Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3942: Lure the enemy

Latest website: It didn't take long for the Blue Scorpion King to take his soldiers and disappear into the void.

Although, Ji Tianxing never shot him.

But when he saw Ji Tianxing, he felt fear and awe from the bottom of his heart, and didn't want to stay by his side for a moment.

Because he knew that he was also the Peak God King, Ji Tianxing was far more terrifying than the Golden Crow Chief and Long Yan!

Moreover, in the face of this mysterious strong man, don't even think about playing tricks. It is a trick and a dead end.

Especially, he has already made the oath of heaven, it can be said that life and death are in the hands of Ji Tianxing.

For the current plan, he can only follow Ji Tianxing's arrangement, go back and lead troops to counterattack, and occupy the Scorpio star field as soon as possible.


Ji Tianxing returned to the Mining Star and sacrificed the Replenishing Dzi Bead, allowing the God Bead to continue to consume the stars.

He didn't rush to use the devouring magical powers, but took out the Evil Soul God King who was severely injured and threw it to the ground.

The Evil Soul God King is still in a coma, lying on the ground unconscious.

"call out!"

Ji Tianxing waved his hand and shot a ray of golden light, which fell into the forehead of the Evil Soul King.

The Evil Soul God King suddenly woke up, staring at Ji Tianxing with vigilance and alert.

"Long Tian, ​​what do you want to do?"

The Evil Soul God King was very alert and looked around and found that the Blue Scorpion God King was not present.

On the desolate and cold mine star, only he and Ji Tianxing.

Since Ji Tianxing has not killed him so far, he saw the hope of survival and thought that Ji Tianxing wanted to negotiate with him.

"The Blue Scorpion King is no longer present, let's talk, what conditions do you need to let me go?"

Ji Tianxing looked down at him condescendingly, and said with a sneer: "You think that the king will not kill you and keep your life. Do you want to negotiate terms with you?

Do you think that this king is afraid of your backer? "

"Isn't it?" Evil Soul God King asked back.

Ji Tianxing sneered again and said: "Now your life and death are controlled by this king, and this king doesn't bother to talk nonsense with you.

The reason why I didn't kill you is because this king still has a few questions to ask. "

The Evil Soul God King's eyes lit up, and hope ignited in his heart, and he quickly asked: "Then after I answer your question, can you let me go?"

"Hehe...It's not that simple." Ji Tianxing smiled, and asked in a deep voice: "What you know, about the news about the King Changfeng and the supreme, tell this king the truth!"

The Evil Soul God King was silent, and flames of anger and humiliation flashed in his scarlet eyes.

After a while, he asked in a deep voice, "What if I refuse to answer? Would you kill me?

Ha ha... In that case, you don't want to know their news. "

Ji Tianxing glanced at him, and said in a contemptuous tone: "You probably forgot one thing, even if this king kills you, you can still use the soul search technique to refine your soul memory.

When the time comes, how can it be so troublesome to interrogate you? "

The Evil Soul God King suddenly stiffened, and the last trace of luck and reliance in his heart was also broken.

Not only is his life and death controlled by Ji Tianxing, but now he has no initiative at all, and there is no hope of a comeback.

But there was still a trace of stubbornness left in his heart, and he asked in a deep voice: "Then what are you waiting for? Don't you kill me?"

Ji Tianxing still looked indifferent, and said: "If you want to die, of course this king can fulfill you.

But this king has already seen that your desire to survive is very strong, so I give you one last chance.

Don't waste time, it's your choice. "

The Evil Soul God King completely cut off the idea of ​​fluke, and could only answer truthfully: "I don't meet Changfeng God King many times. I only know that he is from the God Realm and works for the Supreme Lord.

Hundreds of years ago, he came to the Scorpio Star Territory to find me and said that he would support me to become a Territory Master.

But I want to be a puppet domain master and follow his instructions and arrangements.

I naturally dismissed it and fought him a game, but failed miserably without making ten moves..."

The Evil Soul God King told him about the process of getting to know the Changfeng God King to Ji Tianxing.

The King of Changfeng has always been out of sight, and his whereabouts are erratic, about once every 100 years in the Scorpio star field.

And every time he came, he would take away a huge amount of cultivation resources and urge the Evil Soul King to unify the entire star field as soon as possible.

Over the past few hundred years, the cultivation resources that the Evil Soul God King has searched for him have exceeded one hundred billion.

But even so, the Changfeng God King was still not satisfied, and would often reprimand the Evil Soul God King.

As for the supreme behind the Changfeng God King, the Evil Soul God King has never seen it, but has only heard of it a few times.

He could probably judge that the supreme also came from the **** realm, and his realm surpassed the **** king.

Apart from this, there is no other information or clues.

Ji Tianxing had long guessed that the supreme one was one of the five great **** emperors.

But the Evil Soul God King's status was too low to find more information at all, which made him quite disappointed.

"This king remembers that you said before that King Changfeng God is on his way back to Far Star, right?" Ji Tianxing asked.

The Evil Soul God King nodded.

Ji Tianxing asked again: "Then he should know that you brought many powerful men to intercept and kill this king?"

The Evil Soul God King nodded again.

"Very good." Ji Tianxing nodded slightly and said with a meaningful smile: "You immediately call him for help, let him come here to rescue you."

The Evil Soul God King was taken aback for a moment, and immediately guessed his intentions, and immediately shouted in surprise, "Are you crazy? Do you want to bring him here and plan to kill him?"

"Why not?" Ji Tianxing raised his brows.

The Evil Soul God King sneered: "He is the Peak God King! Moreover, every time he comes to the Scorpio Star Territory, there are six guards of the God King Realm around him, all of whom are high-ranking God Kings!

Long Tian, ​​don't blame me for not reminding you, you are seeking your own death! "

Of course the Evil Soul God King was not worried about Ji Tianxing being killed.

He just didn't want to do this, lest King Changfeng settled accounts with him and supported others as the domain master, and he became an abandoned son.

Ji Tianxing saw through his mind, and said with contempt: "In your eyes, the Changfeng God King and his six guards may be unattainable powerhouses.

But in the eyes of the king, it was just a small trouble that could be solved in a moment.

Remember, this king is not bargaining with you, this is an order! "

Since it is an order ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Evil Soul God King certainly knows the fate of disobeying the order.

He silently took out a special jade slip for communication and asked Changfeng God King for help.

Although, this is because he was forced to act, deliberately drawing the King of Wind to come here.

But this is also a true portrayal of his current situation, so his voice and tone are very natural.

Even the content of his plea for help doesn't have to bother to compile, just tell the truth.

Of course, he did not disclose that he was caught by Ji Tianxing.

He only said that he was seriously injured and the soldiers under his command also suffered heavy casualties, before he wounded Ji Tianxing.

He is currently on the run, avoiding Ji Tianxing's pursuit, hiding on the sky star.

I hope that the King of Changfeng will come to rescue him as soon as possible, punish the king of alien races, and put down the chaos in the Scorpio star field.

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