Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3922: Unity

Hearing Ji Wushuang's question, everyone also noticed the problem.

As a result, everyone's eyes fell on Ji Tianxing.

"Tian Xing, who is that smart and cute girl in a blue dress?"

"She has appeared a lot, she seems to have a close relationship with Wuhen."

"Master, is that little girl the daughter of Emperor Shenglong?"

Seeing everyone's doubts, Ji Tianxing explained: "Don't guess randomly. Like my master, Emperor Shenglong has never married a wife and had children, and has never accepted an apprentice.

After seeing me, the Master made an exception and accepted me as a disciple.

Because Master deduced the secret of heaven and predicted that only I can resolve the crisis in the dragon world and save the dragon world.

And that little girl was a little unicorn that the Emperor Shenglong came across by chance when he was traveling the outer starry sky.

This involves the secret of the ancient war. The dragon, phoenix, qilin and dozens of monster races have become sinners, and the dragon world has also been condemned by heaven.

Nowadays, there is basically no Phoenix and Qilin clan in sight.

Shenglongdi felt that the little girl might be the last ray of Qilin blood, so he brought her back to the divine palace to raise him, and accepted her as a disciple, and named her Qi Linger.

Qi Ling'er was the first disciple of the Holy Dragon Emperor, and later the Holy Dragon Emperor saved Wu Hate before accepting him as a closed disciple.

Originally, Qi Linger should be a sister without hate.

But the unicorn is an ancient beast, and its growth is extremely slow.

Even though she was several hundred years old, she seemed to be a few years younger than Wuhen.

Therefore, Shenglongdi asked Qi Ling'er to be her senior, and Wuhen became her senior.

According to Shenglongdi, their senior brothers and sisters have a very good relationship..."

At the end, Ji Tianxing couldn't help but smile.

Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Bai Long and others all couldn't help being amused, and they all showed their colors.

Only Ji Wushuang was a little ignorant, still worrying about her brother, and muttered: "From the screen, that Qi Ling'er is relatively smart and elegant, but she doesn't know what her temperament is.

Don't be a girl who loves to cause trouble, and trouble your brother all day long..."

Everyone could see that Wushuang seemed to be less welcoming and loving to Qi Ling'er who was clinging to her brother all day.

But this is human nature, and everyone understands it.

Yun Yao took Wushuang's hand and said with a gentle expression, "Don't worry about your brother, the Holy Dragon Emperor is the pinnacle **** king and controls the entire Tiankui star field.

In the Tiankui star field, no one can cause trouble for your brother, and he will not be wronged. "

At this time, Bai Long and Qian Yue both looked at Ji Tianxing and asked expectantly: "Master, you just said that the dragon world is in crisis and save the dragon world. What is going on?"

"Yes, Old Ji, what ancient battles, scourges and sinners? You tell us carefully."

Up to now, many **** kings and powerful people in the dragon world have heard of the things about the scourge and the sinners.

But the specific reasons and more secrets are only known by Ji Tianxing, Shenglong Emperor, Black Dragon Emperor, Chilong Emperor and Snake Hu.

He didn't intend to hide it from everyone, after all, the people in front of him were the closest to him.

So, he spent another two hours explaining this matter carefully to everyone.

Including Fengtian Dragon Emperor sacrificing himself, and also including the Heavenly Swordsman being the Nether God Emperor secretly supporting...

Two hours later, Ji Tianxing told everyone the secrets he knew.

Everyone suddenly realized it, as if they had opened a new world, and understood many things.

Yun Yao frowned for a while and came to a conclusion.

She knows Ji Tianxing best and naturally guessed Ji Tianxing's plan.

"In this way, the bodies of the five great **** emperors are not in the **** realm, they are all in the depths of the void, surrounding the gray misty star, and doing some unspeakable things.

They desperately squeezed the God Realm and enslaved the major star regions in order to search for more cultivation resources to study the gray mist star.

What we have to do is not only to avenge the five great **** emperors, but also to save the dragon world that has been condemned by the sky.

With our current strength, we still cannot meet the five great **** emperors.

Therefore, Tian Xing, you have to travel in the void, investigate the mystery of the fall of Emperor Fengtian, and try to improve your strength.

When our strength is strong enough, we will return to the God Realm to convene the old ministry to further expand our power.

In the end, we rescued the dragon world, and with the help of several dragon emperors, we joined forces to kill deep in the void and avenge the five **** emperors.

And the biggest opportunity and secret is probably the gray mist star. "

Everyone listened carefully to Yun Yao's analysis and nodded in agreement when she saw her speaking clearly and methodically.

Ji Tianxing smiled and nodded: "Yes, you know me best!

What you just said is my plan of action.

However, this is only a preliminary plan, and no one knows if there will be any changes.

Therefore, we can only take one step and watch one step. "

Ji Ke's eyes were a little sad, and he said with emotion: "If the five great divine emperors have not broken through to the divine emperor realm, they are still the pinnacle divine king.

With our current strength, we can already avenge them.

Originally, I thought that we have all become kings of God and can already help you.

Unexpectedly, I still can't help now. "

Bailong, Qianyue and others also feel the same way. After all, Ji Tianxing’s strong enemy is the five great **** emperors ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ even worse is the peak **** king.

And a few of them, either have not broken through the Divine King Realm, or have just reached the Divine King Realm.

Relying on their strength and means, wanting to help Ji Tianxing get revenge, it is simply to die.

Seeing that everyone's mood was a little depressed, and their expressions were a little solemn, Ji Tianxing smiled and comforted: "I am not worried, what are you worried about?

Although the power of the five great **** emperors is strong, we are not alone, we also have many allies!

Most importantly, we do not have to rush for revenge.

The top priority is to continue to improve the realm of strength! "

Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others nodded in agreement.

"Tian Xing, then you can travel through the void with peace of mind, looking for clues and opportunities.

We must continue to retreat and further enhance our strength.

When you enter the Tiankui star field, when will you see Wuhen, come to wake us up again. "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "I told you so much today, just to let everyone know who our enemy is and what we are going to do, so that everyone can be mentally prepared.

Don't worry, I will not take the initiative to meet the five **** emperors when the time is not ripe.

After all, if I made such a big disturbance in the God Realm, they must have received news that I was reborn and returned.

We must be more careful now. "

Ji Ke suddenly thought of something, and suddenly showed worry, and reminded: "Brother Tianxing, since the five great **** emperors know your existence, and they control several star regions, then you must be careful when you travel through the void. Hit their ambush!"

Ji Tianxing nodded his head to express his understanding, indicating that everyone needn't worry.

After a long time, all the talents dispersed and continued to practice in retreat under pressure and motivation.


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