Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3957: Like a broken bamboo

Latest website: The Evil Soul God King’s shrine was destroyed, and the generals loyal to Marshal Thunder were also killed.

Standing over the ruins, Ji Tianxing checked the battlefield.

Confirming that there were no fish that slipped through the net, he withdrew the defense formation.

Without the cover of the large array, the ruins of a hundred li radius were exposed to the sky.

Although, this ruin is hidden deep in the vast mountains.

But the world is full of violent divine power fluctuations, but it can't be dissipated for ten and a half months.

Ji Tianxing remained invisible, hiding near the ruins, waiting patiently.

Three days later, two **** kings brought hundreds of **** kings to the ruins.

They came to see Marshal Thunder, but when they came to the court, the temple had already been turned into ruins.

There are countless broken walls in the ruins, many broken armors and weapon fragments, and there is still a violent power in the world.

Anyone who is not a fool understands what this means.

The two gods and many gods were inexplicably horrified, full of horror and disbelief.

They did not dare to stay near the ruins, so they left in a hurry.

The invisible Ji Tianxing stayed near the ruins, watching the alien races quietly, and did not stop him.

He believed that the two **** kings and hundreds of **** kings would surely spread the news of the destruction of the shrine.

Afterwards, Ji Tianxing took out another jade slip and sent a message to the Blue Scorpion King.

He first told the Blue Scorpion God King that Marshal Thunder was killed by him and the Evil Soul Palace was also destroyed.

All obstacles have been removed. If the Blue Scorpion King cannot complete the task, then it is inexcusable!

After receiving the call, the Blue Scorpion King was naturally surprised and inexplicably surprised, becoming more excited and confident.

He hurriedly responded to Ji Tianxing's message, claiming that he would complete the task and never let Ji Tianxing down.

After reading the jade slips, Ji Tianxing ignored the Blue Scorpion God King and continued to meditate and adjust his breath in the dark.

As he expected, the news of the destruction of the shrine really spread.

In the next half month, almost every day, there will be some gods or powerful gods coming to check the situation near the ruins.

Those were people who heard the rumors, refused to believe them, and had to come to investigate the situation themselves.

When they saw the shrine turned into ruins, they could only accept this result, no matter how incredible it was.

As a result, news of the destruction of the Shrine spread from distant stars and began to circulate in the Scorpio star field.

In addition, the soldiers under the command of the Blue Scorpion King also released news.

They claimed that the Evil Soul Shrine was destroyed and Marshal Thunder had been killed.

The news spread from the front lines and spread to half of the Scorpio star field within a month.

At least three hundred creatures from the stars have heard of this news.

At the very beginning, there were still many people who did not believe this news and could not accept this result.

But as more and more powerful men saw the shrine turned into ruins, they spread the news.

Gradually, this news was confirmed by more and more powerful people.

A month later, countless foreign soldiers had to accept this fact.

As a result, all the soldiers under the Evil Soul God King collapsed, completely devoid of fighting spirit.

They don't even have a coach, how can they continue to fight?

For a time, the soldiers on the front line fled.

The generals of the Divine King Realm led the soldiers under his command to escape back to their own power and territory.

The troops under the command of the Blue Scorpion King will encounter resistance at the beginning, and the generals will also symbolically resist.

But more than a month later, the troops under the command of the Blue Scorpion God King never encountered decent resistance and obstacles.

Wherever they went, the star masters of each star ran out and surrendered immediately and declared their allegiance.

Although the so-called allegiance is only formal, the star masters are not loyal at all.

But in this way, at least the Blue Scorpion God King quickly ruled most of the star field in name.

Since there are many star masters taking the lead in surrendering, then more star masters will naturally follow suit.

In this way, the army under the King of Blue Scorpion advances all the way, conquering one star after another.

When Ji Tianxing gave orders to the Blue Scorpion God King, the Blue Scorpion God King was still deeply pressured and felt that it would be impossible to rule the Scorpio Star Territory within three years.

From the current situation, it is not difficult to complete the task within three years.

Whenever I think of this and see countless star masters surrendering on their knees, the Blue Scorpion King cannot help but sigh.

"The strength and methods of the Dragon God King are truly terrifying!

I'm so glad I didn't make him an enemy, otherwise I would have turned into a dead soul. "

Day after day passed, time flew by.

The Blue Scorpion King was immersed in the excitement of occupying one star after another, in order to command the Scorpio star field as quickly as possible.

As for Far Star’s Evil Soul Shrine site, Ji Tianxing has been hiding nearby.

The Nine Heavens and Ten Jue Towers are hidden under the ruins. He stays in the twisted time and space, practicing in retreat.

In the previous several battles, he harvested many fragments of the godhead.

This retreat should focus on refining the fragments of the godhead, followed by refining the hammer of the God King of Changfeng.

Speaking of killing the King of Changfeng, in fact, in Ji Tianxing's view, it was a bit unexpected.

Although, with his strength and means, he would definitely be able to punish King Changfeng.

But Changfeng God King's combat effectiveness really disappointed him.

At any rate, he is also a pinnacle god, and he holds a king-level super hammer in his hand.

Fighting with him on the heavenly stars actually only destroyed more than a hundred thousand miles of the world, and was killed within a few hours.

In Ji Tianxing's expectation, the two of them would fight for two hours on the heavenly stars, then move to the void, fight for two or three hours, and then the King of Changfeng would be defeated.

But he didn't expect that King Changfeng was a parallel importer.

Afterwards, he thought about it carefully and understood the reason.

More than 1100 years ago, the Changfeng God King was still a high-ranking God King in the Seventh Realm.

After the sword **** fell, the nine sun **** emperor had no strong people available, so he was forcibly promoted.

Under the care and cultivation of the Nine Sun God Emperor, he only took a few hundred years to become the pinnacle **** king.

This is obviously facilitating by the seedlings, there is nothing in the realm of the peak **** king, but there is no corresponding strength foundation.

In addition, ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ After the Changfeng God King reached the peak of the God King Realm, he has been running errands for the Nine Sun God Emperor, and there is almost no time to retreat and practice.

He not only has a weak background, but also a shallow foundation, and even the magical methods of fighting and fighting are also slightly simple.

With various conditions superimposed, his combat effectiveness is naturally not much stronger.

In Ji Tianxing's evaluation, Changfeng God King was completely unable to compare with Jinyuan Dragon Emperor and Black Dragon Emperor.

Even the Red Dragon Emperor Long Yan is inferior!

For these reasons, Ji Tianxing didn't have much hope for that magic hammer.

He always thought that it was the Nine Sun God Emperor rewarded the Changfeng God King to decorate the facade, and most of it was not powerful.

But when he closed the refining hammer and learned more deeply, he realized that this was not the case.

The magic hammer is a genuine and supreme artifact, but the King of Changfeng has not been able to completely control it, and can't exert all its power.

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