Demon League, kill!!"

The **** King Luohu and the nine powerful **** kings shouted, wielding the weapons of the gods one after another, using the most powerful tricks, and launched a siege on the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor and Mr. Lu.

The light of all kinds of magic arts lit up, showing countless magical shadows in the void.

What sword rain, mountains and rivers, giant birds, fire and thunder, all poured down, drowning the figure of Mr. Deer and Jinyuan Dragon Emperor.

The two of them are like sailboats in the rough seas, ups and downs, precarious, and will be torn to pieces at any time.

"Boom boom boom!"

At the juncture of life and death, both Jinyuan Longdi and Mr. Deer broke out with their strongest strength, using their unique magical powers.

The dazzling magical brilliance violently collided in the void, and there was a deafening explosion.

After a battle, the fragments of the divine light in the sky dissipated, and the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor and Mr. Deer flew out of the divine light.

Jinyuan Longdi didn't suffer any trauma, but his robes and long hair were scattered, with some burnt black marks, which looked quite embarrassed.

But Mr. Deer's situation is a bit tragic.

He suffered serious injuries, was covered with blood, and there were hideous wounds on his chest and back.

Even the antlers on the top of his head were cut off by Shenguang's sharp blade, which looked rather miserable.

The blood ran down the top of his head and stained his face.

His face was bloodstained, he was panting violently, and his divine power was disordered.

Looking around, he saw that Ji Tianxing, God King Luohu and others were still murderous and raging, and Mr. Lu retreated in his heart.

"Your Majesty Dragon, there are many people on the other side. There are not only nine high-ranking **** kings, but also two peak **** kings...

In this case, we continue to fight and entangle, and it doesn't make much sense.

It's better to leave, return to the Sirius Region, and discuss the long-term plan..."

Holding the Golden Dragon Sword and Heaven Slashing Axe, Emperor Jinyuan Long turned his head to look at him, and said blankly: "Mr. Deer is scared?"

"This..." Mr. Deer was speechless at once.

If you say you are not afraid, of course it is false.

Continue to fight with each other, Jinyuan Longdi may not die, but he will definitely die.

But Jinyuan Longdi questioned like this, but he couldn't directly admit it.

Therefore, he could only bite the bullet and explained: "To be loyal to His Majesty Dragon Emperor, his subordinates are fearless, nothing terrible.

But the subordinates believe that the more we are in this critical moment, the more we must remain calm and rational.

The ending is irretrievable, we should try our best to preserve our strength and return to the Sirius domain.

After we recuperate and strengthen our forces, we will make a comeback..."

It's a pity that Mr. Lu's words haven't been finished~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ji Tianxing, God King Luohu and others launched another attack.

The people joined forces to urge the seal formation, unleashing terrifying power, and severely suppressed the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor and Mr. Deer.

At the same time, Ji Tian used the sword of destruction to lock Mr. Deer's spirit aura.

The God King Rahu, the Guardian of Left and Right and the God King of Ten Thousand Miles, etc. also locked Mr. Deer's aura and released the most violent magical skills.

Everyone knows that the Jinyuan Dragon Emperor is strong and has the Heavenly Slashing Axe to protect his body, so he cannot easily be killed.

Therefore, everyone must first punish Mr. Deer, and then slowly besiege the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

At this moment, Mr. Deer was under the most terrifying pressure, facing the joint attack and killing of everyone, his heart was terrified and terrified to the extreme!

"Do not!"

When life and death were at stake, he uttered an unwilling roar, disregarding all his explosive potential, and resisting everyone's joint attack.

Emperor Jinyuan Long also looked gloomy and worried, and quickly rescued.

However, the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor only blocked half of his magical attacks, and there were a few magical tricks that hit Mr. Deer one after another.

But Mr. Deer only resolved two magical powers, and he was hit by the sword of destruction and the colorful poisonous blade.


With a clear cracking sound, Mr. Deer collapsed on the spot, exploded into overwhelming fragments, spraying a rain of blood in the void.

His divine body and godhead were not spared, and he was blasted to pieces on the spot, killing him instantly.

Even his artifacts and body armor were chopped to pieces.

There is only one spatial ring, mixed with blood rain, scattered in the void.

Jinyuan Longdi was full of resentment, and without hesitation, he took the space ring. .

Because, the star seal of the Sirius Star Region is in this space ring.

Mr. Deer can die, but the domain owner's star seal cannot be lost!

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