Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3868: Answer and leave

The emperor and several Zhengnan generals spent an hour in the study.

Bei Ming discussed with them the plan of leading the battle, and discussed many detailed issues.

After an hour, everyone left the study and went back to prepare for battle.

The two security guards also left the Dragon Emperor Shrine and went to Longxiang Palace to read the decree of the Dragon Emperor Beiming.

The sky is fading, and the guards and soldiers of Longxiang Palace are at a time of relaxation.

The two interrogation guards came with Dragon Emperor's order, and everyone immediately cheered up and quickly led the way to the living room.

At the same time, the two soldiers rushed to the secret room where Longxiang retreats and healed his wounds and reported the incident.

In a short while, Long Xiang ended the retreat and healed his injuries and hurried to the living room.

As soon as he entered the living room, the two transmission guards took out the order and read it aloud.

"The war in the three areas in the southeast is in desperate situation. The Sea Clan once again assembled a large army, and soon attacked and disturbed the border, conquering the southern general Longxiang, and immediately consolidating the army to prepare for war..."

Bei Ming's order will not be announced to the world, so it is not that formal, just a few verbal orders.

But Dragon Emperor's verbal decree must also be obeyed and executed.

Although Long Xiang frowned, his mood was quite complicated.

But he still respectfully saluted, expressing obedience to Dragon Emperor's order.

The two escorts and escorts quickly left and returned to Beiming.

Long Xiang sat on the chair in the living room, rubbing his eyebrows with one hand, silently thinking about the meaning of this order.

"When I returned to my life before, Your Majesty knew that I was badly injured, and he was quite affirmative of my contribution, and he verbally encouraged him.

At that time, His Majesty urged me to retreat and heal my wounds at ease, and he will deal with it next.

But how long has it passed?

Your Majesty knew that my injury was not healed, so why did he send me to lead the army? "

Long Xiang vaguely felt that there must be a problem behind this order of the Dragon Emperor.

So he quickly sent two lieutenants and a dozen soldiers to go out to inquire about the news.

He waited for an hour in the study, the lieutenant and the soldiers returned one after another, reporting a series of news.

Only then did he know that the Emperor Long summoned the emperor and six generals to discuss for an hour in the study.

Originally, the Dragon Emperor planned to send the six generals to the south to fight.

But the emperor suggested that General Sun Yan should be kept, and then he was replaced to lead the conquest.

Knowing the whole story, Long Xiang was even more puzzled.

"Your Majesty sent 100,000 elite soldiers, and even let the emperor master himself take command. This expedition is obviously an excellent opportunity to make merit!

The Emperor's suppression of General Sun Yan can still understand, after all, the two have been grieving for a long time.

But why didn't he send his cronies and let me lead the troops out?

Is it just because I am more familiar with the situation in the three Southeastern regions?

Will the emperor be so kind to give me this opportunity to make merit? "

Although, Long Xiang had no objection to the leading soldiers, and he was willing to accept this opportunity for meritorious service.

But this matter was brought up by the emperor, and he felt very abnormal.

With the disposition of the emperor, it is impossible to take the initiative to show kindness and reconcile with him.

"This must be the conspiracy of the emperor!

I am a leader, he is the coach, he definitely wants to take this opportunity to frame me! "

After careful consideration, Long Xiang came to this conclusion, and he was convinced.

But the Dragon Emperor's decree cannot be disobeyed, he can only take the order to march.

However, he will be cautious, always guarding the emperor teacher.


The situation in the three southeastern regions is urgent, and the emperor and the six generals of Zhengnan dare not delay.

After receiving the order, the crowd used three hours to complete their preparations, and left Taixuan Dongtian at noon, leading the troops out.

After the emperor left, Taixuan Dongtian calmed down and everything became orderly.

Many generals and strong men who had grudges with the emperor teacher secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Beiming is as busy as ever and has inexhaustible government affairs every day.

No way, his prestige and control are not strong enough, and he can't delegate all power to the Lord of Hundred Domains.

He must do everything personally, and always stare at the lord of the Hundred Domains to ensure the peace and tranquility of the Tianlong Continent.

I don't know how long this situation will last.

Only when the Lord of Hundred Regions was willing to surrender and no dissatisfaction, he could relax.

However, Ji Tianxing no longer paid attention to the affairs of the Tianlong Temple and the mainland, and concentrated on being a transparent person, wandering around in Taixuan Cave.

After more than ten days, he traveled all over Taixuan Cave and saw the scenery of his hometown.

After his emotions were relaxed and his mind was calm, his mood changed and some sentiments were generated.

He has a deeper understanding of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, the foundation of God's Way has become more stable, and his strength has been quietly improved.

Finally, half a month passed.

In the evening of the sixteenth day, Bei Ming sent him a message.

He finished his tour of the mountains and water, returned to the study of the Dragon Emperor Shrine, and met Bei Ming again.

This time the two met, the atmosphere was much more relaxed and quiet.

Bei Ming smiled and asked: "During this period of time, you have been wandering around Taixuan Cave and enjoying the scenery of the former residence. How do you feel now?"

Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said: "He has a clear mind and a sense of nature, and he has a clear mind. While letting go, he has a little more insight."

Bei Ming raised his brows, naturally he heard the meaning of this sentence.

But he didn't go on to chat, took out a jade slip for transmission and handed it to Ji Tianxing.

"This is a reply letter from the ancestor Qingluan. I just received it and I haven't had time to check it yet."

After speaking, he handed the transmission jade brief to Ji Tianxing.

Ji Tianxing stretched out his hand to take the Yujian, and asked with a smile, "This is a subpoena sent to you by the ancestor Qingluan. If there is any confidential information in it, did I read it inappropriate?"

Do you want to read it first and tell me the answer after reading it? "

Bei Ming waved his hand and said disapprovingly: "The ancestor Qingluan has no personal relationship with me, where is the confidential information?

There is nothing to say to others, you can rest assured to see. "

Ji Tianxing didn't say more, reading the information in the jade slip with his spiritual sense.

"Your Majesty Dragon Emperor, the old man has been practicing in the cave mansion and has not left for hundreds of years.

The old man did not know what you mentioned. "

These two simple sentences don't even have extra greetings or meaning to help.

Facts have proved that Bei Ming did not lie, and the ancestor Qingluan did not have any personal relationships with him.

Otherwise, the response from ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ will not be so cold and plain.

Ji Tianxing put down the message of the jade slip, his expression was a little sad, and said: "The ancestor Qingluan has been in retreat in the cave and has no knowledge of this matter.

The matter has been figured out, I will leave today. "

Bei Ming did not pretend to stay, nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will try to contact other peak **** kings and try my best to help you inquire about this matter."

"Thanks." Ji Tianxing bowed his hand and returned the message to Bei Ming, then turned and left the study.

Had it not been for Qingluan's reply, he would have left.

Therefore, after receiving the reply from the ancestor of Qingluan, he walked very cleanly.

It didn't take long before he left Taixuan Dongtian.

Next, he galloped all the way south, preparing to leave the Tianlong Continent and head to the Chilong Continent.

Wonderful book house

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