Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3929: Roll without hitting

The three hundred and three were all cheering and admiring the wit of King Xiangcheng.

But Ji Tianxing looked at the sincere and expectant expression of King Xiang Cheng, and only said one word.


"..." The smile on King Xiangcheng's face solidified on the spot.

The three hundred and three aliens also frowned fiercely, and a deep anger surged in their hearts.

Damn foreign bastard, this is too arrogant!

It's almost a matter of life and death, he must be killed!

This idea flashed through many people's minds, and they were all eager to try.

But Xiang Chengshen Wang Qiang held back his anger, suppressed this thought and impulse, and continued to persuade Ji Tianxing.

"How can your Excellency be so rude? We are sincere.

You may not know that the Evil Soul God King is one of the two great overlords, and is destined to defeat the Blue Scorpion God King and become the master of the Scorpio Star Territory.

No matter how strong you are, you will be alone..."

God King Xiang Cheng sneered and threatened Ji Tianxing with the power of the Evil Soul God King.

But before he could finish speaking, Ji Tianxing was impatient to listen. He waved his sword at him, and shouted coldly: "If you want to fight, you can fight, and if you don't, you can get away!"

Such arrogant behavior immediately angered King Xiang Cheng, three other **** kings, and three hundred **** masters.

The crowd was so angry that they pulled out their swords and weapons, all staring at Ji Tianxing murderously.

The face of King Xiang Cheng became gloomy, and he smiled grimly: "What a mad and ignorant kid who knows nothing about life and death!

This king gave you enough face, but you are so ignorant to promote.

In that case, the king will send you to death! "

"kill him!"

Following the order from King Xiangcheng, three hundred masters of the gods joined forces to cast spells, unleashing powerful supernatural powers, and Chao Ji Tianxing launched a siege.

King Xiang Cheng also waved two giant axes, cutting out two thousand-meter-long red blood lights, and slashed at Ji Tianxing.

The dazzling divine light shines on thousands of miles.

The violent and unmatched divine power fluctuations, rippled in the void.

Ji Tianxing was under heavy siege, but he was not afraid, brandishing the Heaven Burying Sword and launched a counterattack.

Broken Sun Sword!

Seven Star Sword!

Xuanguang Wanren cut!

With a wave of the divine sword, hundreds of brilliant sword lights splashed in all directions, and the terrifying power suddenly erupted.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

The sword light collided with the divine light and shadow, and there was a deep sound, splashing out countless divine light fragments.

The magical powers displayed by three hundred gods were instantly defeated by Ji Tianxing.

The attack of the four kings fell on him, and was also blocked by the faint golden light on his body.

With the support of the immortal golden body, even the pinnacle **** king can hardly hurt him, let alone these four upper **** kings.

However, the sword light he slashed out of the sky brought disaster to everyone.

As the muffled sound came out, a tragic wailing sounded.

The four **** kings were smashed and flew back, with blood dripping all over the sky.

There were also dozens of masters of the gods, who were strangled by Jianguang on the spot, falling into pieces, dropping countless pieces of flesh and blood.

This is the first round of the fight between the two sides.

Ji Tianxing was unscathed, his expression was calm, and he didn't even take a breath.

But the four **** kings suffered serious injuries and looked very embarrassed.

Dozens of gods were killed on the spot, and more than 20 gods were hit hard.

Such a sharp contrast made everyone see Ji Tianxing's terrifying strength, and they were all horrified.

But no matter how frightened they are, it is impossible for them to turn around and run away immediately.

Too embarrassing is second, if the Evil Soul Divine King knows that they are so cowardly fighting, they will be punished severely.

As a result, the four **** kings regained their strength and once again brought more than two hundred gods to launch a second siege.

It is still going all out, performing all kinds of supernatural skills and unique skills.

The divine light was shining all over the sky, and all kinds of lights and shadows were flying, with great momentum and movement.

But this did not affect Ji Tianxing in the slightest. He used his left hand to display various palms, fists and fingerings, and his right hand to swing a sword to display kendo supernatural powers.

With one mind and two uses, the various supernatural skills he displayed are still powerful.

"Boom bang bang!"


There was another deafening loud noise, mixed with explosions one after another.

As for the exclamation, shouts, curses and screams of the crowd, they were all covered by the loud noise.

After a few breaths, the second round of the duel was over again.

The ending this time was even more miserable.

More than two hundred and twenty masters of the gods were bombarded and killed on the spot, scattered in the void.

The three high-ranking **** kings were all destroyed by sword light, and the godhead was also severely damaged, floating in the void.

Even the **** of King Xiangcheng was on the verge of collapse, like a porcelain bottle full of cracks.

The dozens of surviving masters of the gods were all shocked.

Ji Tianxing's strength was too terrifying, they didn't dare to make any more moves, they all shouted and fled to the depths of the starry sky.

The four **** kings also yelled angrily on their faces.

It's a pity that the gods were eager to flee for their lives, they didn't listen to their shouts at all, and they quickly escaped.

Seeing this scene, the four **** kings stopped insisting.

They didn't need to talk about it at all, and they all turned around and fled.

More tacitly, they escaped in two directions.

But this is not difficult for Ji Tianxing, his figure teleported thousands of miles into the void and caught up with the two injured godheads.

With the sword in his hand, the two gods collapsed into shards while the brilliance shone.

Ji Tianxing took a copy with his left hand and put the fragments of the godhead into his bag.

He flashed again, teleporting 20,000 miles in the void, and caught up with King Xiangcheng and another godhead.


Another sword slashed past ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After a burst of golden light, the godhead turned into pieces.

God King Xiangcheng was also beheaded on the spot, his body collapsed, and his godhead shattered.

At this point, the four alien kings were all beheaded.

Ji Tianxing put away the fragments of the godhead, driving the Heaven Burying Sword, and continued to fly to the depths of the star field.

As for the dozens of masters of the gods who fled in all directions, he was too lazy to chase and kill them, letting them run away.

Those masters of the gods are harmless either dead or alive, and they can't threaten him anyway.

But these upper **** kings, he felt it necessary to eradicate.

When Tian Tianjian flew to the depths of the starry sky, he also summarized the news he had just received and analyzed the current situation.

"These people are all under the command of the Evil Soul God King, and the Evil Soul God King is at odds with the Blue Scorpion God King, robbing them of the position of the Lord of the Star Territory.

In this way, Long Yan and I did not kill the Jinwu patriarch at the beginning, and it really caused him to have a rift with the Blue Scorpion King.

Upon hearing this news, the Evil Soul God King decided that the Blue Scorpion God King had lost his backing, just when his power was empty.

Therefore, the Evil Soul God King decisively launched an attack and invaded the territory of the Blue Scorpion God King...

At this time, the blue scorpion **** king should have a headache, and he has been retreating, right? "

Although, the Blue Scorpion God King and the Evil Soul God King, in order to fight for the position of the master of the star field, beat you to death.

But Ji Tianxing has no interest in this position, and he doesn't bother to be nosy.

It's just that there is a small question in his heart, and he can't help but mutter.

"The nine star regions have overlords, and most of them are occupied by the five great emperors.

Even the Holy Dragon Emperor, the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, and the Snake Husband each occupied a star field.

But this Scorpio star field, why hasn't it been occupied by any power, and has two alien kings quarreling? "


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