Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3986: Only 1 line

It took a full month before Ji Tianxing finished cleaning the battlefield.

He collected nearly two million pieces of valuable star cores, crystals and star fragments.

His space ring had long been refined to a king-level top grade.

The internal space of the ring is a radius of several million li. I don't know how many resources and treasures it can hold.

But even so, his space ring was still full.

In addition, more than 400,000 star cores and star fragments were installed by him into the inner space of the Primitive Chaos Clock.

After scouring the trophies, the void in a radius of hundreds of millions of miles was obviously sparse.

Although, there are still more than two million pieces of debris floating in the void.

But over time, maybe decades, those pieces will float away.

Of course, the alien kings on the fourteen stars, if they enter the void to pick up treasures, they can also harvest a lot of fragments.

But the value of those star fragments is slightly lower, which Ji Tianxing can't appreciate.

Next, Ji Tianxing returned to the world of swords and began to distribute those star cores, crystals and fragments.

The Heaven Burial Sword continued to rush in the void, heading to the depths of the Tianyang Star Region.

Its target is Lieyang Star, the star where the Tianyang Domain Lord is located.


Twisting time and space, Ji Tianxing sat cross-legged under the blood flame **** tree and began to count the spoils.

Nearly two million star fragments are of different grades and values.

Ji Tianxing pondered that if he was allowed to swallow and refine these star fragments, it would take several thousand years to complete the refinement.

Even if Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others are added, it will take a thousand years.

After thinking about it, he decided to select a part of the star fragments with low value and not too precious to cultivate the world of the five elements and supplement the power of dzi beads.

After all, when he fought against the meteorite group before, he drew the power of the Five Elements World and Dzi Bead.

Three days later, Ji Tianxing screened out 1.5 million star fragments and gave them to the Heavenly Patching Bead to swallow them.

After those star fragments are swallowed by the Sky Filling Pearl, they will become pure star power and divine power.

Half of it is used to strengthen the Dzi Bead, and the other half is sent to the Five Elements World.

The inner space of Bu Dzi Bead is very large, which can accommodate the entire world of five elements.

Ji Tianxing stuffed 1.5 million pieces of star fragments into the Mending Dzi Bead, letting it slowly swallow.

Although, it swallows the stars fragments extremely fast.

But Ji Tianxing estimated that it would take at least a hundred years to digest all the star fragments.

As a result, the Bu Dzi Bead lit up again with a dazzling white light, became dazzling, and its strength was quickly restored.

The world of the Five Elements has another storm of divine power, and the whole world begins to expand and grow rapidly.

Batch after batch of creatures thrive, batch after batch of geniuses and gods are born.

With the rapid growth and strengthening of the Five Elements World, Ji Tianxing senses that his strength is steadily improving.

He was not idle either, concentrating on devouring magical powers, refining those precious star cores and star crystals.

The star core and the star crystallization are the origin of a star and the concentrated essence.

Among them are not only the purest star power, but also the divine power of various attributes, as well as high-quality metals and ores.

Ji Tianxing refines those star cores and crystals, not only has his strength linearly increased, but also condensed more divine principles.

All in all, the value and efficacy of the star core and star crystals far exceed the king-level high-grade **** pill.

Ji Tianxing's harvest this time can no longer be measured by the number of sacred stones.

Even the trillions of sacred stones can't be exchanged for two million star fragments.

This should be regarded as his greatest wealth in his life.


Three years later.

Ji Tianxing's injuries were completely healed, his state reached its peak, and his strength was approaching the peak of the nine-layered king.

At this time, he was not far from the Peak God King.

Yunyao, Ji Ke, Chao Qingyu and others have been practicing in retreat for several years, and they have also digested the power of merit.

Everyone's strength, talent, and aptitude have been significantly improved.

Especially Ji Wushuang, Qianyue, Black Dragon, and White Dragon, all of them raised the first realm, reaching the second and third levels of the **** king realm.

Everyone ended the retreat and came to sober.

At this time, Ji Tianxing gathered the people and gave them ten crystals of stars.

"This is the group of meteorites we intercepted before. They are actually star fragments and crystals that contain very pure and powerful power.

By refining these star crystals, you will surely increase your strength significantly. "

Ji Tianxing explained the origins and effects of the star crystallization to everyone, and everyone was very happy and excited.

"The meteorite that we crushed before turned into hundreds of thousands of fragments.

So, isn’t there hundreds of thousands of stars? "

"What a rich star power! This is simply more powerful than the effect of ten king-level magic pills!"

"This single star crystallization is worth tens of billions of cultivation resources!"

"It's a big star crystallization, it's tens of thousands of miles long and wide, like a huge mountain range!"

"Oh my God! Ten star crystals, when will I finish refining? It's probably hundreds of years, right?"

Unlike Ji Tianxing, everyone who has mastered the devouring supernatural powers can quickly refine the star crystals.

They can only slowly absorb the power of the stars' crystals, and the speed is dozens of times slower than Ji Tianxing.

Despite this, everyone was full of joy when they got the stars.

Ji Tianxing encouraged everyone and let them go away and practice in isolation.

He continued to refine the star crystallization, working hard to improve his strength, and marching towards the peak **** king.


Time flies.

Unconsciously, the Heaven Burial Sword flew in the Tianyang star field for three months.

It passed through the void of tens of billions of miles, entered the center of the Tianyang star field, and was about to reach the Lieyang Star.

At this time, Ji Tianxing and others had been cultivating for twelve years in the distortion of time and space.

It's a pity that he refined hundreds of star crystals, but he still failed to break through the realm of the peak **** king.

However, he was only a line from the pinnacle **** king.

As for how strong his strength is, it is now incalculable.

But one thing is certain.

Except for the five **** emperors of the God Realm, no one is his opponent.

In front of the Heaven Burial Sword, a dazzling golden star appeared in the dark and cold void.

It was a Tiangang star with a diameter of several billion miles, as gorgeous and dazzling as the scorching sun.

Compared with the hundreds of stars around ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, it is a giant with a very powerful momentum.

This is the center of the Tianyang Star Territory, the star where the domain master is, Lieyang Star!

The Heaven Burying Sword is still more than one billion li from Lieyang Star, and it will arrive in about three or four days.

But at this moment, Funeral Tian suddenly awakened Ji Tianxing.

"There are more than 20 divine ships ahead, rushing to Lieyang Star.

Looking at their route, it seems that they come from those dozen or so stars just like us. "

Ji Tianxing, who had just finished his retreat, frowned when he heard the voice of Funeral.

"You mean, those twenty-odd divine ships are the star owners and divine kings who escaped early when the fourteen stars encountered the meteorite group?"

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