Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3954: Evil Soul Shrine

The latest website: the general and several generals, only then realized that they were deceived.

Their guess is only wishful thinking.

The alien powerhouse in front of him is the most unlikely person to appear.

The guy who killed the Evil Soul God King and then the Changfeng God King!

Now that he appeared near the distant star again, everyone knew what this meant.

Cut the grass and root!

After stunned for a moment, the eight generals all wielded their magic swords, desperately killing towards Ji Tianxing.

The general did not counterattack. The first reaction turned out to be to take out the jade slip to inform Marshal Thunder.

Obviously, he was not the general who was most loyal to the Evil Soul God King, but the direct line of Marshal Thunder.

But it is a pity that Ji Tianxing's body flashed with golden light, and nine clones were separated.


Those nine clones went to besiege the eight generals, and his body swung his sword to the general.

"Boom boom boom!"

Inside the seal formation, golden light flashes, sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and loud noises burst out one after another.

In just two breaths, the eight generals were instantly killed by Ji Tianxing's nine clones, all of them were broken to pieces, and their gods were torn apart.

As for the general, he was beheaded by Ji Tianxing before the jade slip was sent out.

The body and godhead collapsed together, turning into countless pieces of flesh and blood, scattered in the void.

After the sword light in the sky dissipated, the big formation returned to quiet.

With a big wave of his hand, Ji Tianxing put away everyone's godhead fragments and space rings before he waved his hand to remove the seal formation.

At this time, in the two dilapidated warships not far away, more than nine thousand gods and gods were full of anxiety and fear.

They only knew that the nine generals were fighting with the strong alien in the Golden Light, but they didn't know the result.

Now that Ji Tianxing appeared unscathed, the nine generals disappeared without a trace, and there was still a lot of debris scattered in the void.

Anyone who is not a fool understands what is going on.

Suddenly, many soldiers roared in horror, and some even flew out of the battleship and fled to the depths of the void.

Ji Tianxing didn't embarrass them, allowing the two warships to turn around and fly away, fleeing to the depths of the void.

He believed that the ordinary soldiers who had lost their leader would definitely be ripped apart and fall apart.

At least, they no longer have the courage to fight against the army of the Blue Scorpion King.


For Ji Tianxing, this incident was just an episode.

After the two warships escaped, he returned to the Heaven Burying Sword and continued to fly to the distant star.

This time, he never encountered the alien army who had fled back to the far star.

Three days later, Ji Tianxing broke through the space barrier of the distant star and entered the distant star.

There are eleven continents and many oceans on this huge star, and the climate is very warm.

I have to say that compared with other stars, the aura on distant stars is more abundant, and there are more treasures and cultivation resources.

There are hundreds of billions of foreign races living here, and it can be described as very prosperous and prosperous.

However, each major star field has a common problem, divine power is always not as sufficient as the Dragon Realm and the God Realm.

Therefore, Yuanxing has hundreds of billions of alien creatures, but it is difficult to give birth to a strong **** king.

There are very few **** kings on this star, and the pinnacle **** king has never appeared before.

After Ji Tianxing entered Far Star, he landed on an unfamiliar continent.

Originally, he needed to get into a certain kingdom to get news, get to know the distant stars, and listen to the trail of Marshal Thunder.

But he thought it was too troublesome and wasted time.

So, he entered the second level of the Nine Heavens and Ten Jue Towers and found the Evil Soul God King who was still in a coma.

The Evil Soul God King has been suppressed here, his injuries are as severe as ever, and there is no chance of recovery and healing.

When Ji Tianxing found him, he was still in a coma and his breath was very weak.

Ji Tianxing awakened him and asked where his lair was and how the shrine was deployed.

The Evil Soul God King's consciousness regained his consciousness, but he lay on the ground and refused to move, panting violently.

Hearing Ji Tianxing's question, he glanced at Ji Tianxing, and asked in a low, hoarse tone: "You have reached the distant star? Are you going to kill them all?"

With the mind of the Evil Soul God King, upon hearing Ji Tianxing's question, he guessed the follow-up.

Ji Tianxing did not hide it, nodded and admitted.

The corner of the Evil Soul God King's mouth twitched, and he sneered: "You want to destroy my lair and kill all the loyal soldiers under my command, and you want me to show you the direction and position?"

Ji Tianxing said blankly: "It sounds a bit ridiculous, but I believe you will be willing."

The reason why he was so sure was because he could see through the mind of the Evil Soul God King.

The Evil Soul God King was lucky, still holding a glimmer of hope of living, and would never give up until the last moment.

In order to survive, he can sacrifice everything.

Including his loyal soldiers, as well as his son, Marshal Thunder.

as predicted.

The Evil Soul God King was silent for a long time, and then asked: "I have already lost. Since you support the Blue Scorpion God King, the Scorpion Star Region will soon be controlled by him that day.

But I don’t understand, why don’t you kill me? "

It is precisely because Ji Tianxing has never killed the killer after capturing him, that gives him hope of living.

He could probably guess that Ji Tianxing didn't kill him because he still had a little effect.

But what exactly was the reason, he couldn't guess.

Ji Tianxing smiled and said, "Didn't you also say that? You are the last demon in this world, so this king decided to keep your life, maybe it will be useful in the future."

The Evil Soul God King understood.

Ji Tianxing meant that he would not be killed in the short term.

But what happens in the future is uncertain.

However, being able to save his life temporarily made him feel a little at ease.

"Qianyu Continent, Vientiane Mountain Range."

After a moment of silence, the Evil Soul God King said these eight words in a low tone.

Ji Tianxing no longer said more, turned and left the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers.

Having determined the goal, Ji Tianxing only needs to figure out where the Qianyu Continent is.

Four days later, Ji Tianxing rode the Heaven Burying Sword and successfully arrived on the Qianyu Continent.

Afterwards ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ he made a little trick, and when he found out the location of the Vientiane Mountain Range, he drove away with the Heaven Burying Sword.

This time, it only took a day before he entered the depths of the Vientiane Mountains and found the location of the shrine.

With a radius of 200,000 miles, there are towering mountains and endless jungles.

In the deepest part of the mountain range, there is a mist-shrouded area, protected by a powerful formation.

When Ji Tianxing performed the secret method of divine pupils, he saw through the layers of mist and saw the gleaming golden light and the overlapping palace figures in the vast sea of ​​clouds.

There is no doubt that there is the temple of the Evil Soul God King.

Ji Tianxing entered the invisible state, easily cracked the defense formation, entered into heavy fog, and went straight to the shrine.

Although, there are many traps, defensive formations and warning formations around the shrine.

But these are not difficult for Ji Tianxing, he did not disturb anyone, and quietly touched the gate of the divine palace.

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