Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3926: Evil spirit god


Nearly a thousand masters of gods and monarchs have been reserving their energy in the godship, waiting to attack Qi Mingxing.

Although, after flying out of the godship, there was a strange star in front of him.

But they were well-trained, and for a moment, they quickly formed a battlefield under the command of the general.

This battle formation has a radius of thousands of miles, like a six-pointed star, surrounding Ji Tianxing.

Each foreign **** monarch holds the sword of the gods, staring at Ji Tianxing murderously, surging with surging divine power.

Five wounded alien kings stood in the sky above the battlefield. After Yun Gong suppressed the injuries, they led the masters of the gods to initiate a siege.

When they want to come, no matter how strong Ji Tianxing is, they are destined to be beheaded here.

After all, they have five **** kings, nearly a thousand masters of gods, it is enough to capture one star, and can't kill an alien **** king?


"Kill this alien bastard!"

"Break him to pieces!"

The crowd burst out shouts of killing, and the five **** kings shot at the same time, attacking from different directions.

Nearly a thousand gods and monarchs also joined forces to cast spells, unleashing supernatural powers that destroy the world and burst out violent power.

Thousands of miles have been overwhelmed by the sword, light, sword and shadow of magic.

However, Ji Tianxing didn't even use the Heaven Burying Sword to deal with these alien powerhouses. He only used his fists to use some magical skills to counterattack.

"Boom bang bang!"

Thousands of knives, lights, swords and shadows, and various shapes of magical light, hit him one after another, but it was like tickling him.

He was covered with a faint golden light, blocking all attacks.

These alien kings and kings couldn't break his defense at all.

However, the dragon-like **** fist he used, and the sky full of sword light, collapsed the bodies of the five **** kings, turning them into sky dregs.

Hundreds of sword lights, carrying two hundred kinds of laws and supernatural powers, were scattered among the crowd, strangling the foreign gods.

With a series of muffled noises erupting, at least more than 700 gods were killed on the spot and wiped out.

The dazzling divine light flickered for a long time before it gradually disappeared.

At this time, more than two hundred gods remained alive, all with minor or severe injuries.

The five foreign **** kings were all destroyed, which was terrible.

The godheads of the four middle **** kings were also defeated and fell on the spot.

The general's godhead was still there, and luckily got his life back.

He was full of horror, anxious and regretful, "Damn it! Why is this guy so strong?

I'm careless, I'm careless! "

Ji Tianxing's toughness far exceeded his expectations.

He now understands that he and these gods are not enough to slaughter by Tianxing.

I encountered hard stubble today and I must be planted here.

But he was unwilling and would never sit back and wait for death.

He roared and let the two hundred surviving gods continue to besiege Ji Tianxing.

At the same time, he desperately fled back to the godship, wanting to escape from this star.

Of course, he still did not forget to send out a jade slip to send a message to the Evil Soul God King for help.

Although he knew that the Evil Soul God King was still in the depths of the star field, it would take at least a month to get here, it was impossible to save him.

But what he thought was that even if he died on this star, at least he had to let the Evil Soul Divine King know what was going on in order to avenge him.


In the blink of an eye, Ji Tianxing waved his palm again and shot the sky full of sword light, blasting all the two hundred surviving gods into scum.

At this time, the general had fled back to the godship, and immediately drove the godship to the void.

But it is a pity that no matter how fast Godship escapes, it is not as fast as Ji Tianxing.

"Catch the Dragon Claw!"

With a big wave of his hand, Ji Tianxing shot out a golden dragon claw with a radius of hundreds of miles, and grasped the divine ship.

He flipped his right hand, and the huge dragon claw held the divine ship and slapped it fiercely on the stars.


A loud and earth-shattering sound burst out, trembling violently in a radius of 100,000 li, and the earth broke into countless gullies.

After the smoke and dust dissipated, the dark golden divine ship could be seen, which had been photographed into a mass of scrap iron, twisted like twists.

"call out!"

The general's godhead is not yet broken, and in panic and despair, he emerged from the scrap iron and rushed into the void desperately.

But Ji Tianxing manipulated the giant claws of the Golden Dragon, grabbed his godhead in the air, and instantly squeezed it.

"Crack, click!"

The oval-shaped crystal stone of God's grid had become a dozen pieces of fragments. The general fell on the spot, and he couldn't even say anything to beg for mercy.

Quiet gradually returned to the dead star.

Ji Tianxing put away the fragments of the godheads of the five **** king powerhouses, and continued to cast spells to devour the stars.

He was too lazy to clean the battlefield, and he didn't want to clean up the spoils scattered all over the floor.

The strength of this group of alien kings and kings is too weak, and there must be no precious treasures.

Next, Ji Tianxing can devour the stars with peace of mind, and no one will bother him anymore.


The depths of the Scorpio star field.

There is a huge star with a diameter of 100 million li, shrouded in brilliant golden light, named Yuanxing.

This is a very high-grade, very rare star.

As one of the overlords of the Scorpio Star Territory, the Evil Soul God King lives on this star and regards it as a nest ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ The distant star is huge in size and the area on the star is vast, comparable to the dragon world. Of a continent.

On this star, there are tens of billions of alien races and hundreds of billions of various creatures.

At this time, in the depths of the blue sea, on top of the vast sea of ​​clouds, inside a resplendent shrine.

The Evil Soul God King was in the discussion hall, staring at a sand table with a radius of ten feet, silently pondering something.

The so-called sand table is not a model made of sand.

This is a divine tool refined by foreign craftsmen, like a star field map, clearly showing the entire Scorpio star field.

There are hundreds of dazzling stars inside, shining with lights of different colors, representing the world of intelligent life.

In addition, there are hundreds of thousands of white light spots, representing dead stars.

Of the hundreds of stars with life, 60% are blue and 40% are red.

The blue stars represent the territory of the Blue Scorpion King.

The red stars are naturally the territory of the Evil Soul God King.

The well-known Evil Soul God King, surrounded by a layer of black mist, has a tall and burly figure hidden in a large black robe and cloak.

Except for a scaly tail under the black robe and scarlet eyes under the cloak, no one could see his true appearance.

Although the conference hall was quiet and solemn.

But in fact, besides the Evil Soul God King, there are more than a dozen generals from the Divine King Realm and several Divine Sovereign Commanders in the hall at this moment.

"Before this king got news, Lan Xie and the Jinwu patriarch had fallen out, and there will be no more Jinwu support. Everyone still doesn't believe it.

But now, this king has waged a war for three months and has captured a dozen or so stars in a row, and he has been defeated steadily.

Do you have any questions? "


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