Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 3990: Who surrounds whom?

Twenty-eight divine ships can come and go freely in the void, and can protect the safety of tens of thousands of people.

Even when they formed a fleet, they were a fortress.

But under the sword of Ji Tianxing, these divine ships are extremely fragile, like paper.

Within a hundred breaths of time, Ji Tianxing smashed all 28 divine ships to pieces.

The wreckage of the godship and the training resources scattered all over the sky float in the void.

More than one hundred and forty experts in the Divine King Realm and thousands of masters in the Divine King Realm were also scattered in the void.

Although they were many and powerful, they were suddenly attacked and lost the shelter of the divine ship, and they all fled in panic.

Of course, they divided into fourteen teams and fled to different directions.

But it is a pity that the 50,000 li radius is blocked by the Primordial Chaos Clock.

These alien powerhouses and Ji Tianxing are all within the Primal Chaos Clock.

Without Ji Tianxing's permission and breaking the defense of the Shenzhong, they would never escape!

When the fourteen teams were stopped by the divine clock and couldn't escape, they could only stop and fight.

The guards of the Divine Sovereign Realm were very flustered, but the fourteen star masters were still calm and composed.

Although they don't know, who attacked them.

But when they saw that there was only one attacker, they immediately relaxed a lot.

"Don't panic, there is only one person intercepting our fleet!"

"Although, that guy is a high-ranking **** king and is very powerful, but we have more than a thousand people!"

"That's right! Our fourteen stars of elite powerhouses are all here, even the pinnacle **** king, we can easily kill!"

"Don't run away, everyone, we will kill him together and find a way to leave!"

"Quickly send a subpoena to notify the Lord of the Domain, please send someone to strengthen the Lord of the Domain!"

More than a dozen star masters shouted, one after another, they made plans to stabilize the military.

Soon, fourteen teams approached from all directions.

Everyone's eyes and attention were focused on Ji Tianxing.

Everyone clings to swords and all kinds of magic weapons, in a murderous posture.

More than a thousand gods and gods are fighting against a top **** king...

In anyone's eyes, the result is without suspense.

Therefore, the fourteen stars of alien powerhouses, there is no fear at all.

They were just worried that more than a thousand people joined forces to attack, and the opponent was wiped out, and they could not vent their anger and killing intent.

Seeing, a siege with huge disparity in numbers is about to be staged.

But at this moment, Ji Tianxing sacrificed the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers, opening the space channel.

Yun Yao, Ji Ke, Chao Qingyu and others who had been practicing in retreat in the tower, left the tower and appeared in the void.

"Huh! Huh!"

As the white light flashed, more than a dozen powerful gods appeared beside Ji Tianxing.

They always practice in retreat in twisted time and space, which is too boring and boring.

It's hard to encounter such a real opportunity, and everyone certainly doesn't want to miss it.

The crowd gathered in a circle, facing more than 1,000 foreign experts from all directions, instead of worrying or fearing at all, they were eager to try.

This scene caused the fourteen star masters to frown, anticipating that the situation is not good.

If just besieging a pinnacle **** king, they occupy an absolute advantage in numbers, of course, it will be easy to catch.

However, besieging more than a dozen strong kings...

Although the star masters are sure of winning, they also know that they will pay heavy casualties.

All of a sudden, the expressions of many star masters and alien kings became a bit solemn.

They are even hesitating, whether to delay time and wait for the Heavenly Sun Domain Master to send someone to reinforce them?

However, the entourages and guards who were in charge of calling for help all said that the jade slips could not be sent out, and they could not contact the Tianyang domain master.

The fourteen star masters became more anxious, and their inner worries were even worse.

Just as they were hesitant, Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao and others took the lead in attacking.



"When you fight the enemy bravely, you must protect yourself!"

The crowd screamed, waved their magic weapons, displayed their magical skills, and slew the alien gods and kings around them.

It seemed that what they were facing was not a vicious alien powerhouse, but a bunch of experience strangers.

The fourteen star masters and many foreign **** kings were shocked and couldn't help uttering angry roars and curses.

"Damn bastards, we haven't taken any action yet, they dare to take the initiative to attack?"

"Are these aliens crazy?"

"They are despising us and insulting us!"

"I feel, it's not that we surrounded them, but they surrounded us!"

"What are you doing in a daze? Fight with all your strength and kill them without leaving!"

Following the orders from the star masters, more than a thousand foreign gods and kings also roared and launched a charge.

The fierce fighting battle broke out!

Yun Yao and Ji Ke led Ji Wushuang to kill the alien kings and kings to the east.

As the two fight bravely, they are always paying attention to Ji Wushuang's situation.

This battle is to hone Ji Wushuang, increase her actual combat experience, and stabilize her godly foundation.

Naturally, she couldn't suffer real danger, let alone fatal trauma.

Bai Feng committed suicide alone to the strong aliens to the west, performing various supernatural powers and slaughter those alien gods.

Chao Qingyu, Yanke, and Lan'er are killing the alien powerhouses in the south.

However, Xue Lin, the King of Blood Illusions, Qianyue and Black Dragon joined forces to slay the powerful aliens in the north.

As for Ji Tianxing...He is above everyone else and controls the situation in the audience.

He used his left hand to display all kinds of magical powers, and his right hand swung the sword to cut out the endless sword light, and quickly slaughtered those foreign experts.

At the same time, his divine consciousness monitored the audience and protected everyone.

Once anyone is in danger of death, but is unable to dodge and resist, he will promptly rescue him.

In this way, everyone fought without danger and benefited a lot from the war.

After just half an hour, most of the 14 star masters were killed by Ji Tianxing, and only five were still struggling.

He also killed more than sixty people of those foreign experts in the Divine King Realm.

As for the guards of the God Realm ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, he did not deliberately slaughter.

But the magical skills he displayed were so powerful that he killed more than 300 gods in a second.

The performances of Yun Yao, Ji Ke, and Bai Feng were also very eye-catching.

In total, they killed more than forty alien kings and more than 500 guards of the gods.

As a result, there were only hundreds of guards from the Divine Sovereign Realm, more than 30 alien kings, and five star masters on the battlefield.

These surviving alien powerhouses were all wounded and bloodied, looking very embarrassed.

Even if Yunyao, Ji Ke and others were injured slightly or severely, it was not serious.

The matter is now, and the result is a foregone conclusion.

The five star masters and the many **** kings and kings were completely terrified.

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