Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3944: The last demon

Latest website: When Ji Tianxing said the last words, the Evil Soul God King’s psychological defense was completely defeated.

He couldn't be sure that Ji Tianxing knew the demons very well!

Unlike the alien powerhouses in the major star regions, even the demons have never heard of it, let alone understand it.

For more than ten thousand years, the Evil Soul God King tried his best to hide this fact for fear of being discovered by anyone.

The worries, panic, and anxiety in his heart caused him to be suspicious and cold-blooded.

He couldn't believe anyone, let alone reveal his secrets.

In order not to be noticed, he has not even dared to say a word of ‘magic’ for so many years.

But today, in front of Ji Tianxing, he looks like a transparent person without any secrets.

At this moment, he was full of horror, lying weakly on the ground, panting violently.

"Evil Soul God King, do you think we should have a good talk?"

Ji Tianxing looked down at him with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"By the way, I almost forgot to tell you one thing.

I was once called the Demon Slayer by the world, and the demons I slaughtered as many as millions. "

Ji Tianxing's words, like a sharp blade, pierced into the heart of the Evil Soul God King.

It was like a sledgehammer, hitting his soul.

His eyes opened in anger, and he roared in anger and horror: "This is impossible! I spent more than three thousand years searching through the nine star regions, and only found a dozen demon bloodlines.

The so-called demons are no longer known in this world.

I also collected and consulted countless ancient books before I found some information about this race!

How can you know so? How can it be possible to slaughter millions of demons?

How can so many demons slaughter you? "

Ji Tianxing was a little surprised, and asked with a smile, "Oh? You have searched the nine star regions and only found a dozen demons?

When did this happen? Where are the dozen or so demons now? "

The Evil Soul God King replied feebly: "As you said, they have all been cursed by the heavens.

When I found them, it was ten thousand years ago.

But in the two thousand years after that, they died one after another.

Now in this world, I am probably the only demon left. "

After a pause, he asked in a deep voice, "Where did you find the millions of demons? Is it the Dragon Realm or the God Realm?

I have searched the nine star regions, only the Dragon Realm and the God Realm have not been there yet. "

Ji Tianxing shook his head and said, "It's not the Dragon Realm or the God Realm, but the Lower Realm.

Massacre millions of demons, that was what I did before I ascended. "

"The Lower Realm?" The Evil Soul God King was stunned.

After being silent and thinking for a long time, he muttered to himself: "How can millions of people of the demons be in the lower realm?

Isn't it possible that none of them can become gods, soaring here? "

Ji Tianxing said calmly: "The demons in the lower realm have also been cursed by the heavens. They are destined to be unable to become gods and ascend.

Come on, you have investigated so many ancient books, what clues have you found?

Do you know the origin of the demons? Do you know why the demons were cursed by heaven? "

In fact, Ji Tianxing vaguely knew something, it should be related to the ancient war 30,000 years ago.

For example, the goddess Yaoguang, the mother of the human race, was sacrificed to suppress the demons.

Even the world of the five elements is very likely to be destroyed during that period and fall into the lower realm.

As for the origin of the demons, and what role the demons played in the ancient wars, he is not very clear.

Therefore, he would question the Evil Soul God King, hoping to add some clues.

But it's a pity that the Evil Soul God King sneered proudly: "Hahahaha... Demon Slayer? Do you want to know the secrets of our Demon Race?

Now I am the last demon in this world, you dare not kill me!

If you killed me, you would never want to know the secrets of the demons! "

Before Ji Tianxing could retort, he said in a deep voice, "Don't use the refining memory to intimidate me! The clues and information I can remember are only a few.

Many ancient books and clues I found are stored in a top secret place.

As long as I die, you will never want to find it! "

Ji Tianxing glanced at him, chuckled and said, "Hehe... you suddenly found your value, and feel that your life is saved?

Don’t forget, it depends on the king’s mood to kill you.

Even if this king doesn't kill you, there are thousands of ways to make you better than death! "

The Evil Soul Divine King was not afraid, and he was a little disapproving, and sneered: "Hehe...As a demon clan cursed by the heavens, I haven't tasted any pain? I'm afraid of your threats?"

Ji Tianxing didn't bother to argue with him, and said calmly: "No matter, these are useless nonsense.

This king wants to investigate the origin of the demons and some secrets, why don't you want to figure it out?

Don't worry, this king will not kill you until you find the answer and the answer.

Just stay in the dark and calm down. "

After speaking, he stretched out his hand and shot a golden light, knocking the Evil Soul God King stunned.


He once again took the Evil Soul God King into the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers and suppressed it in the third layer of space.

That level of space is not big, only boundless darkness and wasteland, cold and dead.

After dealing with the Evil Soul God King, Ji Tianxing continued to cast spells to devour the mineral star.

Half a month later, the Mining Star gradually disappeared under the swallowing of him and the Bu Dzi Bead.

Ji Tianxing gained massive divine power and his strength was further improved.

Filling the dzi and the world of the five elements have also been supplemented by infinite divine power.

Nowadays, the world of the Five Elements is performing a spiritual recovery, which is estimated to continue for many years.

And the power of replenishing the dzi beads has long been restored to the king-level supreme artifact.

Ji Tianxing put away the replenishing dzi beads, left contentedly, and flew towards the sky star not far away.

Of course, he will not lay many traps on the sky star.

With the strength of the Changfeng God King, as long as he is more careful and careful, he will definitely notice the strangeness and the danger.

Therefore, after Ji Tianxing descended on the Celestial Star, he only surveyed the territory and terrain of the stars.

And chose two places as the battlefield, and buried some things in advance, as the foreshadowing of the battle.

This is not to be afraid of King Changfeng and the six guards ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but just in case.

After Ji Tianxing's layout is completed, nothing can be guaranteed.

Even if Changfeng God King brought thousands of gods to commit the crime, Ji Tianxing could deal with it calmly.

After setting up the battlefield, Ji Tianxing lurked on the sky star, silently waiting for the arrival of King Changfeng.

He remained invisible, sitting in a sea of ​​white clouds, calmly adjusting his breath and meditating, paying attention to the movement in the void.

Under the sea of ​​clouds, there is a steep mountain as high as ten thousand feet and straight like a huge sword.

This is the first battlefield chosen by Ji Tianxing.

Unconsciously, another half month passed.

That evening, when the sun was setting, the goal finally appeared, and Ji Tianxing opened his eyes and ended his meditation and breathing adjustment.

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