Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3949: Supreme is him

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Two quarters later, the battle came to an end.

Ji Tianxing seized the flaws of the King of Changfeng and used the most powerful killer move.

The majestic and mighty power of the world condensed into a golden sword of thousands of feet, and slammed the weak Changfeng God King.


Amid the deafening noise, the King of Changfeng was smashed into pieces by a giant sword, his body shattered like a porcelain bottle, and countless fragments spattered.

There is also a diamond-shaped dark golden godhead mingled in the flesh and blood in the sky.

The power of the godhead was emptied, cracks appeared on the surface, and it was obvious that he was hit hard.

At this time, the Changfeng God King was not only destroyed, but his consciousness also fell into a coma, and his godhead fell from the sky.

The war is over.

Ji Tianxing retracted the nine avatars, put away the Sky Burial Sword, waved a golden light, and captured the Godhead of the King of Changfeng.

The walnut-sized dark golden godhead has thousands of **** patterns on the surface and contains more than 980 rules.

Ji Tianxing took it in his hand and observed both eyes and confirmed that the King of Changfeng would not wake up in a short time, so he put it into the space ring.

"Unexpectedly, I have mastered more than 980 kinds of laws, and the strength and foundation are so powerful, I am about to catch up with my previous life."

He whispered to himself, with a smile on his mouth.

After putting away the Godhead of King Changfeng, he shot another golden light, which wrapped the black and purple hammer.

King Changfeng God did not die, but fell into a coma.

Therefore, that hammer still has a master.

But it did not cultivate the soul of the instrument itself, and did not have its own consciousness.

After the King of Changfeng was in a coma, the hammer was suspended in the sky, shining with colorful thunder.

Ji Tianxing picked up the magic hammer, looked at it over and over again, and put it into the space ring.

At this time, he had decided in his heart.

No matter what, the King of Changfeng God must be killed.

Because he wanted to seize the hammer of the King of Changfeng, but also to refine his godhead.

Strictly speaking, this was the first peak **** king he killed in this life.

It’s just the Godhead and the hammer of the King Changfeng God, it’s an amazing wealth and an exciting harvest!


Ji Tianxing waved his hand to cast a few divine lights, and withdrew the 20,000 li seal formation.

More than sixty divine lights flew out of the land that had long been turned into ruins, and they all returned to him.

Those were more than sixty king-level middle and top-grade artifacts, which he arranged in advance to serve as the base of the formation and enhance the power of the seal formation.

After doing all this, Ji Tianxing began to clean the battlefield and collect the spoils.

His trophies are far more than the Godhead and Warhammer of the King of Wind.

There are also the guards of the six upper gods, their godheads, artifacts, and space rings are also a huge wealth.

Of course, there are countless cultivation resources pouring in the rubble.

Although those resources are of low grade, they are extremely numerous, scattered on the ground in a radius of 30,000 miles, piled up into hills.

Ji Tianxing fell into the sea of ​​clouds and flew over the ruins, using his magical powers to capture, swallowing up one ‘hill’ after another.

Naturally, he didn't like these low-quality cultivation resources, and they all handed them over to the Heavenly Filling Bead to swallow them to replenish the power of the Five Elements World.

After cleaning up the spoils, Ji Tianxing landed near the wreckage of the battleship.

That ten-thousand-foot warship had been torn apart, turned into several pieces, and sank in the ruins.

Ji Tianxing used his divine sense to probe carefully, and from the wreckage of the battleship, he found resources worth several trillions, as well as some debris.

Those miscellaneous items include tokens with special symbols, specially made jade slips for communication, and some gold leaf books for recording messages.

In Ji Tianxing's view, these tokens, jade slips and golden books may contain some clues, and he has to take time to study them.

After doing this, he was sure that there was nothing missing before he flew to the sky and left the sky star.


Three days later.

In the void not far from Feilu Star, the Heaven Burying Sword merged with the dark void, and was moving forward steadily.

The sword is in the world, and the nine-day tower is hidden in Azuchi.

And Ji Tianxing was in the twisted time and space of the **** tower, refining the Godhead of the King of Changfeng.

Before that, he had counted the spoils and gains of this time.

Changfeng God King’s divine ship is loaded with training resources scoured from various star regions, worth more than fifty trillion.

But Ji Tianxing did not refining, and he was swallowed up by the Bud Dzi, replenishing power for the world of the five elements.

What he got was the Godhead of the Changfeng God King and the six upper God Kings, as well as the hammer.

In addition, the space ring of these seven powerhouses also stores a huge amount of cultivation resources.

There are king-level divine artifacts, king-level divine pills, refining tools, and alchemy materials, as well as countless divine stones, gems, and strange treasures.

Its value is not easy to estimate, but Ji Tianxing estimates that it is more than fifty trillion.

Originally, King Changfeng God just fell into a coma and did not die.

But Ji Tianxing did not intend to interrogate him, it was too troublesome.

If the King of Changfeng is greedy for life and is afraid of death, and truthfully confessed, then he would kill the King of Changfeng, it would be a bit wrong.

Therefore, he directly crushed the Godhead of Changfeng God King and refined its fragments.

If you want to know any news and secrets, you only need to refine the memory of the God King Changfeng, and everything will be clear.

Time passed silently.

After the Sky Burial Sword passed the Feilu Star, it went straight to the distant star without encountering any obstacles along the way.

Unconsciously, half a month passed in the void.

Ji Tianxing is also distorting time and space, refining for more than two years.

The fragments of the Godhead of the Changfeng God King were completely refined by him.

This is his highest level of refinement so far, and it takes a long time.

He drew dozens of divine laws from the gods of Changfeng God King, as well as massive divine powers.

At this time, his strength is steadily moving towards the mid-stage of the God King Nine Layers, and the number of laws of the gods he mastered has reached as many as nine hundred and sixty ways.

He also refined the memory of the God King of Changfeng, and got the news and secrets he wanted to know.

Just as he had guessed, the patron of Changfeng God King, the so-called Supreme, was exactly a **** emperor in the God Realm!

The God Emperor of Nine Suns, Lu Jiuyang who controls the Universe Continent!

As early as a thousand years ago, the God King of Changfeng was only a high-ranking God King of the Seventh Realm.

At that time, he was working under Lu Jiuyang~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but his status was not high, and his power was not high.

Later, the five **** emperors besieged and killed the sword **** in the void.

Several nine-fold and eight-fold **** kings under Lu Jiuyang's command were all beheaded by the sword god.

Since then, the King of Changfeng God has been reused and promoted.

After Lu Jiuyang broke through the Divine Emperor Realm, he gave Changfeng Divine King a lot of care and guidance.

As a result, the strength of the Changfeng God King grew by leaps and bounds, and he became the Peak God King 500 years ago.

It was from that time that he left the God Realm and went to the depths of the void to run errands for Lu Jiuyang.

Over the past five hundred years, he has become Lu Jiuyang's spokesperson, controlling the Tianyang star field that has long been conquered by Lu Jiuyang.

At the same time, he wanted to open up territory for Lu Jiuyang and seize the last land without a master-the Scorpio star field.

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