Sword Breaks Nine Heavens

Chapter 4032: Melee

Ji Tianxing has been surrounded once, how could he be surrounded a second time?

When hundreds of powerful gods rushed over, he did not hesitate to sacrifice the Heaven Burial Sword, using his unique skills.

"Sword Rain!"

The Sky Burial Sword pointed to the sky, and as he snorted, tens of thousands of silver light spots appeared in the high sky.

Looking into the distance, the silver light spots that obscure the sky and the sun are like meteor showers.

But as the silver light spot fell rapidly, everyone could see clearly that it was a huge sword of more than 80,000 stars!

Each giant sword is more than two thousand feet long, more dazzling and more violent than a meteor.

When hundreds of powerful **** kings chased after Ji Tianxing and were about to surround him, the more than 80,000 star giant swords finally descended.

Seeing, tens of thousands of star giant swords covered a radius of 30,000 miles.

Everyone is under the shroud of sword light, to be bombarded and killed by sword light.

But at this moment, Dao Xingyun, who had always looked indifferent, frowned fiercely, and his face became gloomy.

Because he clearly felt the terrifying power of sword rain over the sky.

If he doesn't take action to resolve it, I'm afraid that the hundreds of strong **** kings will soon have more than half of the casualties.

No way, Ji Tianxing's magical skill is too terrifying, and it is still a range attack, which is most suitable for group attacks.

"Stars cover the sky!"

At the moment, Dao Xingyun pinched the magic art in his left hand, waved the feather fan in his right hand, and exerted the power of heaven with all his strength.


A trace of colorful Taoist rhyme hovered and danced above his head.

The power of the heavens he released, in an instant gathered the power of endless stars, condensing thousands of light **** above everyone's heads.

Each sphere of light has a diameter of ten thousand meters, and the silver light shimmers like stars.

More than 5,000 silver stars, covering 30,000 miles of sky, became the first barrier against the sword rain.

Just when more than 5,000 ‘stars’ had just condensed, more than 80,000 celestial giant swords blasted down, and the two collided fiercely.

"Boom bang bang bang!"

"Rumble rumbling!"

The earth-shaking loud noise burst out, shaking the sky and spreading throughout the secret realm.

At that moment, the huge silver ball of light and the star giant sword collapsed and burst at the same time, spattering endless starlight fragments.

The violent hurricane, mixed with starlight fragments, swept tens of thousands of miles around.

The surrounding mountains and jungles were all destroyed into ruins, and endless dust was like a huge wave, covering the sky.

In just a short breath, the thousands of'stars' released by Dao Nebula were all shattered by the Star Giant Sword.

Although, the Star Great Sword also shattered a lot.

But the number of giant swords was as many as 80,000, even if 20,000 were broken, there were still 60,000 giant swords left.

Undoubtedly, these sixty thousand giant swords all blasted down the ground, covering thirty thousand miles of ruins, and burst out a new round of shocking noise.


It was dusty and huge waves surging into the sky, mixed with torrents of divine light.

The loud noise was too terrifying, and completely submerged the screams and wailing sounds of the gods.

Dozens of weaker mid-level **** kings were too late to evade and were unable to withstand the Star Giant Sword.

Each of these unlucky guys had to hit several swords at least, the **** body was blasted to pieces on the spot, and even the godhead was blasted to pieces.

There were probably more than forty **** kings who died tragically on the spot.

There were more than a hundred people who were severely wounded and killed by the giant sword to the **** God King.

In addition, there are more than two hundred **** kings who are slightly injured.

Fortunately, there were only a hundred people who were not injured.

One is that among these people, there are more than half of the upper gods.

Secondly, Dao Xingyun saw that the situation was not right, and promptly used his supernatural skills to resolve many celestial giant swords.

But even so, many **** kings still suffered heavy casualties under the blast of the Star Giant Sword.

When the trembling noise gradually disappeared, the smoke and dust covering the sky and the sun dissipated, and the heaven and the earth returned to peace.

At this time, there were only 600 people still alive, most of whom were injured.

Dao Xingyun's face became more and more gloomy, and he could no longer remain calm and calm.

He searched fiercely around, tracking Ji Tianxing's figure.

There is no doubt that Ji Tianxing has already fled the battlefield, flew tens of thousands of miles away, and is rushing towards the exit of the secret realm.

Seeing this, Dao Xingyun was not anxious to chase after him, and said with a gloomy sneer: "Since I have come in, I still want to escape? So naive!

The entire secret realm has been sealed by the divine formation placed by the emperor, just to let you have no return! ! "

While talking, Dao Xingyun waved his hands, pinched the gods, and punched out a few ray of the power of the heavens and injected them into the heaven and earth in all directions.

Suddenly, the edge of the secret realm was lit up with dazzling multicolored lights, which quickly gathered in the sky and condensed into a huge mask.

A Sealed God Array of the best king class was opened.

As the big formation began to operate, the mighty and mighty invisible force fell from the sky to suppress it.

Under the control of Dao Xingyun, the sealing power of the Seal God Array was mainly concentrated on Ji Tianxing.

Everyone could clearly see that Ji Tianxing, who had been speeding fast, immediately became slow and fell from the sky.

Facts have proved that Dao Nebula is not lying, and there is no need to lie.

He took the six hundred surviving **** kings, chasing Ji Tianxing unhurriedly.

Ji Tianxing took a look at it, and it was definitely impossible to crack the best-quality magic formation that sealed the secret realm in a short time.

So, he could only turn around to fight.

If you want to quickly break through the Sealed God Array, the best way is of course to fight a battle, with the help of the aftermath of his fight with Dao Xingyun, destroy the entire secret realm!

"Dao Xingyun, you forced me!

Want to trap me to death with more than six hundred **** kings and great formations? Then I will kill all your lackeys! "

Ji Tianxing's face was cold, and he drank murderously.

He sacrificed the thunder hammer, holding the hammer in his left hand and the Heaven Burial Sword in his right hand, a golden flame soaring all over his body.

At the same time, he also opened the world of swords and the Nine Heavens and Ten Absolute Towers, releasing Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others.

No way, everyone learned that he was ambushed by Dao Xingyun and hundreds of **** kings, and they were very worried about his safety.

Especially Yun Yao, Ji Ke and others, must participate in the war no matter what, and help him.

In desperation ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ji Tianxing could only agree, and urged everyone to pay attention to safety and never have anything to do.

Of course, everyone who came out to participate in the battle was of the strength of the Divine King Realm.

Ji Wuhen, Jin Zuo Shi, and Blood Dragon Right Shi did not reach the Divine King Realm, so they stayed in the twisted time and space to practice.


As the white light flickered, everyone appeared one after another.

After seeing the situation in the field clearly, their faces were as solemn and solemn as their mood.

But their eyes were very firm, without any fear or cowardice, they all wielded their magic swords, and rushed to the gods recklessly.

Ji Tianxing was concerned about everyone's safety, so he rushed out in the first place, doing his best to display his unique skills, killing Dao Xingyun and several high-ranking kings.

But Yunyao, Ji Ke and others are focusing on dealing with those middle-ranked gods.

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