Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3967: internal trouble

God King Luochen was full of indignation and his tone was intense.

The dozen or so **** kings behind him, more than two thousand **** kings, all showed the same hatred of the enemy.


"Yunchuan, you traitor!"

"Even if you used to be the Grand Marshal, but you betrayed the domain master, we are ashamed of you!"

"Yunchuan, you and that alien dragon emperor will be retributed sooner or later!"

Several **** kings couldn't hide their anger, and shouted at the Yunchuan **** king.

But the Yunchuan God King was not angry, and calmly defended: "The Golden Origin Dragon Emperor is our most solid backing and ally.

If it were not for the support of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor for thousands of years, how could the domain owner rule the entire Sirius domain?

Although the domain master fell to the Dragon Realm, the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor held the Sirius seal.

What does this show?

It shows that the domain master entrusted the Sirius Star Domain to the hands of the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor before his death.

Only a strong man like His Majesty Dragon can control the Sirius Star Territory and bring everyone peace and tranquility.

Luo Chen, you incited everyone, led so many people to defect, and kept saying that this seat is a traitor, and you are the loyal ministers of the domain lord.

Ha ha ha... But in fact, who do you think is not clear about your mind?

You are the sub-domain master, and you always feel that after the domain master falls, you should succeed the domain master.

But Jinyuan Dragon Emperor wants to be the domain master and grabs your position.

Therefore, with resentment in your heart, you led everyone to rebel and defect, and you also put the charges on this seat.

Luo Chen, you are so selfish, for your own benefit, to let so many brothers be buried for you, is it not at all guilty? "

The Sirius Star Territory is relatively large. Among the hundreds of millions of stars, there are more than a thousand stars inhabited by creatures, forming various worlds.

The Sirius Seal is a treasure and token that a domain master must master.

This thing has a wonderful connection with all worlds, and it is also a token recognized by all star owners.

Even if the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor is a foreign race, as long as he holds the Sirius Star Seal, most star owners will recognize him.

The God King Luochen did not have the Sirius Star Mark, and no matter how he incited him, he could only take away some people and gain the support of a small number of star owners.

Hearing the words of God King Yunchuan, God King Luochen looked cold and angrily shouted: "Fart! Yunchuan, you are slander, you spit!

The loyalty of this seat to the domain owner can be learned from the world and the sun and the moon can be revealed.

This seat can not be the domain master, but must not let the domain master's life's hard work fall into the hands of the alien dragon emperor!

You keep saying that the domain master handed the Sirius seal to the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor before his death.

Did you see it with your own eyes?

Who has received the last words or will of the domain owner?

Who can guarantee that the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor killed the domain owner and robbed him of his position?

What's more, the domain master went to the Dragon Realm to help the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor.

It was Jinyuan Longdi who killed him! "

The words of God King Luochen were again approved by the soldiers behind him.

Many people also shouted in anger, cursing Yunchuan God King for being shameless and treachery.

God King Yunchuan couldn't keep calm either, and finally looked angry, and shouted coldly: "Luo Chen, in the past few decades, this seat has fought with you five times, and has also persuaded you five times.

Unexpectedly, you are still stubborn!

Don't be afraid to tell you the truth, today is the last time I persuade you.

At the same time, this is also the last chance given to you by the Dragon Emperor.

As long as you are willing to surrender, His Majesty Dragon Emperor does not need to hold you accountable for the peace and stability of the Sirius Star Territory.

But if you continue to fight against the Dragon Emperor, there is only one dead end! "

God King Luochen sneered disapprovingly and said: "Hahahaha... Is it finally showing its true colors now? Are you giving this seat an ultimatum?

Humph! That alien dragon emperor himself was seriously injured. He is still in retreat and healed his injuries. What is he using to threaten this seat?

His running dog eagle dog, besides you, who is the opponent of this seat? "

The corner of Yunchuan God King’s mouth sneered, and said: “Even if your Majesty Dragon Emperor is seriously injured and he has been in retreat for decades, he is the Peak God King after all.

To tell you the truth, His Majesty Longdi's injury will soon heal.

After a maximum of ten years, His Majesty Longdi will personally take action and take your first level!

Luo Chen, this handsome has already reminded you about his friendship in the past, I hope you don't mistake yourself! "

"Hahaha..." The God King Luochen laughed contemptuously: "Do you think that this seat is just like you, a despicable, untrustworthy and unrighteous person?

Go away, go back and tell that alien dragon emperor that even if this seat is broken and destroyed, it will never give in! "

God King Yunchuan frowned and said with a pity: "Luochen, you are hopeless!

Well, since you insist on begging for death, this handsome won't stop you.

See you next time, it's your death date. "

The Yunchuan God King snorted coldly, and stopped talking nonsense with the other party. He turned and left with more than a dozen strong God Kings.


Everyone turned into divine lights, and quickly flew up into the sky and into the void.

After their figure disappeared, the more than two thousand foreign races above the ruins breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed their vigilance.

God King Luochen didn't think much, and quickly issued a series of orders.

The soldiers who were seriously injured took pills and exercises to heal their injuries.

The soldiers with less injuries are responsible for cleaning the battlefield, counting the deaths and remains...

at the same time.

Ji Tianxing, who had been standing on the high sky and watching quietly, also understood a lot of information through the dialogue between the two gods.

"Hehe...I thought that the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor would quickly control the Sirius Star Region and make it his own fortress and home.

Unexpectedly, he was busy in retreat and healed his injuries, and he was unable to solve such a thing in the Sirius Star Territory. "

Ji Tianxing muttered to himself, with a playful smile on his mouth.

The voice of the funeral rang in his mind, "You basically killed all the gods under the command of Emperor Jinyuan Long.

When he fled to the Sirius domain, he was alone ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ no one was available. "

Ji Tianxing nodded and said with a chuckle: "That's true! The Golden Origin Dragon Emperor came to the Sirius Star Region alone, and can quickly draw a group of strong men and establish the position of the domain master.

Funeral also reminded: "The situation in the Sirius Star Region is unstable, and the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor has not yet controlled the overall situation.

If you want to occupy this star field, there is a great opportunity right now. "

Of course, Ji Tianxing understood its meaning, "Support this God King Luochen, help him defeat the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor, and make him the Lord of the Wolf Territory?"

After thinking for a while, he shook his head and said, "Forget it, Jinyuan Dragon Emperor and I are not **** enemies. There is no need to kill him.

Besides, I want to travel through the various star regions, looking for clues to the fall of the master.

Occupying the Sirius Star Territory may not get much benefit, but it takes decades to waste decades, which is not cost-effective. "

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