Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3973: Condescend

Dragon Emperor Jinyuan has a wealth of experience, and the city is quite deep.

Regardless of whether the Dragon Realm or the powerhouse in the outer starry sky, he did not know how much he had contacted.

He believes that he has a pair of insights that can see through people's hearts, and he also has the courage, methods and strategies to control all kinds of power.

Because of this, he was able to easily seize Mr. Deer's foundation and become the domain master of the Sirius Star Region, attracting countless star masters' allegiance.

However, when facing Ji Tianxing, he felt deeply powerless.

It's not that Ji Tianxing's city mansion and scheming are too deep and too clever.

On the contrary, Ji Tianxing fought him so many times, and basically didn't use any conspiracy.

Moreover, Ji Tianxing is a very transparent person, and Jinyuan Longdi has seen him through.

That's right, his evaluation of Ji Tianxing is the word'transparent'.

Acting recklessly, with a clear heart, not relying on conspiracy and tricks to seize the world, but crushing everything with arrogance and powerful strength.

And this kind of person is the most difficult to deal with in the eyes of Emperor Jinyuan Long.

If other peak **** kings feel that he is worthy of use, they will definitely play tricks with him.

But Ji Tianxing is different.

If he really takes action against Ji Tianxing, he can only kill himself.

Ji Tianxing would not worry about the consequences, let alone whether he was of value.

So, Jinyuan Longdi, who had made up his mind, sighed silently.

"In the past few decades, the emperor has thought about a lot of things while healed in retreat, and even looked back on the first half of his life and gave birth to a lot of insights."

Ji Tianxing looked at him calmly, and asked, "What's your perception?"

Jinyuan Longdi looked indifferent, detached from the world, and sighed: "Any wealth, fame and fortune, are things outside of the body.

Only one's own life is the top priority.

Only strong strength and higher realm are the only pursuits.

The emperor has been the dragon emperor for so many years, and has enjoyed too much glory, wealth and reputation, and he has long been tired of it.

Today's emperor has no desires and desires.

The only obsession is to transcend the Divine King Realm and pursue a higher realm. "

Ji Tianxing did not interrupt him, nodded slightly, motioned for him to continue.

Jinyuan Dragon Emperor continued: "Stay in the Dragon Realm, even if the Emperor is the noble Dragon Emperor, there is no hope of breakthrough.

But in this Sirius Star Region, this emperor still has such a slim chance.

Although this emperor has lost the Star Source Continent, this emperor still has the Sirius Star Region, which also has sufficient training resources to support this emperor's cultivation.

If there are no accidents in the future, this emperor will stay in the Sirius Star Region, and will only work hard for this goal for the rest of his life, and will never return to the Dragon Realm. "

The implication was that he would not retaliate against Ji Tianxing, nor would he rob the Star Source Continent.

Ji Tianxing couldn't help applauding him, and praised sincerely: "Sure enough, he is the Dragon Emperor. Even the confession can be said to be so fresh and refined, and the realm is high. It is really admirable."

Emperor Jinyuan Long frowned fiercely, glaring at him angrily.

Ji Tianxing chuckled and said, "Okay, there are only you and this king, so don't pretend to be high-minded, this king won't eat you.

If your strength is stronger than this king, you have already killed this king and regained the Star Origin Continent. Would you still pretend like this? "

Jinyuan Longdi was speechless and could not refute.

Because what Ji Tianxing said is the truth.

Emperor Jinyuan Long glared at Ji Tianxing, and asked in a deep voice, "So, if you came to see the Emperor today, you are here to taunt the Emperor and watch the jokes of the Emperor?"

"Of course not." Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said earnestly: "This king is here to enlighten you, and secondly, I want to ask you for a favor."

"Enlighten the emperor? Ask the emperor for help?" Jinyuan Longdi frowned and sneered.

"The emperor has long been thinking thoroughly, and has made up his mind. What can be enlightened?

As for asking the emperor for help...huh, how can the emperor help you because he has a big enemy with you? "

Ji Tianxing smiled and said, "I'll talk about it later, this king should enlighten you first.

Although, most of what you just said is false.

But this king wants you to take it as real and implement it.

Otherwise, not only will you not be able to recapture the Star Source Continent, you will also die under the sword of this king, and everything will cease.

There were only a few dragon emperors in the dragon world, and it was not easy for a peak **** to grow up.

Therefore, you must cherish your life and don't kill yourself.

Only by living can we hope to surpass the **** king and reach the realm of **** emperor. "

"Divine Emperor Realm?" Jinyuan Longdi's body shook, his pupils shrank, and his pupils burst into light.

Ji Tianxing nodded and said: "That is a higher realm after surpassing the **** king.

At present, there is no **** emperor in the dragon world, but there are already five in the **** world! "

"There are God Emperors in the God Realm? Or are there five?" The news had such a great impact on the Golden Origin Dragon Emperor that he lost his attitude on the spot and was shocked.

Ji Tianxing nodded again, and said earnestly: "Your popularity in the dragon world is too bad, and the other dragon emperors will not take you to play, so you still don't know some secrets.

However, this king can tell you today, lest you still stay in the dark, groping alone for so many years without understanding.

If you don't know these secrets, you will never be able to surpass the Divine King Realm in your life. "

Ji Tianxing was originally a junior, and compared to Jinyuan Longdi, he was too young.

This tone of his voice seemed to be an elder instructing the younger generation.

But Jinyuan Longdi didn't care, looked at him expectantly, just wanting to know what his so-called secret was.

But Jinyuan Longdi waited for a while, but Ji Tianxing didn't have the following. He couldn't help but urged: "What secret? Tell me!"

Ji Tianxing rolled his eyes, "Are you planning to let this king stand and tell you a story? He doesn't even have tables, chairs and tea, and he has no sincerity."

Jin Yuan Longdi was stunned for a moment, and quickly shot a golden light, took out a set of luxurious divine jade tables, chairs and coffee table, and asked Ji Tianxing to take a seat.

Later, he took out a set of tea sets and poured Ji Tianxing a pot of superb tea.

The reason why Jinyuan Longdi was so "condescended to be noble" and served Ji Tianxing as a self-surrendered status was really because the attraction of breaking through the Divine Emperor Realm was too great!

That is the obsession of every pinnacle **** ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ is the most important thing as important as life.

For this goal, Emperor Jinyuan Longdi was temporarily wronged, and he didn't feel any loss.

Ji Tianxing sat on a luxurious jade chair, sipping tea comfortably, and then said slowly: "You also said just now that if you stay in the Dragon Realm, you have no hope of breaking through the Divine Emperor Realm in this life.

This is true, but you know it, but you don’t know why. "

Jinyuan Dragon Emperor nodded and said: "Indeed, this emperor has heard before that the Dragon Realm seems to have been condemned by heaven, so it is impossible for anyone to surpass the Divine King Realm.

what's the problem? Can you know why? "

Ji Tianxing smiled and said, "The specific reason is from the ancient times.

At the end of the ancient times, a battle of the gods broke out in the starry sky, and it was unknown how many gods were involved. "

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