Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3952: Defeated

The latest website: Although, the blue scorpion **** king is over-thought, and Ji Tianxing is not pleased.

But I have to say that he does have a set of imperial methods.

The god-king powerhouses and generals under his command were all convinced of him, and did not dare to complain.

Especially, Ji Tianxing's order to death is like a big mountain, weighing on everyone's heart, extremely heavy.

The lives of the blue scorpion king and the generals are all tied together, and they will die if they fail.

In this way, everyone's bloodliness was stimulated.

Soon, the Blue Scorpion King made a deployment, and all the generals took their orders to leave and lead troops to fight.

A massive and fierce counterattack broke out in the middle of the star field!

This time, the soldiers under the command of the Blue Scorpion God King changed their previous stability and caution, becoming extremely crazy and radical.

Even the blue scorpion king, while commanding the generals in the center to fight, he personally led the army all the way to the depths of the star field like a bamboo.

The soldiers under the Evil Soul God King had long learned the news that the Evil Soul God King was killed, and they were all panic-stricken.

The previous successive defeats made their morale extremely low.

Now they were smashed by the bravery of the Blue Scorpion King's army, and the soldiers were completely defeated.

The blue scorpion **** king led the soldiers under his command, advancing all the way, it can be said to be invincible and invincible.


the other side.

The **** king powerhouses under the evil spirit **** king's command are also in panic.

These generals who led troops to fight on the front line were already heavy and worried when they learned of the death of the Evil Soul God King.

However, Marshal Thunder is still alive, still commanding many generals in Far Star.

Many generals felt that even if the Evil Soul God King was killed, Marshal Thunder would still succeed.

They still have a leader and can still occupy the Scorpio star field.

However, I don't know when, some gossips began to circulate among the generals.

"I heard that our great backer, that Changfeng God King has come to the Scorpio Star Territory.

He wanted to kill the alien **** king and avenge the evil spirit **** king, but he didn't expect that he was ambushed by the alien **** king and was killed instead.

Now we have no backers, no leaders, only Marshal Thunder..."

As soon as this gossip came out, many generals were shocked and horrified.

For a time, many generals were unwilling to fight, anxious like ants on a hot pot, just thinking about how to preserve their strength and survive.

As a result, some generals and soldiers under their command quietly fled the front line and hid back to their stars.

Most of them are star masters, with their own stars, people and forces.

As long as they do not continue to participate in the war, no matter who is in charge of the Scorpio star field in the future, they only need to surrender their allegiance.

In this way, life and power can be saved.

No matter who the Scorpio domain master, they just be the star master honestly.

Although this kind of thing is a bit shameful, it's a bit shameful.

However, this is nothing at all in the Scorpio star field where the weak and the strong.

Loyalty and dignity, how is life important?

Those star masters can escape back to their stars.

However, some generals who were loyal to the Evil Soul God King were caught in a dilemma.

Either stay on the front line and continue to fight in blood, waiting for the end of being bombarded.

Either flee the front line, rush back to Far Star as soon as possible, and follow the arrangements of Marshal Thunder.

There is still a trace of luck in their hearts. Perhaps Marshal Thunder has some cards that can turn defeat into victory, or save everyone's lives.

In this way, while the front line was defeated, countless generals quietly fled back to Far Star.

The Sky Burial Sword flew in the void for more than a month, and finally came to the vicinity of Far Star.

In the void ahead, a huge star appeared, dazzling like a scorching sun.

The surface of the star is covered with a thick golden light, which is a space barrier, a natural protective layer.

This is the far star, one of the largest and richest stars in the Scorpio star field.

The Heaven Burying Sword is still 500 million miles away from Far Star, and it will take about two days to arrive.

At this moment, the Heaven Burying Sword suddenly slowed down and flew quietly to the front left.

At the same time, Funeral awakened Ji Tianxing, who was retreating in the twisted time and space.

Before this period, Ji Tianxing had been practicing in retreat.

He has consumed a huge amount of training resources, and has now reached the mid-ninth stage of the Divine King Realm, his realm is very stable, and his divine power is also very powerful.

"Fun Tian, ​​what can wake me up? Have you arrived at Far Star?"

Ji Tianxing left the tower, appeared in the sword world, and asked with his spiritual thoughts.

Funeral replied: "The far star is ahead, and I can arrive in two days.

However, I found a group of strong aliens who should have escaped from the front line. "

Ji Tianxing stayed in the sword world, using the perspective of the Heaven Burying Sword to observe the void in the front left.

Sure enough, in the void eighty thousand miles away, there were two warships that were three thousand meters long, rushing towards the distant star.

Ji Tianxing didn't hesitate to let Heaven Burying Sword catch up quickly.

Before he sent a message to the Blue Scorpion King, he made plans when he was limited to unifying the Scorpio star domain within three years.

He wants to punish Marshal Thunder, and the strong king of the gods on the distant star, and purge the loyal subordinates of the **** king of evil spirits.

Only in this way can the resistance of the Blue Scorpion King be reduced and let him rule the entire star field within three years.

Ji Tianxing has too many things to do.'Destroying the conspiracy of the Nine Sun God Emperor and controlling the Scorpio Star Territory' is just a small matter, and we should not waste too much time on this matter.

Therefore, he can only use simple and rude methods.


After just a few breaths, the Heaven Burying Sword stopped the two warships.

Judging from the emblems and flags on the battleship, they should belong to the same general.

The two battleships went hand in hand, and there were tens of thousands of soldiers inside, all with a relieved expression as they were about to return to the distant star.

As Funian Tian said, these tens of thousands of soldiers all escaped from the front.

Most of them were scarred, weak, and exhausted in their expressions and eyes.

They thought that in two or three days, they would be able to return to the distant star and rest assured and adjust their breath.

Unexpectedly, a golden sword light that was ten thousand feet long suddenly blocked the way.

The two warships stopped at the same time ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The soldiers in the warship were all nervous as if they were approaching enemies.

Everyone looked at the void ahead, but they didn't find the battleship or the enemy, and they were relieved.

The few powerful kings in the two battleships quickly pacified the many soldiers.

But they didn't leave the warship, they stayed in the cockpit at the bow of the ship, staring at the huge sword light, carefully watching.

"Not coming out?"

Inside the Sky Burial Sword, Ji Tianxing raised his eyebrows and said to himself: "Am I going to destroy those two battleships and kill everyone?"

He felt that this seemed a bit wrong, so he left the sword world and appeared in the void.


He turned into a gold armored giant with a height of thousands of feet, holding the Sky Burial Sword, pointing at the two battleships, and shouting angrily: "Who is the leader of the army, come out and answer!"

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