Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3965: Yunyao's mind

Latest website: When Yun Yao said that Lin Xue and others were holding a sigh of breath, everyone felt a little stunned.

Everyone thought that Lin Xue and the others had been left out for too long, causing grievances.

Fortunately, Yun Yao told the whole story afterwards and let everyone's hanging hearts fall back.

Yun Yao continued: "There are nine jade platforms under the sacred tree. This jade platform is in the best position under our feet. Tianxing and me, Ke Ke and Wushuang have been practicing here all the time.

The white dragon, Qianyue, and the little black dragon were all practicing on the jade platform on the left.

And Chao Qingyu, Yanke and Lan'er have been practicing on the jade platform on the right.

We are very close, and it seems to make people feel that we are the closest and trusted person to Tianxing.

Moreover, we have all broken through to the Divine King Realm, and we are also the strongest and the most helpful to Tian Xing.

Everyone, look at Xue Lin and God Sovereign Blood Illusion. They have been staying thousands of miles away, on the jade platform farthest.

It looks like we are separated from each other, so we are so alienated.

But they knew that Heaven was very good to them and brought them great benefits, so they would never have grievances.

They will only feel ashamed, feel that they enjoy such a holy place for cultivation, consume countless cultivation resources, but cannot help Tianxing.

After all, Tianxing is already the peak **** king, and only the strong **** king can follow him and help him.

Therefore, Lin Xue, Xue Huan and others all practiced desperately to stimulate their greatest potential in order to break through the Divine King Realm. "

When talking about this, Yun Yao sighed slightly and said: "They are not mediocre, they were once geniuses and outstanding people in their respective fields.

They are not afraid of being alone, not afraid of being left out, but afraid that they are incompetent and unable to function.

I might even worry that if they can't break through the Divine King Realm in a few hundred years, they will probably leave on their own initiative.

Fortunately, they finally succeeded. "

Yun Yao looked at Ji Tianxing and said with a serious expression: "Tianxing, you should congratulate them and encourage them."

After hearing Yun Yao's words, everyone felt a lot of emotion in their hearts.

But more is the admiration for Yun Yao.

Everyone has always respected this mistress.

She is as gentle as water, as bright as the moon, and as holy as an immortal, she is a perfect example of goddess.

Now everyone finds that not only does she have so many advantages, she is also good at observing, understanding, delicate and kind-hearted.

Lin Xue, Xue Hua Shenjun and others have been cultivating on that jade platform for many years.

No one thought there was any problem, even Ji Tianxing ignored it.

But Yun Yao was able to analyze the thoughts of Lin Xue and others from subtle things.

Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "You are right, it is indeed my negligence for so many years, and I left them out.

In fact, I never disliked them, and I have no other ideas.

I'm just busy thinking about my plan and doing my own thing...

That's it, I will go to talk with them, hoping to relieve their pressure.

Everyone gets along with each other, and you can also communicate more to enhance the relationship.

Because, one day in the future, everyone present will help me.

That is a very grand and earth-shattering plan! "

Yunyao, Ji Ke, and Bai Long all understood what he meant. Chao Qingyu, Yanke and others didn't quite understand, but they knew something about it.

Everyone nodded solemnly, saying that they would get along well with everyone, and would work hard to cultivate and improve their strength.

Only Qianyue Gulu rolled her eyes and asked in a low voice, "Lao Ji, what about Bai Feng? Do we need to increase our relationship with him?"

Bai Feng was not present, he was still in the twisted time and space thousands of miles away, staying in the cave house he built to practice.

Ji Tianxing smiled and said, "I caught Bai Feng and was forced to do things for me.

When I return to the God Realm in the future, if the Feng Clan asks me for someone, I have to return it to them. "

Qianyue nodded to express her understanding, "Well, then there is no need to have a good relationship with him!

Since he is so cold and withdrawn, we don't like to talk to him. "

Everyone chuckled.

Ji Tianxing stretched out his hand and flicked a finger on its forehead, and reprimanded: "People haven't offended you, and you will fight every time you fight. You are not allowed to speak ill of others."

Qianyue showed an aggrieved expression, curled his lips and said nothing.

Ji Tianxing waved to the crowd to disband, got up and flew to Yutai, thousands of miles away.


Within a thought, he landed on this most remote jade platform.

Although, this jade platform is also within the envelope of the Blood Flame God Tree.

But seriously speaking, the divine nourishment of this jade platform by the sacred tree is relatively weak.

There was silence on the jade platform.

Lin Xue, who wears a white dress and long hair, is really red who wears red armor and is three feet tall, as well as the Blood Illusory God Sovereign, Jin Zuo Envoy, and Blood Dragon Right Envoy, who are all practicing.

The Blood Dragon and Jin Zuoshi are still the pinnacle gods, and they are hitting the shackles of the **** king realm.

Ji Tianxing used the pupils to observe for a while, and found that the foundations of the gods and strength of the two had accumulated very vigorously.

However, the two of them simply lacked some insights and opportunities, and they were still unable to step into the threshold of the God King Realm.

Ji Tianxing thought for a while and decided to help them.

Of course, he didn't have the ability for the time being, so he directly helped the two break through the Divine King Realm.

What he can do is to send his own perception of heaven and earth, the way of God, and the way of heaven into the minds of the two in the form of a light ball.

If the blood dragon and the Jin Zuo envoy can get inspiration and advice from his insight, then they are very hopeful to break through the **** king realm.

If the two of them can't realize anything, they can only say that they have poor aptitude, lack of talent and understanding, and are destined to miss the Divine King Realm.

"Huh! Huh!"

With a wave of his right hand, Ji Tianxing shot out two walnut-sized colorful light balls, which were injected into the foreheads of the Golden Zuoshi and the Blood Dragon.

Suddenly, the bodies of the two who were practicing in retreat shook slightly.

Although their eyes are closed tightly, when they receive a huge amount of information, there is still a sense of surprise and enlightenment from heaven.

The frowning brows of the two of them relaxed quickly.

The solemn and painful expression also became soothed and calmed down.

Of course they know that this is Ji Tianxing calling them.

But they were at a critical juncture in the rush, they couldn't end it immediately, and they didn't dare to be distracted and talk with Ji Tianxing.

They can only silently swear ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ that they will succeed in breaking through the God King Realm, and will never disappoint Ji Tianxing's cultivation.

After calling the Blood Dragon and Jin Zuo Envoy, Ji Tianxing awakened Lin Xue, Blood Fantasy God Monarch and Zhen Hong through a sound transmission.

Although the three of them are practicing in retreat, they are consolidating the foundation of God's way and can end their cultivation at any time.

When they woke up, they saw Ji Tianxing and quickly stepped forward to salute.

Ji Tianxing responded with a smile, and after a few greetings with them, he took out three sets of king-level middle-grade artifacts and congratulated them on breaking through the **** king realm.

The king-level high-grade artifacts are too rare and the quantity is small, so he can't come up with three sets.

However, he has hundreds of artifacts in his hand for the middle-ranking king-level.

Three sets of artifacts, including weapons, armors and hidden weapons, and even special artifacts that save lives.

These are carefully selected by him and are most suitable for three people.

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