Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3947: who are you

Latest website: The attention of the King Changfeng and the five guards are on the body of Ji Tianxing on the top of the mountain.

They never expected that after thousands of miles, three Ji Tianxing appeared!

Not only the appearance and temperament are the same, but even the realm of strength and spirit aura are exactly the same!

At this moment, the King Changfeng God and the five guards were shocked, showing a strong expression of indignation.

"This is his clone!"

"Protect the divine ship!!"

"You **** who kills a thousand knives, you are so despicable!!"

Everyone cursed angrily, and a heart came up to his throat.

But unfortunately, it happened in an instant, and it was too late for them to stop them.

"Boom bang bang!"

The divine magic brilliance collided, and there was a series of muffled noises.

The magical skills performed by Ji Tianxing on the 1st were all resolved by the King Changfeng and the five guards, and neither side took advantage.

At the same time, the other three Ji Tianxing had already swung their swords and cast spells, severely hitting the huge divine ship.


In the deafening sound, the divine ship suspended in the sky was drowned by the sky of sword light and magical light.

The divine power shield on the surface of the divine ship was smashed to pieces on the spot, splashing out countless light fragments.

The hard and unmatched shell of the Divine Ship was also struck by the Heaven Burying Sword, cracking a gap of hundreds of meters long, splashing out countless debris.

There is no doubt that these three Ji Tianxing are not all clones.

Two of them are clones, and one is Ji Tianxing's ontology.

It was also the body of Ji Tianxing who used the Heaven Burial Sword to split the divine ship.


In the wide gap, hundreds of alien gods fell out like dumplings.

There are also countless sacred stones, ores, elixirs and artifacts, pouring down like a flood, scattered in the vast sea of ​​clouds.

Those alien gods come from various star regions and are divided into different races.

They all have the strength of the Heavenly God Realm, but they are sealed, and they can't use their divine power at all, just like mortals.

As for the cultivation resources, they are all of lower grade and very diverse categories, and they seem to be collected from the major star regions.

The reason why Ji Tianxing attacked the divine ship was because he was worried that there would be a large number of powerful men and masters hidden in the divine ship.

But he did not expect that in this divine ship of the God King of Changfeng, tens of thousands of alien gods were hidden, loaded with countless training resources!

He also thought that Changfeng God King was working for a certain **** emperor, and the five great **** emperors were carrying out unknown plans in the depths of the void.

So, he guessed that these things were all searched by Changfeng God King, and he was going to give it to that God Emperor.

In such a blink of an eye, the King Changfeng God and the five guards all reacted.

They no longer care about the clone of Ji Tianxing, and desperately rushed to the divine ship to protect the resources and foreign gods in the divine ship.

Taking advantage of the crowds coming, Ji Tianxing wielded the Sky Burial Sword again, severely chopped out a few thousand zhang sword lights, and smashed the divine ship into the gap.

At the same time, six clones appeared out of thin air in the sky.

A total of nine avatars, jointly intercepting the King Changfeng and five guards.

All six were stopped, surrounded by nine clones, and could not break through.

After all, Ji Tianxing's nine clones all have half his strength.

Strictly speaking, the combat effectiveness of each clone is equal to that of King Changfeng.

Of course, this is under the circumstance that Changfeng God King does not use the best artifacts.

"Boom bang bang!"

Divine light splashed all over the sky, and loud and deafening noises burst out one after another.

The King of Changfeng God and five guards were blocked, and the desperate breakout didn't help.

They could only watch, Ji Tianxing's body kept swinging his sword, cutting the divine ship into three pieces.



The fragmented wreckage of the divine ship fell from the sky and hit the vast sea of ​​clouds.

Among them, resources such as divine stones, metals, weapons, etc. were sprayed out, and countless foreign gods were also thrown out.

They are like disorganized fragments, circling and dancing in the high sky, falling into the sea of ​​clouds.

Of course, there are also a hundred high-ranking gods in the divine ship, which is the guard of the Changfeng God King.

When the divine ship was attacked, they also rose up to resist and resist.

But their resistance, compared with Ji Tianxing's fierce offense, was not worth mentioning.

After the divine ship was broken, they also fled from the divine ship and fled in the high sky.

Ji Tianxing was simple and rude. He swung his sword towards the sky and yelled "Sword Rain!"

Suddenly, tens of thousands of giant swords of stars appeared on the sky, pouring down like a meteor shower.

With the huge peak of ten thousand zhang as the center, a radius of 20,000 li is covered by the giant sword of stars.

"Rumble rumbling!"

The loud noise that shook the sky and the earth lasted a long time before dissipating.

Under the bombardment of tens of thousands of stars and giant swords, the huge peaks were razed to the ground and turned into dust and dirt.

The resources poured out from the divine ship and more than 30,000 alien gods were also bombarded and killed by the star giant sword.

Even the one hundred high-ranking gods can hardly escape the fate of being crushed.

Even the guards of the five upper **** kings were injured by Ji Tianxing's clone, and were bombarded by huge swords all over the sky, destroying their gods.

After about a hundred breaths of time, the noisy battlefield gradually subsided.

The battleship of King Changfeng was destroyed, and the guard of the gods was wiped out.

Even the guards of the five Divine King Realm were bombarded and killed three, and even the Godhead was turned into fragments.

There were only two godheads left, plus the original godhead, fled to the front of the king of long wind and got into the sleeves of his robe.

They can't escape the seal formation, they can only hide by the Changfeng God King, which is the safest.

On the battlefield, only Ji Tianxing and Changfeng God King remained.

No...There are also Ji Tianxing's nine clones.

Counting this up, it should be ten Ji Tianxing who surrounded the King of Changfeng!

The atmosphere was solemn and solemn, and the expression and eyes of the God King of Changfeng were somber as ice and full of resentment.

"Boy, who are you? Why are you fighting against this seat?"

Changfeng Shenwang's plan was destroyed and suffered heavy losses.

He knows that it will be difficult to be good today, and he will suffer the loss.

However, he has a king-level superb artifact, and it is not difficult to escape~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But he has to figure out the details of the other party before escaping, so that he can get revenge in the future!

"This king has already said that this king wants to control the Scorpio star field. If you want to grab the territory, then this king will kill you!"

Ji Tianxing held the Sky Burial Sword instead, looked at the King of Changfeng without expression, and replied indifferently.

"Humph!" Of course, King Changfeng didn't believe in such nonsense. He insisted that Ji Tianxing must have another conspiracy.

"This king has some understanding of the situation in the dragon world.

But as far as this king knows, there is no one like you among the five dragon emperors in the dragon world!

Say, who are you? "

A smile appeared on the corner of Ji Tianxing's mouth, and said: "As you stand, you are not qualified to know.

Don't waste time, let's talk slowly when this king catches you! "

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