Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3844: No less than 1

Ji Tianxing was right.

Compared to his father, Yun Yao's mother is the one who is most worried and wants to find her son.

In Yunyao's view, whether to support the Ten Thousand Demons League and succeed in seizing the supremacy is not so important.

Finding Wu Hate as soon as possible is the most important thing!

She looked at Ji Tianxing and said solemnly: "Tianxing, in fact, if you don't say it, I understand your thoughts and plans.

Although you have lived in the gods for hundreds of years, you have your own power.

But your power has been destroyed, and all your former subordinates and fans have fallen apart, and deaths and injuries are countless.

And your enemy has become the five great **** emperors, controlling the entire God Realm.

You want revenge, but it is difficult for us to gain a foothold in the God Realm before you are not sure to punish the five **** emperors.

Therefore, you want to lay a piece of land in the gods and build a homeland as our harbor and backing.

Even if you can't beat the five great **** emperors, you can at least take us back to the Star Source Continent of the Dragon Realm, where you can rest and rejuvenate and seek development..."

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly, his face was relieved, and said: "You have always understood my mind best.

Yes! I have always wanted revenge, and I am working hard for revenge.

But the closer I get to the realm of the peak **** king, the more I feel how powerful and terrifying the realm of the **** emperor beyond the **** king will be.

I have never been confident and confident to confront one of the gods head-on.

Therefore, before I begin my revenge, I will build a home in the dragon world to house you and everyone.

Only by ensuring everyone’s safety, can I go to the God Realm without worry, to find the Five Great God Emperors for revenge..."

When she heard this, Yun Yao held Ji Tianxing's hand and shook her head gently and said, "Tianxing, you are always protecting us and considering everything for everyone.

And all the dangers and sufferings are borne by you alone.

We know that you want revenge, so... we will advance and retreat together with you, never back down!

We will not let you avenge yourself, and we will do our best to help you achieve your wish.

Because we are a family, we are a whole, we cannot lack any one! "

These last words made Ji Tianxing's heart tremble, a little warm, and a little bit sad.

He clasped Yun Yao's hands tightly and nodded solemnly, "Don't worry, I have already thought about the next plan.

I have asked the Black Dragon Emperor to help me find out the whereabouts of Wuhen.

After one year at the latest, there will be no problems with the Ten Thousand Demons League, and I will leave the Star Source Continent to find Wuhen! "

Yun Yao smiled and nodded, no longer said anything, and went back to practice under the sacred tree.

Ji Tianxing got up, circled the blood flame sacred tree, and checked everyone's situation.

Ji Ke, Wushuang, Bailong, Chao Qingyu and others all exercised and practiced under the blood tree.

Everyone's injuries have basically recovered, and their strength is steadily improving.

After so many years of retreat and hard cultivation, except for Wushuang and Zhenhong, everyone else basically broke through to the Divine King Realm.

Even Qian Yue broke into the Divine King Realm a month ago under the guidance of Fox Xinyue.

Seeing this result, Ji Tianxing was very pleased.

So he left Twisted Time and Space and went to find King Luohu.

A quarter of an hour later, he saw God King Luohu who was busy in the study of the leader.

In recent months, the Ten Thousand Demon League has been busy, and God King Luohu, as the leader, is of course the busiest one.

He has to deal with thousands of memorials, check countless messages, and issue countless commands every day.

Seeing Ji Tianxing coming, he temporarily put down his work and made a cup of tea for Ji Tianxing.

"Young Master, you have recovered from your injuries and condition after practicing in retreat for so long?"

"Don't worry, all have recovered, and the strength has improved." Ji Tianxing nodded and took a sip from his teacup.

"How is the situation lately? Isn't it smooth to take over the work of each domain?"

Knowing that the time of God King Luohu was tight, he didn't say much, and went straight to the topic and asked about the business.

God King Luohu quickly reported: "Don't hide from the young master, the twenty-odd northwestern regions have been exceptionally smooth. Before this was the sphere of influence of this alliance, there were no twists and turns.

However, for the next few domains that this alliance will take over, they are not very cooperative. Although they will not resist in the face, they are also arrogant and obstructive.

But don't worry, young master, these are as early as we expected, and they are also trivial things, and the old man is confident to handle them quickly. "

Ji Tianxing nodded, and said earnestly: "The so-called everything is difficult at the beginning. It's only a few months. Don't be impatient, take your time.

I had predicted that it would take at least 60 to 70 years to complete. "

"What the young master said is extremely true." God King Luohu bowed his hand.

Ji Tianxing also exhorted: "Now, the domain masters of the 72 domains and various forces are staring at the actions of this alliance.

After all, they are very worried, and they still don't know what the attitude and methods of this alliance are.

In the next process of taking over several domains, you must pay attention to your sense.

It is necessary to be gentle, avoid iron-blooded and overbearing means, so as not to cause resistance and panic from other domains.

However, you must remember that the method should not be too soft, so as not to make other domains feel that the strength of this alliance is empty and timid.

When it's time to make a move, you must not be soft, so as to deter those with ulterior motives.

You have to remember that this league is the winner!

The position of the overlord of the Star Source Continent was exchanged with blood and defeated by force! "

God King Luohu looked at him brightly, and finally stretched his brows, revealing a relieved smile.

"Young Master Wise! The old man knows what to do!"

Obviously, he was worrying about this during this period of time, and he has been undecided how to deal with it.

He also knows very well that the process of taking over several domains is very important.

Not only are other domains staring at the Ten Thousand Demon League, but the Ten Thousand Demon League also expresses its position and attitude through this process ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

Now, the young master helped him make a decision and set the tone, and he immediately gained confidence and determination.

Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded, then continued: "I will stay for a year and wait for news from the Black Dragon Emperor by the way.

One year later, if there is no accident in Star Source Continent, I will leave.

When the time comes, you have to decide everything yourself, but don't let me down. "

God King Luohu was taken aback, and said anxiously: "Young Master, are you leaving so soon? Not to stay for a few more years?"

Ji Tianxing waved his hand, "I still have very important things, and I must do it as soon as possible."

God King Luohu understood what he meant, so he stopped persuading him and saluted solemnly, saying: "Young Master, please rest assured, the old man will complete the task and successfully take over the Star Source Continent, and firmly control it, waiting for your return. At that time, he will succeed the Dragon Emperor again!"

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