Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4028: Sky Star

Although, the Holy Dragon Emperor had only been to the Tiance Star Territory a few times, and never thought of invading the Tiance Star Territory.

However, the Tiance star field was next to the Tiankui star field, and once revealed its intention to attack the Tiankui star field.

This made the Holy Dragon Emperor had to guard against, and ordered his scouts and strong men to collect intelligence on the Tiance Star Territory.

He must take precautions in advance to prevent a war with Tiance Star Field in the future.

Learn more about the details of the Tiance Star Territory to be more confident and confident.

There is not much content in the jade slips, but they are all key information.

Ji Tianxing finished it in a quarter of an hour, and he also had a general understanding of the Tiance star field.

The territory of the Tiance star field is a bit wider than the Tiankui star field.

In the huge star field, there are millions of stars, among which there are thousands of stars, all living beings.

The cultivation civilization of this star field is relatively developed, and each star can produce several **** kings and powerful people.

On the three big stars of the Tiangang level, there can even be more than a dozen or two dozen **** kings and masters, and there are countless gods masters.

Although, on the bright side, there is a foreign **** king of the late nine-layer realm, who is the domain master of the star field.

But in fact, there is a backing behind the Tiance Domain Lord, and he is also a strong God Emperor from the God Realm!

The Holy Dragon Emperor had contacted the Tiance Domain Master before, and once captured a confidant of the Tiance Domain Master, and asked for some news.

It is said that the strong man hidden behind the scenes, Dao Number Nebula the Great.

When Ji Tianxing heard the news, his first reaction was...One of the five great **** emperors in the God Realm, Dao Xingyun!

Just now, Ji Tianxing read the news in the jade slip and saw the description of the statue of the Great Emperor.

Thousands of stars in the Tiance Star Territory, each of the kingdoms and cities of the gods, has established the idols of the territories and the emperor Nebula.

According to the description of the appearance of the idol, Ji Tianxing can basically confirm that the backing of the Tiance star field is the Dao Nebula!

The guy's appearance was like a middle-aged man with a lupine scarf, and he was handsome and gentle.

The most commonly used dress in the past was the exquisite silver star-patterned robe, a double-winged dragon crown, and a feather fan in his hand.

Compared with other **** emperors, Dao Xingyun was the most gentle and kind, acting like a gentleman.

Even if Ji Tianxing has dealt with him several times, and fought life and death, he has never seen this person gloomy or angry.

But what happened later proved that this man was definitely not a good man, but a complete hypocrite.

The more you pretend to be polite, the deeper the city government and the more vicious and vicious methods.

Ji Tianxing's guard against Dao Xingyun is still above Prajna and Lu Jiuyang.

As for the God Emperor Nether and the God Emperor Shura, they are both sinister and cunning.

Ji Tianxing knew that Dao Xingyun, like several **** emperors, was in the depths of the void, busy studying the mystery of the gray mist.

In the past few hundred years, Dao Xingyun's confidant met with the domain master of the sky policy to discuss matters and convey orders.

Dao Xingyun has barely appeared, and no one has seen his incarnation.

But Ji Tianxing can be sure that Dao Xingyun will receive reminders from the Nether God Emperor and Nine Sun God Emperor when he is still in the Tiankui Star Region.

At this moment, I am afraid that Dao Xingyun has sent an incarnation long ago and rushed to sit in the Tiance Star Region.

"Even if the incarnation of Dao Nebula sits in the Tiance star field, it doesn't matter.

With my current strength, second only to the five **** emperors, I am not afraid of their incarnation at all.

At that time, I still have to capture the domain master of Tiance and ask for news about the master.

If the incarnation of Dao Xingyun is also there, then it will be annihilated! "

Compared with destroying the incarnation of the Nether God Emperor at the beginning, Ji Tianxing's strength has now been improved, and he is naturally fearless.


Originally, it took Ji Tianxing three months to leave the Tiankui star field and enter the Tiance star field.

But the speed of the Battleship Tushen was fast enough, and it only took him twenty days to successfully enter the Tiance Star Territory.

Between the two star regions, there is a vast sea of ​​stars. It is a place where almost no one can set foot. There are many dangers and dangers hidden in it.

When Ji Tianxing drove the Battleship Tushen and passed through the sea of ​​stars, he encountered void storms, black holes, turbulence, and a group of meteorites several times.

If he really crosses the void, he must be affected, and he must avoid bypassing for safety.

But he is driving the Battleship Tushen, not only has a strong defense force, but also an incredible speed.

He successfully passed through the void storm, turbulence and meteorite group, and passed through the star sea without any risk.

Such an experience also made him more confident in the Battleship of Tu Shen.

After entering the Tiance star field, Ji Tianxing did not slow down, nor stopped, looking for a star to inquire about the news.

Through the information held by the Emperor Shenglong, he knew that the domain master of Tiance lived in Tiance Star.

That huge star of Tiangang class, located in the southwest of the star field, can be seen from a few billion miles away, very conspicuous.

He discerned the direction, and then drove the Tushen battleship straight to Tiance Star.

After the battleship sailed for ten days and ten nights in the starry sky, Ji Tianxing could see a huge shining star in the distant starry sky.

That is Tiance Star!

It is like a beacon to guide the way, a lighthouse in the vast ocean, guiding Ji Tianxing forward.

The divine ship flew for another six days and successfully arrived near Tiance Star.

When it reached the periphery of Tiance Star, the Battleship Tushen slowed down and flew a distance around the stars.

Ji Tianxing carefully observed the Tiance Star and the surrounding dozens of stars.

Since Dao Xingyun knew that he would come, he would probably make some defensive preparations.

However, Ji Tianxing observed for a long time, and found that the surrounding dozens of stars were normal and calm, and there was nothing unusual.

Even Tiancexing was very calm, and there were no **** kings patrolling inside and outside the space barrier.

"Tiance Xing is so peaceful? Dao Xingyun doesn't know that I'm coming?

This is impossible! God Emperor Nether and Nine Suns, there is no reason to remind Dao Xingyun? "

Ji Tianxing frowned, secretly suspicious, and silently wondered: "Could it be... Dao Xingyun knew that I had destroyed the Nether God Emperor's avatar, and it would be useless to know that he sent the avatar.

Not only couldn't stop me, but he also lost an incarnation~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so he simply gave up Tiancexing?

At this time, the domain master of Tiance, probably with a group of loyal subordinates, fled early? "

Ji Tianxing pondered for a while, and felt that this analysis was somewhat reasonable.

But no matter what the result was, he remained vigilant and vigilant, drove the divine ship through the space barrier and flew into the sky strategy star.


The brilliance flashed, and the God Tu battleship entered the interior of Tiance Star from the dark and cold void.

As you can see, there is a blue sky and a sea of ​​white clouds ahead.

Ji Tianxing drove the Tushen battleship, flew across the sky, and flew straight to the middle continent.

Tiance Star has nine continents, separated by numerous oceans.

The Tiance Divine Mansion where the Lord of Tiance lives is located on the middle continent.

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