Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4025: Shortcoming

   Although, Qi Linger's voice is very small.

   But Ji Tianxing, Yun Yao and others are **** kings, so naturally they can hear them clearly.

   Everyone can see that Qi Ling'er is sincerely caring and taking care of Wuhate.

   In this regard, they have a better impression of Qi Linger.

   After Qi Linger took Ji Wushuang to leave, the living room returned to quiet.

   At this time, Ji Tianxing asked, "Wuhate, when were you injured? How was your situation?"

   Yunyao and Ji Ke also hurriedly asked with concern: "Wuhen, how is your injury? Let mother help you to see..."

   Ji Wuhen waved his hand and explained: "Father, mother, don't worry about it. Some minor injuries are fine.

   Actually, every time I go to other stars to perform missions, I face some dangers and crises.

   But what I do is to stimulate potential in danger and seek growth and breakthrough.

   Besides, the master will send two god-king powerhouses every time to protect us in secret.

  If they encounter a danger that we can't solve, they will naturally help..."

   In fact, there is no secret that can be kept away from Ji Tianxing.

   When Ji Wuhen stepped into the living room, he saw that Ji Wuhen was injured.

   But the injury was not serious. He had been treated for a long time, so he didn't mention it.

   In addition, he also agrees with Ji Wuhen's ideas and practices.

   After all, since he grew up when he was a teenager, he has experienced life and death countless times before honed to the realm he is today.

   He always believes in a simple truth. The sharp edge of the sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossom comes from the bitter cold.

   A genius who grew up in a greenhouse and did not experience ups and downs will eventually give up halfway and lose sight of everyone.

   Compare Wushuang and Wuhen.

   Although Wushuang grew up next to his parents, he has become a god-king power.

   But her experience and experience are far inferior to No-Hate, and her mind is even worse than No-Hate's calmness, intelligence and determination.

  So that, in the future, the achievements of the two children will probably be even higher without hatred.

   But Ji Tianxing, Yunyao and Ji Ke don't mind, and they don't need much achievement for the two children.

   For them, all ups and downs and dangerous crises are enough for them to resist.

   They only hope that their children can grow up safely and healthily and live a happy and worry-free life.

   As for the encounters and experiences without hate, it is compelling.

   Now that they have grown up without hate, their minds and strength have become stronger, and they will also feel relieved and proud.

   After everyone talked for a while, Ji Tianxing waved his hand and shot a divine light into Ji Wuhen's body, asking him to go back to heal his injuries.

   Originally, Ji Wuhen took Shendan to recover from his injuries, and it might take ten and a half days to recover.

   But under the restoration of that divine light, it is estimated that he will be cured in two or three days.


   For the next three days, Ji Tianxing and others stayed in the other courtyard temporarily to spend their days leisurely.

   Every day, Qi Linger will invite Ji Wushuang to enjoy the scenery of mountains and rivers in a secret environment.

   The relationship between the two little sisters has grown rapidly, and they have become close friends who talk about everything.

   In addition, Qi Ling'er would send greetings to Ji Tianxing and his wife every day, and he also sent several waves of gifts.

   Although they are not precious treasures, they are all things she made with great effort and time.

   It can be seen that she cares too much about Ji Wuhen, so she is also very attentive to Ji Wuhen's family.

   Of course, there is also a contribution from the Holy Dragon Emperor.

   He seems to have reminded Qi Ling'er implicitly that it is necessary to respect and be affectionate to Ji Wuhen's family in order to be recognized by Ji's family.

   In short, Ji Tianxing's family has a good impression of Qi Linger.

   And the love between Qi Ling'er and Ji Wuhen, in the eyes of the ‘adults’, is also a bit of a match made in nature and a perfect match.

   In the middle of the night, when Ji Tianxing and his wife were drinking tea and chatting, they discussed the marriage of the two children in private.

   Ji Tianxing asked with some concern: "Ling'er is the last known unicorn bloodline. He is naturally noble and worthy of our family’s no hatred.

   It’s just that they are too young.

   Before long, we are destined to leave.

   At the time, if they were to be separated, it would be too cruel to them.

   But if you let them be together, it would be too anxious... What do you two think? "

   Ji Ke was outspoken, and subconsciously asked: "They just look young, their actual age is already over thirty.

   What's more, when you were fourteen, you had a fiancée.

   When I was sixteen or seventeen years old, I had already made a life-long appointment with the master sister... Well, what do you think of me, the master sister? "

   Hearing halfway through her words, Yun Yao couldn't help but give her a blank look, a little agitated.

   But Yun Yao also nodded in agreement with her statement, saying: "Ling'er seems to be young, but in fact, she has already matured in her mind and will definitely make a suitable choice.

   Not to mention no hate, compared to the 16 or 17-year-old Tian Xing, he is a bit better and calmer.

   I think that when Tian Xing was as old as him, he was still in Yunling Palace to praise my father about Haikou..."

   When she was halfway through, Ji Tianxing couldn't help looking sideways, and gave her a shameful glance.

   Seeing this scene, Yun Yao and Ji Ke both covered their mouths and snickered.

   Of course, Ji Tianxing also has to admit.

   When he was a teenager, he was really impulsive, not calm and sensible enough.

   Compared with today's Wu Hate, it is a bit less sensible, calm and extravagant.

   No way, who made Wuhen the child of him and Yun Yao?

   is so good, outstanding, and natural!

   After a while, Yun Yao suddenly said, "Don't you think that Ling'er's temperament and personality are very similar to those of Ke Ke when she was young?"

   Ji Ke was taken aback~www.wuxiaspot.com~ pointed to herself and asked: "Does it look like me?"

   Ji Tianxing remembered it seriously, nodded and said: "Well, it's quite similar.

   However, it is a bit different.

   Ling'er is innocent, lively and agile, and a bit glib, but generally very cute.

   And Koko, innocent, lively and agile, with a dumb mouth and a bit too straight personality..."

   Ji Ke suddenly widened her eyes and stared at Ji Tianxing puffingly, "Brother Tianxing, do you mean I'm lack of heart and eyes?"

   "Ahem... That was before, and it must not be now." Ji Tianxing laughed and quickly explained.

   Ji Ke wanted to cry without tears, and was so angry that he hit him with a fist, "Then you just admit it!"

   Yunyao smiled when she saw it, and said, "Aren't we discussing the two children's affairs, how come we have revealed each other?"

   Ji Tianxing and Ji Ke stopped fighting and stopped joking.

   Ji Tianxing said sternly: "Give the children another half a month.

   After half a month, we will leave again.

   When the time comes, Wu Heng will definitely take it away.

  Only by following us, we can rest assured and can better train him.

   As for Qi Ling'er, it's up to her to make a decision.

   If she is willing to follow Wu Hate, it will be no problem for us.

   is to the Holy Dragon Emperor, it is a bit unbearable. .

   After all, he also loves his two children very much. He will be happier with two children in his later years.

   Let's take both children away at once. It is estimated that he will be depressed for many years..."

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