Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3851: Things are not

   A certain city in the long sea area, over the green grassland.

   Long Xiang, Ji Tianxing, and two lieutenants stood on the deck of the divine ship, watching more than 800 soldiers leave.

   When the figures of the soldiers disappeared into the sky, everyone looked back.

  Long Xiang looked at Ji Tianxing, bowed his hand and said: "Senior Tianxing, we have to return to the divine palace and return to His Majesty Dragon Emperor.

  The mountains are high and the rivers are long, see you later..."

   "Wait a moment!" Before Long Xiang bowed, Ji Tianxing interrupted him.

   "Uh..." Long Xiang was taken aback for a moment, then smiled a little awkwardly and said, "What else do seniors have to order?"

   Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and said, "You go back to the Tianlong Temple, I will also drop in and continue walking."

   "Huh?" Not only was Long Xiang stunned, the two lieutenants also looked at each other.

   "Senior, you...you want to go to Tianlong Shrine too?"

   "Hmm." Ji Tianxing responded.

  Long Xiang's expression was a bit weird, and he was surprised.

   hesitated for a moment, and then he plucked up the courage to ask, "Dare to ask seniors, what are you doing if you go to the Tianlong Shrine?"

   "Go visit Bei Ming, and ask him something important." Ji Tianxing replied indifferently.

   Long Xiang and the two lieutenants' expressions became more and more weird, and they looked at him up and down several times.

   If it were someone else, they would have spoken badly.

   Ke Ji Tianxing is their savior, Long Xiang can only suppress the sense of absurdity, and ask with a wry smile: "Senior, are you sure? Are you kidding us?"

   Ji Tianxing looked at him seriously, and said with a serious expression: "Do you look at me like a joke?"

   Long Xiang still had no idea, and asked with the courage: "Senior, please forgive the younger generation to say bluntly, you come from Xingyuan Continent and want to pay homage to His Majesty Dragon, why?

   Do you know our Majesty the Dragon Emperor? "

   Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said, "Don't ask about these. When you get to the Tianlong Temple, you can help bring a message and report it truthfully."

   "Okay... okay." Long Xiang hesitated for a moment, but nodded in agreement.

   After that, he had to drive the godship to continue on his way.

   Unexpectedly, Ji Tianxing asked him to put away the divine ship, and said: "You are too slow on your way. It took a month to get there after half a month."

   So, Ji Tianxing sacrificed the Heaven Burial Sword, took the three of them into the sword world, and went to meditate.


   The Sky Burial Sword turned into a flash of lightning and pierced the sky, rushing to the north.

   Originally, it would take at least a month to rush from the southeast border to Taixuan Cave in the middle of the continent at the speed of Long Xiang driving the divine ship.

   The speed of burying the sword was too fast, and it only took fourteen days to reach the sky of the sky.


   The night of the fourteenth day.

   The Sky Burial Sword stopped in the depths of the lofty mountains, amidst a vast sea of ​​clouds.

   Above the boundless sea of ​​clouds, there is a round of ‘bright moon’, shining with blazing white light.

   That is the entrance of Taixuan Dongtian.

   The God Formation at the entrance is open, and there are hundreds of guards from the Divine Sovereign Realm guarding it, and the leaders are two lower God Kings.

   Seeing this scene, Ji Tianxing frowned slightly, thinking to himself: "The power of the Tianlong Temple is so weak?"

  Remember that at the beginning, Jinyuan Longdi's subordinates were like clouds.

   The guards guarding the entrance of Xuanji Cave are full of a hundred gods and six powerful gods.

   Among them are two high-ranking kings!

   Compared with the guarding power of Xuanji Dongtian, the quality of the protection of Xuanji Dongtian is really shabby.


   Ji Tianxing put away the Heaven Burial Sword, took Long Xiang and two lieutenants, and appeared in the sea of ​​clouds.

  Long Xiang and the two lieutenants saw the entrance of the cave, still feeling incredible, and exclaimed in shock.

   "Senior is so amazing!"

   "After a month's journey, you arrived in only 14 days!"

   Ji Tianxing did not say much, and walked towards the entrance with the three of them.

   Arriving near the entrance, two guard leaders from the lower **** king realm came to question their identity.

   Long Xiang and the two lieutenants took out their identity tokens and explained Ji Tianxing's intentions, and then they entered Taixuan Cavern smoothly.

   Careful Long Xiang found that from the time he arrived at the entrance of the cave, Senior Tian Xing had a lot less words, and his eyes were a bit complicated.

   Especially after entering the Taixuan Cave, the four of them flew over the grassland, mountains and lakes, and on their way to the depths of the cave, Senior Tianxing became more and more silent.

   He is always looking around, looking at the surrounding landscape and environment, with a touch of sadness in his eyes.

   It's not like appreciating or looking at the environment, it's more like comparing and remembering something.

   Long Xiang felt a little strange, but he couldn't ask questions.

  It didn't take long for the four of them to fly over hundreds of thousands of miles, reach the depths of the Taixuan Cave, and land in a group of magnificent palaces.

   This group of palaces with a radius of thousands of miles is the famous Tianlong Temple.

   It is located amidst lofty mountains, built on nearly a hundred peaks.

   Hundreds of mountain peaks are arranged in a special formation, forming an invisible heaven and earth array, which gathers the divine power and aura of the entire cave.

   Hundreds of palaces and houses are also exquisite and gorgeous, exuding a breath of vicissitudes and solemnity.

  Although there are more than 30,000 people living in the Tianlong Temple, they are basically elite and strong.

   But in the entire Taixuan Cave, there is no peak **** king, there are only two **** kings of the nine levels, and twelve upper **** kings.

  When it comes to the number of strong men, the Tianlong Shrine is not as good as the Ten Thousand Demons League.

   When Ji Tianxing flew over the mountains and the palace~www.wuxiaspot.com~ his eyes swept deeply around.

   Looking at the familiar mountains, palaces and houses, countless images appeared in his mind, and memories from more than a thousand years ago came to his mind.

   Everything is the same as it was then, there is not much change.

   Not only the hundreds of mountains and hundreds of palaces have not changed, even the most majestic and sacred Dragon Emperor Shrine in the middle of the palace group has not changed at all.

  Long Xiang took him, flew over a palace and stopped.

   This is the residence of Long Xiang and his two lieutenants, only a hundred miles away from the Longdi Shrine.

   Ji Tianxing stood in the night sky, pointed to the left side of the Longdi Shrine, and asked Longxiang, "Who is living in that shrine now?"

   The mountain a hundred miles away on the left side of the Dragon Emperor Shrine is shaped like a sharp sword, thrusting into the sky and into the clouds, with extraordinary momentum.

   The top of the mountain is not open, only a thousand meters tall, only a shrine was built.

   Long Xiang took a look and quickly introduced: "Senior, that is the Excalibur Peak. There is only one palace on the top of the mountain. It is said that it was called Excalibur Palace thousands of years ago.

   Later, the Lord Emperor chose Shenjian Peak, and he didn't like the name of the palace, so he changed it to the Emperor Palace. "

   The speaker has no intention, the listener has the intention.

   No one noticed, Ji Tianxing frowned slightly, a cold light flashed under his eyes.

   Long Xiang pointed to the palace under his feet and said, "Senior, this is the residence of the younger generation.

   It's late at night, so let's stay here for a rest tonight. .

   The younger generation will return to your Majesty first, and then relay your intentions.

   Maybe tomorrow morning, you can get good news..."

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