Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4022: Reminiscence

   Shenglongdi's expression and tone obviously misunderstood something.

   Ji Tianxing asked Qi Ling'er, just to see what the Qilin bloodline looked like.

   He knew that Qi Ling'er and Wu Heng were senior brothers and sisters, and their relationship was quite good, so he wanted to see how Qi Ling'er's character was.

  Unexpectedly, the Emperor Shenglong thought he couldn’t wait to see his future daughter-in-law...

   Of course, Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao, and Ji Ke had the same idea when they learned that Qi Ling'er had a lot to do with Wuhen.

   Even if the Emperor Shenglong misunderstood, Ji Tianxing smiled and did not explain anything.

   The two chatted for a while, both about Ji Wuhen and Qi Ling'er.

   The Holy Dragon Emperor told Ji Tianxing about the little bit between Ji Wuhen and Qi Linger over the years, and many interesting things.

   When he tells stories, big or small, his brows become more kind, and the smile on his face is very gentle and comforting.

   Ji Tianxing could tell that Shenglongdi sincerely liked the two children.

   Moreover, the two childhood sweethearts have deep feelings, and they are showing signs of becoming a Taoist couple. They are also very pleased to Emperor Shenglong, and they will not be disgusted or destructive.

   After all, Qi Ling'er is the righteous daughter of Emperor Shenglong, and Ji Wuhen is his most proud disciple.

   He treats these two children as if he were his own.

  Understanding this, Ji Tianxing tried to ask: "Senior Shenglong, based on the things you said, it can be seen that Wuhen and Ling'er are happy and deeply emotional, and they trust each other very much.

   don’t know, what do you think about this? Have you ever mentioned it to two children? "

   Shenglongdi smiled and said, "What can the old man think? As long as the two children grow up safely and happily, the old man will be very satisfied.

   As for their relationship...To be honest, they are still very young, compared to their 100,000-year life expectancy.

  At such a young age, of course the old man would not interfere or demand anything from them.

   Everything is going to happen, the old man pretends that he doesn't know anything, it's all of their will. "

   Hearing this answer, Ji Tianxing was relieved, and nodded slightly: "Yes! The matter of feelings is very complicated. It is by no means as simple as it is on the surface, nor can it be explained clearly in a few words.

   Those of us who are elders, naturally cannot force interference.

   Whether it is imposing matchmaking, or opposing and sabotaging, it will put pressure on children.

   The best way is to watch the changes and let the flow go.

   Only when necessary, help them and solve their problems. "

   "Yes, that's it!" Shenglongdi nodded repeatedly, deeply agreeing with Ji Tianxing's statement.

After talking about Ji Wuhen and Qi Ling'er, the Emperor Shenglong began to discuss business affairs, and asked Ji Tianxing with concern: "You have traveled across the void in the past few years and passed through several star fields in succession, always looking for news and clues from your master. ?

Did you encounter danger during   ? Are there any gains? "

   Ji Tianxing didn't conceal from him, so he briefly recounted his experience in traversing various star regions in the past few years.

   Hearing his story about the experience of fighting with the incarnation of the **** emperor and being besieged by many foreign **** kings, the heart of the holy dragon emperor also hangs, and he is worried for him.

   Finally, when he heard that he was smashed all the way through thorns, even the incarnation of the **** emperor could be destroyed, the emperor of the holy dragon was relieved and showed a gratified smile.

   In addition, after listening to Ji Tianxing's account, the Holy Dragon Emperor knew the general situation of those star regions.

  "Since you control the Blue Scorpion God King, let him become the Scorpio Domain Lord, and he can only take orders from you.

  The current Scorpio star field is under your control.

   At this point, the domain masters of the nine star regions have all become puppets, and there are strong people behind them. "

   Saint Dragon Emperor showed a thoughtful expression, and analyzed: "You first killed the puppet supported by the Nine Sun God Emperor, and in the Tianshi Star Territory, you destroyed the Nether God Emperor's incarnation.

   In this way, you are equivalent to declaring war with the five great emperors.

  Presumably, the five great **** emperors all know your current situation, and they will definitely take precautions against you!

  Even, the five emperors will use conspiracy and tricks to try to intercept and ambush you.

   In the future, you must be careful when you explore the major star regions! "

   Ji Tianxing waved his hand and said with a chuckle: "Senior don't worry, those incarnations of alien kings and emperors can't help me at all.

   As long as the five **** emperors do not take action, I will be invincible. "

   Holy Dragon Emperor slightly nodded his head, and asked: "Are you sure, those five **** emperors are in the depths of the void. What are they holding back and cannot leave?"

   "That's natural." Ji Tianxing nodded without hesitation, and said firmly: "Otherwise, I won't travel in the void until now.

  If their deity could move freely, they would have come to kill me personally. "

   Holy Dragon Emperor was relieved now, and asked: "Then you have investigated several star regions before, but have you found news and clues related to your master?"

   Ji Tianxing shook his head, and said with regret: "I investigated a few star regions, and even hijacked those domain owners, and used the power of the entire star region to investigate, but the results were nothing."

   The Holy Dragon Emperor was also a little regretful, so he comforted: "Don't be discouraged, only half of it has been found at the moment, and maybe it can be found in several other star regions."

   Ji Tianxing accepted the comfort, nodded and said, "I hope so."

   After thinking for a while, he asked again: "Senior, where is the Black Dragon Emperor? Is he still in Tiankui Star?"

   A few years ago, when he had a super long-distance conversation with the Emperor Shenglong, the Black Dragon Emperor was on Tiankui Star~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but today, Ji Tianxing has never seen the Black Dragon Emperor.

   Shenglongdi chuckled and said: "That guy is not a person who can stand loneliness. He will be uncomfortable after staying here for a few more days.

   After he came, he stayed for five days and left.

   Now he has not returned to the Dragon Realm, and he doesn't know where he is wandering again. "

   Ji Tianxing also thought about it, taking the character of the Black Dragon Emperor, it should be so.

   Next, the two talked about some less important topics.

   An hour later, the two people ended their small talk.

   The Holy Dragon Emperor called a confidant servant and arranged for Ji Tianxing to stay near the shrine.

   Although Shenglongdi didn't ask, he could guess that Ji Tianxing was by no means alone, he must have brought his family.

   Therefore, the Emperor Shenglong directly arranged a house for Ji Tianxing, with dozens of guards and maids.

   After Ji Tianxing moved into the house, he summoned Yun Yao, Ji Ke and Ji Wushuang from the twisted time and space.

   The three of them were in retreat for medical treatment. Not long ago, their injuries healed, and they are doing exercises.

   is now awakened by Ji Tianxing, leaving the twisted time and space, and appearing in the magnificent courtyard, the three of them are a little confused.

   "No hate, what happened when you wake us up?"

   "Brother Wuhen, where are we?"

   Although Ji Wushuang didn't ask any questions, he still had the same doubts. .

   Ji Tianxing explained with a smile: "We have arrived at the Tiankui star in the Tiankui star field, and at the moment we are in the palace of the Holy Dragon Emperor.

   In another four days at most, Wu Heng is coming back, and we will see him soon! "

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