Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3840: The dust settles

Jin Yuan Longdi thought that Long Tian was severely injured by his supernatural powers, and was eroded by his Taoist rhyme, he would definitely die!

Even if he sacrificed the Golden Dragon Sword and five thousand years of skill, and ended up with a badly wounded end, it was worth it.

At least, he got rid of his confidant heart, and revenge will be easier in the future.

Therefore, when he saw God King Luohu and others flying towards Long Tian, ​​nervously protecting him, he still felt very ridiculous in his heart.

He was not in a hurry to run away, took out the miraculous pill, and adjusted his breath in place.

He wanted to see with his own eyes that Long Tian was eroded by Dao Yun, collapsed a little bit, and then vanished into smoke.

At that time, God King Luohu and others will definitely be furious, besieging him desperately, wanting to avenge Longtian.

With the Heaven Slashing Axe, he would definitely be able to take the opportunity to slay several **** kings, further weakening the strength of the Ten Thousand Demons League.

Even Jinyuan Dragon Emperor thought that Luo Hu did not have the best king-level artifact.

After killing Long Tian, ​​he continued to deal with God King Luohu and others, and he might not be able to kill Luohu!

If Luo Hu can also be killed, then the other **** kings will not worry about it, and the Ten Thousand Demons League will be over!

At that time, he won't have to flee from the Dragon Realm at all, he will soon be able to destroy the Ten Thousand Demon League and regain control of the Star Source Continent.

But... the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor couldn't think of it. His beautiful fantasy had just begun and was cruelly broken!

Long Tian was eroded by his Taoist rhyme, and he was in a coma for a quarter of an hour before returning to normal!

Not only the injuries disappeared, but the injuries were also repaired, and even the strength was restored!

What made Jinyuan Longdi feel terrible, and felt incredible... from Long Tian, ​​he felt the familiar Dao Yun breath.

He carefully sensed it for a moment, and suddenly guessed the result, his eyes widened, completely stupefied.

"That's...this emperor's Daoyun?? How is this possible?!"

Jinyuan Longdi was stunned on the spot, staring at all this dumbfounded, his mind went blank.

He knew very well that there were only two possibilities for his Dao Yun to remain in Long Tian.

One possibility is that his Dao Yun killed Long Tian and did not dissipate in a short time.

The second possibility is that Long Tian swallowed his Dao Yun.

And Long Tian is safe and sound, obviously will not be the first result.

But he could not accept the second result at all, it was ridiculous!

In his life, for more than 20,000 years, he has not heard of anyone who can devour other people's Daoyun!

No one would believe this kind of thing!

But this scene just happened!

"Monster! This little beast is definitely a monster!!"

Jinyuan Longdi was shocked and angry, and he was about to vomit blood in depression.

Fortunately, the **** king Luohu and the **** kings of the Ten Thousand Demons League were immersed in the shock and surprise of Long Tian's peaceful awakening.

The crowd gathered together and screamed and greeted Long Tian, ​​temporarily forgetting his existence.

"If you don't leave now, when will you stay?"

This thought flashed in his mind, Jinyuan Longdi turned around and flew away without hesitation, and fled to the depths of the void.

Although, he acted very low-key, trying to hide his breath and didn't want to disturb anyone.

But in the void tens of thousands of miles away, Ji Tianxing discovered the anomaly for the first time.

"The Golden Dragon Emperor wants to run, stop him!"

Ji Tianxing reminded everyone that God King Luohu, the left and right guardians, and several **** kings also discovered the abnormal movement of Jinyuan Dragon Emperor and immediately chased them.

"Huh! Huh!"

In an instant, everyone put away their excitement and excitement, and went all out to pursue the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

"He used forbidden supernatural powers before, and spent too much skill, his own vitality was greatly injured, it was the weakest time."

"Now is the best time to kill him, never let him run away!"


The crowd shouted, bursting out at the fastest speed, chasing the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor in the void.

It is a pity that only Ji Tianxing and Luohu God King can catch up with the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, and the guardians and the **** kings are left farther and farther away.

Seeing that the speed of Ji Tianxing and God King Luohu increased, they were getting closer and closer to the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

It won't be long before Jinyuan Longdi will be caught up.

With his current state of weakness, only 50% of his strength was preserved, and he was not at all an opponent of Ji Tianxing and God King Luohu.

Once entangled, he will never have a chance to escape, he will definitely die!

At this critical juncture, Emperor Jinyuan Long made a decisive decision, escaped into the Heaven Slashing Axe, driving the Heaven Slashing Axe through the void, and fleeing with all his strength.

This action really worked, and after chasing for a quarter of an hour, the King Luohu was thrown away.

But Ji Tianxing drove the Primal Chaos Clock, and even caught up with him, only 80,000 miles away from him.

Dragon Emperor Jinyuan was very tired and weak.

Seeing that Ji Tianxing was still reluctant, and unable to get rid of, he could only make up his mind, burn his own blood and skill, and desperately urge the Heavenly Slashing Axe.

"call out!"

The Heavenly Slashing Axe shrank to a height of one foot and turned into a ray of dark golden light, flying to the depths of the void at a speed exceeding the speed of light.

Ji Tianxing also urged the Primordial Chaos Clock with all his strength, like a black meteor piercing the void, tightly surrounded by the axe.

But it's a pity that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the Primordial Chaos Clock is still inferior in terms of aggressiveness and flight speed.

With the passage of time, the distance between the two gradually widened, getting farther and farther.

Unless Ji Tianxing also displays forbidden magical powers, urging the Primordial Chaos Clock at the expense of skill, lifespan, or burning blood.

Otherwise, he is destined to be unable to catch up with the Heavenly Slash Axe.

But killing the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor was not the only goal of Ji Tianxing.

He still has a lot of important things to do, and it is impossible to mutilate himself at this time, and waste a hundred years to heal his injuries.

Therefore, he could only watch the Heaven Slashing Axe drifting away and finally disappearing into the depths of the void.

Two hours later, Ji Tianxing gave up on hunting down Jinyuan Longdi and had to return.

Not long after flying back, he met God King Luohu who was chasing him.

Seeing Ji Tianxing returning, God King Luohu knew without asking that he must have not caught up with the Dragon Emperor Jinyuan.

In this regard, he is not disappointed, it is all expected.

The two rode the Primitive Chaos Clock and returned together.

After flying back for half an hour, they met the guardians of the left and right sides and the King of Ten Thousand Miles.

Although the strength of these nine gods is relatively weak, they are destined not to catch up with the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

But they were worried about the safety of the young master and the leader, so they followed suit.

Ji Tianxing took the crowd, slowed down, and flew towards the dragon world together.

Soon, two and a half hours passed.

The crowd flew back to the edge of the dragon world and stopped outside the space barrier of Xuanji Cave.

Before the battle between Ji Tianxing and Jinyuan Longdi, the space barrier of Xuanji Dongtian was broken, and then he entered the void.

At this time, the cracks in the space barriers have long healed. .

Ji Tianxing could only urge the Sky Burial Sword to smash through the space barrier with all his strength and open a crack.

Before the crack healed, everyone passed through the crack and returned to Xuanji Cave.

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